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Everything posted by Yonjuro

  1. Thanks Hazy, Yeah the cheeky bugger I took him for numerous walks beforehand and he wouldn't go. Must have been all the roo poo everywhere as he was on full alert, but running will certainly move it LOL BTW. You are more than welcome to use any of the Tigger and Ronin pics or vids in any form of greyhound awareness or promotion :) Thanks Yonjuro much appreciated, unfortunately greyhound rescue is falling into a massive black hole at the moment and I'm not sure there will be a way out but I do appreciate your unwavering support. Oh no... that doesn't sound good at all Keep up the good fight Hazy you are an amazing representative for this wonderful breed :)
  2. Thanks Happypaws, He thought he was King of the campsite LOL :D
  3. Thanks Hazy, Yeah the cheeky bugger I took him for numerous walks beforehand and he wouldn't go. Must have been all the roo poo everywhere as he was on full alert, but running will certainly move it LOL BTW. You are more than welcome to use any of the Tigger and Ronin pics or vids in any form of greyhound awareness or promotion :)
  4. Sorry no Tigger on this post as we were away at a beginners mushing camp :) Ronin came in 11th out of around 25 in our first Novice race which wasn't too bad considering he stopped for a poop during the race - which meant I had to walk back afterwards to collect it LOL. He also tried to take a couple of short cuts back to camp during the trial run so he is not a dummy LOL. Race pics aren't great I am afraid as Anna was being the handler and lighting was difficult but 7yr old Caitlin got a few shots off :) First 2 pics were taken by a girl at camp and I just love them :)
  5. hahahaha, now if I really wanted to enable I would say that raw unprocessed crocodile is an excellent meat that is lean high in protein and packed with omegas ... but I won't say that :laugh:
  6. I saw this ad on my Facebook page and thought it may be of interest to some ??? I know nothing about these but crocodile piqued my interest. I gave fed raw croc to my boy as a birthday meal and I believe it is an awesome meat - I would love to feed it in my rotation but the cost is so high that I can really afford to :) http://www.prime100.com.au/Pages/Our_Range/Single_Protein_Diet__SPD__-_Vet_Recommended.aspx
  7. I agree that balance is important, which is why I think people need to be careful when feeding RMBs with kibble (assuming the RMB is mainly bone) doing so can add too much calcium to the diet as the kibble has an already balanced calcium:phosphorus ratio. Too much calcium will bind zinc and can lead to ZRD (in Huskies at least) I have no problems with half kibble and half balanced raw (80:10:5:5) 10% edible bone is the recommended bone content with prey model raw feeding as this will balance with the phosphorus content of the 80% muscle meat and organs. Chicken wings are around 46% bone, so when you work out your weights and ratios you need to take this into account. Chicken necks are around 80% bone
  8. Thats a good point Perse, My understanding is that you base the meals on the adult weight estimate, so the volume doesn't really change except when modifying for an overweight or underweight dog.
  9. That is pretty good chart Roova Interesting that the supplements I use are listed on it ,with the exception of Spirulina :) I have saved the image to send to some people that always want to know my boys diet and this will make things a bit simpler
  10. Siberian Husky dumb??? There is nothing further from the truth. Less biddable perhaps, but very very intelligent.
  11. Oh they do look so similar. Lovely thread!
  12. Thanks DDD :D Maltese choir and opera - wonderful We had a Maltese for 17 years and I remember her singing too :)
  13. Thanks RSA, I kind of wish my teeth were as good as theirs :laugh: I am led to believe that poor teeth is quite common in Greys? Perhaps due to the mushy food many get fed - not sure on that though. Tig has great teeth, Beauty (the 8yr old girl) has quite bad teeth and pongy breath. PS. Yours is the kind of comment that only the hardcore dog enthusiasts would make - I love it :thumbsup
  14. Thanks so much Westiemum, I am so happy that they bring a bit of brightness :) :) :)
  15. I know... my daughters shrieking sounds horrible :laugh: I actually seldom let her do that to Ronin, but man-oh-man do I love hearing Ronin howl. He really only does that when she does that horrible noise LOL and his volume and pitch always gets louder the more Caitlin shrieks. I would have thought he would just get up and walk away if it was bugging him too much, but he just seems to join in and doesn't appear to be stressed. I will ask our trainer when I see her next if she thinks Ronin is stressed :)
  16. Awww, I should have made a better warning, poor dogs running for cover everywhere :D and yeah I think I can forget any dreams of my daughter being a successful recording artist and funding my retirement :laugh:
  17. Aww, thanks VM :) :) :) Hahahahaha, poor Misha :) Thanks for your kind comments :) Thanks BC I don't think Caitlin will be trying our for the Voice Kids anytime soon :laugh:
  18. ... well Tigger has been out of action for a couple of days, going to see him this morning. But... Here is a little bit of madness that I came home to yesterday. My too looney kids singing together. WARNING: one of them doesn't sound so great :laugh:
  19. :laugh: Thanks Westiemum and sorry dawgs, it's all Ronin's fault :D Thanks DDD, Tig is a crack-up :laugh:
  20. Thanks Hazy :) Now, if only I can get Ronin to wear a greyhound hat :laugh:
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