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Two Best Dogs!

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Everything posted by Two Best Dogs!

  1. They look so nice! I haven't ordered mine yet, was hit by unexpected fees and I was going to do a bulk buy, 2 of everything etc, so it comes out to a hefty sum. Will probably go with boomerang tag website as mysilverwombat only does the sliders in aluminium and Thistle is rather rough on her collars u_u Also waiting on a second collar, different size, to arrive. Got to be stylish!
  2. How a dog copes with stress and problem solving: http://www.iflscience.com/plants-and-animals/how-dog-copes-stress-depends-its-temperament
  3. Poor Justice idk where you are but we just got blizzard thunderstorm warnings. thistle is thankfully ok with bad weather, it's all people and dogs and sudden movements and, so I hope it's safe weather for you guys or pups are ok with it. For 101 box game, we had a light bulb moment when we switched to a small shoe box (flappy bits on boxes move and are scary D:) She's now nosing it around and pawing it like a pro and I'll slowly increase box size.
  4. That is a handsome hunk of dog! Where did you get the martingale? Stylish! Thistle nosed her box around the floor, not the most exciting pictures. Think I'll take a small box to the park with me do we can play with it it new challenging surroundings. She's been doing very well people-socially this week so we know puppy classes are gonna be a flop lol. Might as well get some distraction games in. I'm hoping we can play with the classes agility equipment. Met a lady who rescued a boxer pup who has some anxiety issues. Thistle did a good job of only watching it intently. Boxers are so bouncy lol. Too bouncy. The pet store had these cool rope toys you hang from trees they play tug of War with? But they were like $70 and I just got a large surprise bill so decided not to D: thistles not big on tugging anyway. She's currently snoring. Poor Justice he's not having a good day. I've only read about it today but there's some kind of calling spray you can put on thundercoat patches that's meant to help calm a dog down?
  5. Well done Dee! We haven't started shaping yet, still in the nose it around and hit it stage XD
  6. I saw her post in Facebook. Poor pup, it's my worst nightmare. It's heartening seeing such a dedicated hunt going on. Many hours out of my way
  7. Poor Justice I'm finding it's helping Thistle a lot with having things accidentally touch her, like the box flaps. At first she was really worried over them but now if there's something she wants near a box she'll go grab it (used to be her kong would go under a flap and id have to fish it out why she whale eyed at me) And when she's better at the box game I might take a box to the park so we can play it there and hopefully start using it as a distraction device, ie if I've got "scary strangers" over, and just general reinforcing calm curious behaviour. And of course, future photo opportunities :D I've been doing lots of thinking and aside from dogs due to bad experiences + naturally timid, I think a lot of her issues are timid + unfamiliarity. I recently found out how old she is and it turns out pretty young. So 1.5 year now, I adopted her at 1 year which means foster carer got her at about 10 months which means she was in the pound from around 7-8 months of age! I know they're not the usual influential puppy ages but I think an untrained unsocialised timid dog in the system for about 4-5 months... No wonder everything is scary But she responds well to slow incremental introductions to new things and for those things where she's already got scared habits in place... Getting better. I think. Provided I'm with her, I think she'd go straight back to scared pound puppy attitudes if I'm not with her. She sniffed some strangers on Sunday tho and even ashes one of the ladies for a pat. And let the groomer cut her nails cause when I do it she wiggles all over the place.
  8. Same.. I follow the groups to help our animals but with every day I grow more worried that some stupid, selfish twit with a hero complex will keep my dog if she ever gets lost So far "reasons" I have seen include: - TLD = automatically dead (don't take it there then?!) - council = same as above - it doesn't "look microchipped" (wtf) - it will be unhappy in the pound so it's better to keep it in a house environment (how are ppl meant to find their dog in your yard?) - it's hungry therefore starved/abused/ran away from home so they'll keep it - it's thin (read, not obese) therefore starved/abused/ran away from home so they'll keep it - it's scared therefore abused and they'll keep it (because why on earth would a lost dog in a strange place surrounded by strangers be scared? /sarcasm) - it's submissive therefore abused so they'll keep it - it's dirty therefore abused so they'll keep it - "happy dogs don't run away from home" (yes I saw a stupid comment like this last week) - it "looks sad" - if the owners were really looking for the dog they'd have seen this one post on this one found dog page on Facebook <- paraphrased, saw this comment today - EDIT: woops forgot the "save the owners the pound fees/fight the council fees" type reasons. And they use every single one of these reasons to avoid taking the dog to the vet and getting it scanned. Instead of doing the right thing they make a couple of Facebook posts and call it a day. Suspect most is because they want to be the "hero" who reunites the dog personally or the "hero" who found the "abused stray" and took it in. (No, you're a selfish thief) Like a couple of weeks ago someone posted about a puppy the found in a car park and has kept "for a couple of weeks". Turns out it had been two months!! Someone recognised the dog and got in contact with the owners and the person still wouldn't hand the dog over and eventually took it to a vet to be scanned and go figure those poor ppl were the owners. What is the point even getting my dog microchipped in case her collar comes off if the person who finds her wont take her in to be scanned?! I have a scared thin dog who is always acting like she is starved and cowers around strangers. If something scares her and she's lost and I'm worried one of those selfish people will find her, decide she's abused and never let her be scanned and go home. And if this ever happens and I find out who selfishly held on her against her and my best interests... I will press charges. This is why I was asking over sturdy tags. I don't trust the people in this city to do the right thing at all thanks to the behaviour on lost dogs pages. And yes if I find a dog I check for collar tag rego details, take a picture, call council ranger to pick up or take to vet/pound of the area then post a picture of it to Facebook list groups. Might pop a few posters up near the area I found it and look for lost posters.
