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Posts posted by Lollipup

  1. Congrats Lollipup! Now the longest wait begins for you!


    It's actually going a little too fast! I'm really excited but also a bit daunted and I have a LOT to do in preparation. Plus we are trying to buy a house. Stressed to the max. Pup will be here before I know it!

    Meanwhile, puppy shower plans are going great. I'm getting spoilt and splashed out on a cool cake. Picture this but with two malinois pups on top:


  2. So I run a dog training business and I write articles for a local magazine that goes out every 3 weeks to 22000 or so homes. They are up to their 100th issue and are having a big celebration for it in May. They called me today and asked if they could interview me on stage about what I do etc. Then she asked if I could do a performance with a dog! She mentioned the youtube video of the dog dance routine on Britain's Got Talent. Well, no way do I have time to prepare something like that. I told her my dog can do a few tricks and she wants me to do it with music playing. Chester knows a few moves but I would really need to practice them and proof them.

    He knows: leg weaves stationary and walking, left and right paw while sitting, shake, play dead, sort of knows a bow but we could work on that, heel, roll over, beg, fetch. He did know putting items in a bin but hasn't done it for ages.

    Can anyone suggest a simple routine or any simple ideas based on what he already knows - maybe one easy new thing thrown in. I have a month but I have a lot of stuff on right now!

    ETA: He has done tricks in front of crowds a couple of times before but nothing this big. But he did well.

  3. How do so many of you have work places that allow dogs? I only work 2.5 days a week and the rest of the time I run my own mobile business where pup can come with me if it's not too hot. But I can't imagine being allowed to take my dog to work at my other job. Would be nice though! They did have a guide dog there once that the boss was baby sitting. But I missed it :( Apparently it didn't look too good having a guide dog for the blind in their eye clinic! :laugh:

  4. Indie is Adorable!

    So I've replied to the breeder of the pup that never was, and said yes I would like to take up the offer of a pup from her next litter. Mating has already happened so looking at 6 weeks till birth if the mating was successful.

    I've got a bit of inner turmoil going on. I've been holding out 3 years for a pup, and I definitely want it! But part of me just feels like I'm betraying Sam, I know thats silly, but I can't shake it. I'm hoping that when I go back home in a few weeks and plant his rose and ashes it will help.

    Our pups should be due around the same time by the sounds of it :)

    I understand how you feel, but I think Sam would want you to be happy, right? :)

  5. We picked up a wandering staffy dog once and he had a name tag. HIs name was Wedgie! I thought that was hilarious. Suited him.

    I am trying to think of names for my next dog. Was thinking of naming it Random if its a boy. But I don't want to end up calling him Randy for short.

  6. Over the long weekend we took the dogs to the beach and they had a blast. I took some videos and thought I'd share them here. (If someone can tell me how to embed, that would be great :) )

    Chester, jumping in to the rock pool, "on three"

    Running around like crazies with OH on the beach. Lola hates being behind. She is actually super fast and catches up well. She is the fastest of the two.

    And today - my parcel came from Clean Run including the Soft Bite Floppy discs I ordered. Chester & Lola (especially) absolutely LOVE them. Poor Chester doesn't get much of a turn when Lola is around. Their review here:

  7. I have been getting the vaccs annually but I don't want to anymore. I spoke to the vet about it and he was hesitant to do it. He said I could titre test but it'd cost more than double the cost of vaccinating. When I brought up the AVA statement, he said - "yes but that is not specific to our area so it doesn't really apply."

    I think its all about the money.

    How do you find good vets that are willing to listen and look at alternatives? All the vets in my area are still telling people not to take their pups anywhere until after their last vaccination by which stage they are usually 16 weeks old. That is one thing I will not agree with.

    ETA: He also told me the spiel about the tri-annual vaccination being a different product which costs more and they don't use it because it only covers C3

  8. Able long is she in her crate for? They aren't for long term confinement

    I only got her this evening so she hasn't been in her crate for longer than 10 minutes.. And se started biting her crate and whining badly.. I introduced the cage to her slowly with food and toys.. But she only goes in to get her toys and come out right after.

    I have no idea what to do for tonight. Do I just put her into her cage and let her whine until she quiets down? What is she doesn't? ><

    How about putting the crate in your room so she still knows you are nearby. Yes she might howl for a bit but it might not be as bad as if the crate was in another room. She should settle down in time and go to sleep. If she is just a baby she won't be able to hold it all night so if she wakes through the night be prepared to take her out again.

    If she is crying, don't go to her until she has been quiet for at least 5-10 seconds or so or she will learn that crying gets attention

  9. Yes good advice from Megan.

    It can seem like a lot of work but worth it in the end :)

    I have found that keeping a written log of when the puppy eats, sleeps and toilets can really help you get to know when puppy needs to go. If you take her out and she won't go - take her back in and put her back in her crate for 10 minutes and then try again. Once she has gone she can have some time out of the crate and have a play as a reward. Try taking her out on lead so that she has to concentrate on going rather than on running around exploring whenever she likes. Take her to the same spot each time and when she starts to sniff and circle say a command like "toilet" and praise her when she goes. If you can't be supervising her she should be in her crate. Don't give her free run of the house or she will go wherever she likes and get into bad habits. Take her out after meals, sleeps and play sessions or if she hasn't been for three or so hours.

  10. And i can't wait. We should do a "Lollipup visits Nekhbet" Thread. So that people can see the overwhelmed look on my face

    har har har ... should that be Lollipup visits Nekhbet ... and LIVED! We're not crazy, really we're not *cough* Bring a camera. And I'm checking you're suitcase before you leave you can't have Rogue :p oh the fun we will have, oooooooh the fun :

    OK - who's going to organise the bus to get all us crazy NSW peeps and dogs down there?

    A friend might be having and engagement party in Sydney this year so I might be freighted up to you instead :p As long as we can work it around the viking restaurant and the aquarium I have time :rofl:

    ohhh there goes my plans. I'm sure Rogue would totally lie still in my suitcase too..........

  11. Come on people ... ROAD TRIP IT! I already have one DOLer coming down next weekend to stay at my place and for some reason she wants to be covered in Malinois :rofl: photos will ensue

    p.s. I have a very large yard and a dog run, what could POSSIBLY go wrong :thumbsup:

    Wow that is coming up fast! I better book that bus...

    And i can't wait. We should do a "Lollipup visits Nekhbet" Thread. So that people can see the overwhelmed look on my face :p

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