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Everything posted by Ci

  1. Bully I am with you too. I always try and stop and pick the poor animal off the road and move it to the side so that it doesn't keep getting run over. And to check it is dead.
  2. Ci

    Old Foster

    How sad ;) Sounds like she lived a long life and the last few years sounded like they were very happy ones. RIP Little one.
  3. How terrible for you.....................I hope he makes a speed recovery. What did the vet say about your dog, if your dog has been vaccianted against it shouldn't he be OK?
  4. Check his gums and make sure that they are red. I would be ringing the vet and asking - even if it is just for peace of mind. His back end might be getting sore if he has just been desexed and it might be stressing him.
  5. Have you tried anything other than chicken??? My two will not eat chicken, they make an exception for roast chicken. But they are definitley beef eaters!
  6. I would be taken him to the vet!!! I wouldn't worry about if he has had his vaccinations or not - if he really is sick - he needs to been seen to right away! Even if it is simply to reassusre yourself he is being fussy! A trip to the vet to rule out anything more sinister. Try some pork mince - that is what I used on a dog that I couldn't get to eat and she was terribly thin - she couldn't resist it.........
  7. Yuk!!! I feel sick now. I have heard that trying to treat a dog that has been badly infested, can kill the dog in itself!
  8. Thats is something that you are going to have to ask your vet - I am afraid! They have been around for a while now.
  9. Anne, That is actually the next brand I am going to try. Someone told me that it was one of the better brands (least amount of dog reacts). Was that you who told me?? I have a few Heartguard chews left and then on to try Sentiel on him. I just get so nervous trying something new - he gets really sick if he is going to have a bad reaction. I nearly lost him last time I use Revolution on him - yet my other dog and the cat are fine on Revolution.
  10. I do give them but not as religiously as I should. Tex can have awful reactions to some of the brands so I have had to sift through them slowly to find ones that he doesn't react too. He had a awful reactions to the yearly injection so that's also out. He is the same with any worming stuff - I cant use revolution on him or what is the flea drops? My vet told that while it is not to be neglected - you do need to live in an area where heartworm is prevalent for the dogs to be at great risk. This includes even just visiting those kind of areas. Lucky, it is not the case where we live! So far - Tex seems to be OK on the Heartguard - the chewy chews of heartworm.
  11. He could also be deficient in something. Maybe his dietary requirements are changing now that he is getting older?
  12. How terrible sad to lose both so close together.... my heart goes out to you. I hope your lovely angels who are now up there watching over you, send another precious creature your way, to shower with love.
  13. This use to happen to my old GSD if we were not padantic about brushing her tail. The only way was to cut out the knots.
  14. OMG! I know that the owners have finally allowed the right treatment BUT that poor bloody dog should have been taken to a vet a long time ago. It should never have even be allowed to get to this stage. Lucky for that poor boy - you were there for him, t-time and I do hope that those owners learn a lesson and never let any problems get to that stage ever again!!!!! Aside from the unnecesasry pain it caused him - it would have saved them a bundle of money!
  15. Are you sure she is not sore or hurt or has a sensitive spot that he touched???? Because of their history, she have been worried by him picking her up and think he may be going to do something. Whereas she trusts you. It could be something very simple like that. Growling don't nessarilly mean she was being aggressive. If it continues - maybe put a doggie bed next to your bed that is hers and where she sleeps.
  16. It seriously is something to do with the breed unfortunately. And different dogs react differently to different things. It is best to discuss with you vet as he can see the dog and the problem. I make sure that my two get good clean food - this helps with allergies. And have figured out over the last year what triggers it and things like that. Like I know beginning of summer they are bad! Maybe start a diary and see if over the next few months - something sticks out?
  17. Even purebreed Stafford suffer from allergies so it would be impossible to know whether it is his breeding or not. Staffords are known for developing skin problems. I use a mixture of chinese herbs for Tex which I get from the vet and they work wonders. Have you visited your vet yet?
  18. I do give mine chocolate here and there has only been one incident, other than that - nothing - all dogs have been fine. The closest I have ever come was when Tex was about 5 months old and he stole a Flake from my cupboard at work and ate the whole thing. He threw it all up within half an hour and he was very sick for about 8 hours after. He actually went a green colour and didn't move the whole time for hours. I thought I was going to lose him, I rang emergency and they told me what to do and said keep an eye on him and if he doesn't come out of it to take him straight there. But just when I was going to rush him to emergency - he starts to snap out of it and ran around stupid for a little while and was fine. He still loves the stuff and stole a big egg from one of the kids this weekend, I managed to get some of it out of his mouth but most was gone by the time I chased him! It had no affect on him at all - His tolerance is probably sky high now!!!! Sammi has been known to jump up on the table when no one is home and eat a whole box if it has been left on the kitchen table- nothing! Mind you we don't keep chocolates on the table anymore!!!
  19. If the puppy has to be PTS anyway - why subject it to more stress with another move, another flight and another home (even though it is the old home). It is not like you can postpak it back? Wouldn't it be better to let the puppy go as peacefully as possible. But I agree with getting a second opinion - there maybe something else that can be done.
  20. Well, both my two survived! They are both feeling alittle sorry for themselves on Friday night and didn't look 100% but not so sick that I thought - I have to get them to the vet's. The vet warned me that most dogs do react a little and may get a fever and be off colour as they are injecting a diease into the dogs. Both of them slept on top of me - which means they were not feeling too good. And Saturday they were alittle tired but basically back to their usual selfs. So I don't have to worry about it for another four or so years and by then the vet will be doing the homeiopathic vacs!!
  21. Well, it is done! They both got their C5 Vacs. I spoke to the vet at length and she said that if either react then call her straight away The clinic is slowly going towards herbal mediciations and she said that she is starting a course in the herbal vacs that are now avaibled so when they are are due again in another 3/4 years that that is what she will be using on them. She said keep a close eye on Tex because of his allegric reaction to products like Revolution (don't know if you remember when that happened) and told me what to look for. And not vaccinate him ever again if he reacts. She said is will happen within the next hour or so if it is going to so fingers crossed!!!
  22. I didn't want this to turn into an arguement, can we please stay civil! I think it is well known agreed fact that we sholdn't be over vaccinacting our pets. But we should be vaccinating at some stages in order to keep certain dieases under control.
  23. Oh, I am nervous about it!!! I told my vet he had better sit near the phone tomorrow night cause if something happens I will be calling him. He laughed and said fine. He mentioned kennel cough too. I will ask him tomorrow exactly whats in it and which are the most important.
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