  9. We have a giant Kong that is weighted in the bottom (so it rolls upright). It's too big for her to carry but she loves hitting it around and nosing it. Gets her breakfast in it every day!
  10. She's not cat, rabbit, rat or bird friendly so don't think I'd test it with chickens D:
  11. As Jemmy says, personal preference. If you can only get one I suggest the longer cause you can always wrap up the unused bits of a 10m but you can't make a 5m lead longer.
  12. We have two long lines. A 10 metre light stake out chain for camping and a horses lunge line for recall. I like the horse lunge line because it's cheap, very long, stronger clasp, gentle on hands and harder for her to bite through in one chomp if something startles her / if it can hold a panicking horse it can hold a panicking dog
  13. Hey were are back! Thought we'd leave a review (even though we didn't get to walk with Shatki this time) First, let me restate I will never take Thistle IN TO a dog park. Too risky (unless we could like hire it to ourselves and some previously approved dogs...) However if you have a nice well adjusted dog, a visit on a quiet time could probably go well. We were in the area for 2 hours and the dog population in the park at the main entry varied from around 20 dogs to just 2 dogs. There was one really stupid lady, upon my arrival, who was scattering dog treats around at her feet for any random dog. As expected, a fight broke out between two dogs. It wasn't a serious one and they were broken up quickly by one of the owners but seriously, who throws food around strange dogs? Pegged the owner as someone to avoid forever. (and this is why we will never ever evveer go in a dog park) Anyway, what we did was hang around 2 metres from the fence, get rewarded for good behaviour (sniffing, sitting, chilling, shaking, anything relaxing like) and making sure she didn't look at any one dog for more than 3 seconds. (Only had the two dogs at separate times come over to inspect us. I treated it like our dog classes, Thistle can sniff air from her 2 metre distance for about 2-3 seconds, then I recall and walk away. She did well, she only gave one "GO AWAY" woof the whole time. Did get to chat to owner of dog she woofed at later on because of course ppl are curious about our literal line in the dirt :p they were understanding) (Safety note, if any of the dogs in the park looked like they were going to get worked up over Thistle, I'd walk away and come back when they were gone. Since some dogs are weird about fences and I didn't want to upset them) ANYWAY we only would be at the fence line for a couple of minutes then we'd walk off to this nifty upper field area for about 15 mins? Seems there's random fencing everywhere so no-one can really just run up to you. We did some training there, I'll bring the long lead next time and we can do some games like fetch and 101 boxes and recall. Then back for a couple of minutes at the fence line, then back for 15 mins play. There was another person with a reactive dog who was doing what I was doing - walking her past the fenceline at a distance, rewarding good behaviour type stuff. He used the upper field as well but we got a good rotation going on. Was also baffled by an offlead (friendly) beagle who came out on one side of the bushes in the paddock, neatly crossed the paddock while checking us out and then kept on going. no obvious owner but he had some tags on and well can't grab him when Thistle is with me so fingers crossed he knew where he was going. Neither of us were worried cause he had full relaxed body and wasn't turning towards us. Definitely going back there for her walks in general, WAY more interesting than Darebin Creek. I also found a gate with a path that leads down to the Diamond Creek? But another people with their excited retriever were down there and I didn't want to push Thistle. Another time maybe. (We got a waggy tail and open mouth, even with the other reactive dog barking away about 8 metres off screen) (Not so happy that I didn't let her go in the puddle :C ) I'm beat now, acting all confident and relaxed for Thistle while watching everything like a hawk is exhausting. Another major downside, there's very few bins outside the dog park and dog poop all over the place. I didn't see one and I told her to sit and she sat in it and now there's dog poop in my car ;__________;
  14. Yeah I'm not sure the cost so you'd have to call or text him. His one-on-one training sessions are pretty reasonable so I imagine the boarding is too. And of course inspect where they are being boarded - I haven't done that yet as I'm not going to need him until summer, but he mentioned he boards other dogs in situations like me (scared/reactive + an owner who suddenly has to go away for a week or two). If you do go with him, I'd love to hear about the set up! He did say what suburb but I've forgotten... his internet presence isn't huge, most of his work is by word of mouth/references i think. I got his mobile # from a trainer with troubled dogs. And worse comes to worse, I'm pretty sure Thistle's old foster-carer wouldn't mind having her visit again. I've also had a friend-of-a-friend (does wolfhound rehab) house-dog-sit for me once. So maybe ask around your extended network?
