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Everything posted by Pippa

  1. According to this they are labradoodles with a different name. http://www.the-australian-cobberdog.com/
  2. I cant take human glucosamine as I am allergic to shellfish but it causes swelling not itching.
  3. Sounds like it may be neurological. Poor pup, and how stressful for you.
  4. Agree with you SO much !! Very few vets would tell their clients to rehome pups at 4 weeks old !! Can I mildly suggest that you read the OP's Post #5 :) :) Can I mildly suggest it is still NOT OK to rehome at 6 weeks.
  5. Why? Read my other posts in this thread. And Steve's post above. I did and don't understand what you are trying to say The OP is not the person to be educating the breeder as they do not know about registered breeders, health tests etc. Cheys 232 just ring/email the breeder and let them know you have changed your mind about the pup. You may lose your deposit, but better than that than end up with a crook dog with shonky hips or worse, who will cost you way more than $100 in vet bills.
  6. How do you know that? Ataxia can be a symptom and it may progress to become more avanced depending on the cause. How awful that this family have videoed their dog, put an awful song to the clip and use it to get laughs.
  7. Disagree. Don't allow your dog to steal other dog's balls and then run off with them and refuse to give them up. Teach your dog to "leave" and "give", or give him a ball of his own.
  8. Thats a real worry that a breeder would not be careful enough about her breeding to bother with a prefix. I hope she bothered to observe the mating. I would not be calling my dog a purebred unless I had the papers to prove it.
  9. I don't get how a disabled person is supposed to manage those awful looking coats.
  10. Just wondering if anyone can tell me please, is $175 a reasonable price to pay for "biochemistry, FBE and electrolytes"?
  11. Pippa


    Not sure what you mean. Are you saying that you and donatella are the same person? Why the wink? Please excuse my ignorance here
  12. Pippa


    Didn't you just say you were a nurse No? I'm too squeemish. I think you're getting me mixed up with Donatella She's a nurse. Oh my apologies. Your posting style is similar
  13. Pippa


    Didn't you just say you were a nurse
  14. Pippa


    Its fine to use savlon to clean the wound. I like betadine as an antiseptic also. I would not recommend anyone use 1 tbs of salt in a cup of water. The wound will dry out and wounds need to be moist to heal. How bad is the cut? Did it need a trip to the vet?
  15. Human hospitals, not veterinary hospitals. Sorry you asked why Thio is not preferred and I answered. What side effects have you seen with Propofol? Fifi, I am also shocked to hear it is still used in veterinary work. There is no need.
  16. The best anaesthetic is actually one that is given by someone who is knowledgeable with the latest drugs and techniques. Anaesthesia is becoming safer and more minimalist every day in humans.
  17. Thiopentone is a barbituate that's use results in a very slow recovery time, and it's also very outdated and if accidentally given external to the vein it can cause tissue necrosis. Propofol has a very fast recovery time. Thio has not been routinely used in hospitals for a good fifteen years.
  18. At least you had the option to refuse. My dog went for a superficial cyst removal under GA. He was allowed to drink water up until I dropped him off, he was home within three hours and allowed to drink then, so why did he get IV fluids (cost of $70)? He was fluid overloaded and didn't go near water until the next day! There should be a standard charge for anaesthesia without all these optional extras, most owners don't understand whether they are necessary or not and can easily be sucked in.
  19. What does this post have to do wih the topic at hand?
  20. Might be worth getting a chiro to look at his neck and shoulders.
  21. A link for donations http://www.qld.gov.au/floods/ Queensland Premier, Anna Bligh, has requested that financial donations be forwarded to The Premier’s Flood Relief Appeal. Please do not send goods as yet. Donations Online: http://www.qld.gov.au/floods/donate.html Phone: 1800 219 028 0600 – 2300hrs, 7 days Bank: Premier’s Disaster Relief Appeal, BSB: 064 013, A/c: 1000 6800
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