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Plan B

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Everything posted by Plan B

  1. Don't be hysterical. There are about three parts of DOL I participate in. This is one. Stop insinuating. What era and where are you talking about here though? I'll assume you didn't live in every city or county in the UK. In my area, it wasn't as bad as most, but hop on a bus and rangers were seizing dogs left, right, and centre.
  2. That can absolutely come across to those who have less knowledge in an argument. I guess that's why I always fact check and investigate, so I never feel like you have. :) Rational sentence there. Kudos. Not interested. Not every thread needs to become about these bull breeds you once knew or now know or whatever the story is this week.
  3. Because you've lived there and seen it first hand? There are different laws in the UK involving where an incident takes place. But don't for one second think dogs get away with anything. When and if they can kill a dog of type, they absolutely will. Having lived twenty years in the UK, it is a terrible place to be with a dog.
  4. Naaw, and isn't that just what a lot of people do. Read the media, look at the surface, never ask questions - because they've already made their minds up. With Breed Specific Legislation, I butt heads with people like you all the time. Heck, there's already one person here trying to derail this thread into something about the breeds they so vehemently despise. I, however, did email these people, and have learned a bit more. I'll be going there in a couple of weeks to meet them, their foxes, and see their operation fully. I think that's the only way to really get a fully informed opinion - rather than just getting your back up, with preconceived ideas, and running with it. If you can't be bothered to really look into something, why do you bother commenting? Kirty, so sorry to hear what happened to you.
  5. I guess what I'm trying to say is, this group has most likely thought about a lot of what is being asked here, worst case scenarios, the what ifs and maybes, etc. As I'd imagine most rescue groups do (yes, I know not all do, sadly). What's in the media isn't always necessarily going to be the full extent of what they're about and how they go about it. From reading their website, it's already much better than I had anticipated. Especially the fact that they do repeat on there that foxes are wild animals, not domesticated but tamed, etc etc. I would imagine that they screen extremely thoroughly and drill this into heads as much as possible too.
  6. Yes. I'm sure the newspaper had them write its own headline. :)
  7. No, what you have done is interpreted something, based on very little fact. What this group is doing is marketing themselves and what they do. Any group that wants to be successful needs to the do the same. But when that group is actively saying that their position on the subject is that foxes are not pets, all you are doing is twisting it to suit your opinion. Yeah, I see a lot of 'looking past' stuff on here. Maybe just look at instead? What you are doing is making assumptions. A lot of ifs and maybes but seemingly no real attempt to look into it. Oh, did the group not reply to your email you sent to them? I just assume you did send them one because they would be better suited to answer everything you have asked here - and have a chance to quell any of your fears.
  8. And where exactly did you pull that from? It even says on their website:
  9. Yes i would imagine that being caught and contained is pretty stressful for them. From reading their website, it doesn't appear that they really 'capture' foxes. It seems they raise kits to live in family environments, to be socialised with humans and other animals.
  10. They rehome to families that can contain them. I'm probably the cause of more lamb deaths than they would be.
  11. I had no idea this was allowed here. That's awesome - beautiful animals.
  12. Paid ads on Facebook can be anything you set, really. You can run an ad and pay $10 a day (and choose when to end it) and set different variables that also effect the cost.
  13. Rachel, I just wanted to let you know that we had to rush little Zinc to the vets yesterday morning, after administering fluids to her the previous night when she started becoming very weak. She had severe diarrhoea (it was like red wine) and there was a clot. We got the tests done and it appears to be Giardia, though may not be the only cause (still waiting on some results). She's staying with the vets for another night as she's still not eating properly on her own but we're hoping we caught it early. Anyway, keep an eye out, because of how contagious it is. I can't wait for Zinc to come home so I can tell her off for scaring the crap outta me.
  14. Snap. Muggle: Epic: Qwerty: Stealth: Zinc: I saw their poops out at Renbury and yep, it really was like water. A few of them were very lethargic too, which was quite a worry, but soon perked up when home. It was a bit of a relief when Rach said another rescue could take the other five as I was calling around all the puppy carers!
  15. Have you checked with Ruth to see if this is something she would do? Making it worth her while is one thing. Having to photograph a dozen dogs on one day is another thing entirely.
  16. I'd suggest putting a "No Entry" sign up or locking the gate. Both are usually good enough to then class someone as trespassing on your land if they proceed onto it and if your dog rushes them, any complaint made against him would have zero grounds whatsoever.
  17. I don't think you can ensure anything with the media. I just struggle to see how else to get the Councils to listen.
  18. I said it to you a while ago, Nic, and I still think it's one of the only options in regards to these cowboys. Bring all evidence to the media. At this point, I think only media and public pressure will ensure pounds get their acts together and only release animals to those they know will do the responsible thing.
  19. I saw a photo with some choice shots. Pretty easy to clean up a couple of areas and snap a photo. But agreed, I hope they can remain clean, that dogs get enrichment and any rehabilitation they may need, and the pressure from the public and the RSPCA keeps them on their toes enough to do an above-average job.
  20. Well, we're all in or about animal welfare. If you saw dogs being neglected or abused, would you not stand up? And if you were ignored, would you not get up to a rooftop?
  21. There are no excuses when it comes to neglecting dogs. It is not a story, it is a very recent event. And I thought the banning and deleting was so they didn't waste time? I've also done none of those things you mention. I would never equate caring for a dog from the pound to getting a car serviced.
  22. I wouldn't be allowed on the premises. That's not to say I haven't seen them though. And, I'm sorry, but any group that puts a dog in boarding, that has been told by the kennel manager that the dog is pregnant on various occasions, and refused to believe it or even get a vet visit organised, is just downright neglectful. That dog whelped in boarding and had four puppies. She could have been given vetcare much sooner and whelped in a home environment. But no. They know best. And who cares about just one individual dog in boarding when there are dozens?
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