  15. There's so many pages so this might have been done already, but we've been playing 101 Things to do with a box. It's fun watching her get her little thinking line between her eyebrows as she tries to work out what I want her to do (anything!)
  16. I'm not sure the cost, but Ernie the Dog Bloke is likely to be my boarder when I get called away for work. I've met him a few times, he did in the house one-on-ones with Thistle when she was at her worst. I was pleased to find out he boards dog (even had one he'd just picked up sitting in the car watching us during her first session/evaluation) and trains them while they are there. He's not a dog hotel place, Ernie typically deals with dogs with major issues. He uses positive reinforcement and operant conditioning, not negative. He was very understanding of Thistle's fearful and submissive behaviour, she even began to ignore him (amazing as poor Ernie fits every stereotype she's scared of). He recommended the place I go to for Sunday training (as Ernie doesn't do classes outside of boarding) and the trainers there talk highly of him. All I can see is you're in VIC, Ernie is located in Melbourne.
  17. I report repeat wandering dogs the minute I work out which house they belong to (versus a dog that has gotten out as a one off or a lost dog). It's not safe for the dog, it's not safe for people, it's not safe for me or my dog or other animals. I had to report one tiny poodle thing once, because it was ALWAYS out on the street in front of its house and always charged me/my housemate's dog. Charged us across the whole road once and then one day it nipped me so I went "Nope!" and called the council on them. Got a follow up call that they got a talking to and a fine. Which is fine by me. I would especially report a dog that appears to be aggressive and follows me more than a few houses. Thistle has been attacked by enough dogs in her life, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone else walking their dog or small squeaky child.
  18. I like that you list that they're chipped and the medical issues. Thistle is chipped and snipped but has no ear tattoo coupled with her around stranger behaviour, I can see why uneducated ppl might think stray. Might be overkill but I'm thinking one of those boomerang ones with "thistle - scared rescue - microchipped - contact number" and then the usual dangly ones x 2 (big and viewable at a distance for those who cannot catch her. So black on stainless steel engraved). Her current tag and rego are attached to her with a bigger key ring. Also your eBay tags are really cute.
  19. Woah I really like that! What a cool idea And thanks Mim I see they sell them. So stylish too! (She's going to have so many tags no one can doubt she's loved!)
  20. Hey all! Do you know where I can buy a bunch of sturdy dog ID tags? I've had the grand idea of in addition to her kind of flimsy one I could have a couple that say stuff like "scared rescue" and of course, name/number back ups if one falls off. :s Bit shaken by all the local people on FB on the lost dog pages who upon finding a scared dog will decide it's abused and not take it to the vet because it is scared and keep it for themselves D: so hoping to mitigate that in the (i really hope it never happens) event that she gets lost and someone manages to catch her. Thinking like stainless steel and embedded? Thank you picture:
  21. Not allowed to sleep on the people bed (She's doing the face as I type this. Pretending I don't see her. Wait she just sighed and went back to her bed. I'm a meanie)
  22. She's still underweight so two large dry meals a day (evening meal also has raw) and substantial training treats in between. When she's porked up a bit it will still be two meals w day but the evening one will be entirely raw, no dry. Usually roo beef and emu
  23. She threw her first tantrum today...wasn't going to let her have her kong until she was quiet. It's horrible because she wants it NOW. (video)
  24. I cook and eat people food and I DONT SHARE. I teach her impulse control and she's not allowed to eat that delicious roo until I say so. She's not allowed to madly run out into front yard Not allowed to run on the road Not allowed to harass the neighbours cat Not allowed to steal the practicing footie teams ball Not allowed in the trash Not allowed to jump on me Not allowed to eat the rabbits A hard horrible life ;)
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