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Posts posted by teddybeans

  1. My boy recently had almost ten teeth removed including the molars at the back.  He previously had other teeth out too so there isn’t many left.  He is still eating fine, I was also assured that they managed to eat even with no teeth.:eek:


    Even with so many out, I still need to slow him down with a slow feeder bowl.:laugh:


    Probably avoid bones since they can’t chew and break it down.  Sardines I think is fine, soft and mushy enough.




  2. Poor baby.  


    I also wouldn’t go entirely with the brands the vet recommends.  They will sell whatever brand they have and not necessarily know much about reviews (or better reviews) of other brands they don’t hold.


    Has the vet given your baby any meds to firm up the stool?

  3. 11 hours ago, ness said:

    Oh yep I forgot about Mazda. My young one had a blast there one day when I had to call in and get brakes checked. They said she was welcome to stop by anytime and got heaps of attention.

    Gone on an excursion :D


    But I think could be just that branch.  I would have thought car dealerships would forbid dogs, so many cars go in and out they wouldn't want the liability of accidentally hitting a dog.  They can't predict what dogs would do either, they could bolt out all of a sudden.

  4. Good to hear.  Just to add on to what the others have said, If you know he is going to be on it for a while, get larger quantities.  This will avoid having to pay a script cost every single time.  Vet meds are awfully expensive, I know!  I’ve experienced this myself, got charged like $70 for 10 when it only cost $10 for 100 wholesale.:eek:

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  5. 3 hours ago, asal said:

    used to breed them, ear problems are also endemic, as is poor chewing action so tarter buldup is a given, their teeth do not shear their food properly... I adore cavaliers, but sadly gave up breeding them because you simply could not guarantee sound puppies and I had dogs that were hernia free, 90% patella free, mitral valve free for 5 to 7 generations and they could still develop a heart murmur any time from 4 to 5 years on, the majority i had and bred were fine at 10 even

    to 14, but you simply could not guarantee it, as for syringomyleia, that was finally the deal breaker for me..

    @asal  is that the reason why they cross breed them nowadays to weed out these problems?  

  6. 15 hours ago, anon2345 said:

    I will ask the vet how he cleared the puppy with an ear infection - it comes across as negligence..


    Yes, the ear infection has cleared up. 2 weeks of drops and daily cleanings did the trick


    We have had an ultrasound done to get the visual results also which backs up what our vet thought by listening to the heart. 3 different vets have said it’s not something she’ll grow out of it unfortunately, it’s a defect within her heart. We don’t know what has caused it or what we have to do treatment wise, which is the information we’ll get in 3 months when we see the cardiologist 

    I don't think you will get anywhere with this.  It is probably a dodgy vet or less reputable one.


    I wonder whether if you get a second vet opinion and get in writing their diagnosis.  If it confirms the first one, then there should be no dispute.  The problem is the expense of getting this done and also if you don't anything back from then, then you are forking out more money than necessary.  I think the only way is to hire a lawyer, but to do that will cost money as well.  So ultimately, even if you recover the cost, you will be paying for the lawyer fees.  


    This is a tricky one.  I'm sorry you are in this situation and there is no obvious department that can help you.


    I'm glad the puppy is in your care and not the unethical breeder.  But sorry for the pain you are going through.





  7. 40 minutes ago, persephone said:

    with the flea comb..comb the dog from front to back in sections, and you will catch any flea that is on him .Better than just using chemicals "in case"  :)

    cool thanks.  i haven't applied the flea treatment yet.  He hasn't scratched at all today.  Looks like the bath and cream helped.

  8. I don’t think it’s anal glands because the main area he is going for and red is on his back, not under his tail. The under his tail is only once in a while and I don’t see redness there.  He is also not scooting.


    I havent given him any flea topical, I usually only give to him during summer, never had issues with fleas until well into summer.  I may give him a dose of advantage tomorrow if he is still itchy.  Since the bath this morning, it seems to have settled.

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  9. 54 minutes ago, Scratch said:


    If he’s nibbling at the area at the base of his tail , esp the area above his tail on his back, it is most likely fleas, or possibly, flea. 


    How are there fleas in this weather?  Don’t they only appear in summer?  

  10. No smell, if it was allergies wouldn’t it be everywhere on the body.  The area he is nipping at on the right hand side of the bum.  It’s actually not the bum, it’s the back just before the tail. 


    He has had allergies when he was young, usually he licks his paws and scratch like hell.  Not scratching this time

  11. 17 minutes ago, karen15 said:

    My staffy was quite crippled as a youngster from sore licked feet. Multiple vet visits, lotions and potions, no improvement. In desperation while away saw a different vet. He suggested soaking in condes crystals daily. I might have done it twice daily to start with, so long ago I can't remember. It cleared it up and any time after that when his paws looked a bit red, I'd do them again. Easy to do, just mix up in a jar. Put paw in, stand 30 seconds, do next paw. It will stain, so do outside.

    Thanks!  going to add that to my back pocket in case it flares up again.  What are these crystals used for typically.  My dog is a licker, it is poisonous if he licks a bit of the water with the crystals?  I'm assuming when you say soak you mean to put water?  Whats the ratio?

  12. I don't know why, and its not flea season.  My boy has been going at his bottom all day.  the area just before the tail and also under the tail.  Its all brown now - saliva staining and there is also a part that is red and raw.


    I rinsed him in that area with dog shampoo (virbac episoothe) and put some ointment on, seems to have given him some relief.  But I had to put a cone on him all morning in case he goes at it again.


    What could have caused this?  It cant be fleas can it?  Something must have bitten him.



  13. 7 hours ago, sandgrubber said:

    They wouldn't sell it if they didn't make money.  Overall, buying pet insurance is betting that your pet is considerably less healthy than average. 

    True.  But I don't see it as betting, for me it's a peace of mind.  Of course you do whatever it takes (at least for me) for the dog, but having insurance just makes it less stressful when you need to use it. 


    I have on multiple occasions considered cancelling and just putting money away for a rainy day.  But I haven't been able to.

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