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Everything posted by *pink*poodle*

  1. I HAD the most wonderful, amazing vet. He was incredible. He was gorgeous to my dogs even though he doesnt like poodles! He was just the best vet I've ever had to pleasure to know in my life. *crying* and he moved to the UK to work there. Oh well.
  2. :D 5 years after getting a 2nd dog my 1st dog still bites him. They are both small poodles so not really likely to do much harm! If he is having fun or playing with a toy, grumpy old Tippi will jump off where she is sitting and bark at him and nip him. They have only ever drawn blood twice - first night Sooty was home in bed and she REALLY attacked him, she was so guilty after it, she took herself into time out and was sick. The second was recently, I am pretty sure it had something to do with one of them taking a chew into my bed and the other trying to get it. Not much blood, just a couple of drops! Espically since Ms. Grumpy Tippi has few teeth and Mr Sooty is so placid he doesnt bite back!!!! Some dogs NEVER get along, although, for the most part, they live in harmony!
  3. JUST my opinion BUT if my dog has a lump in one of his testicles it would be chopped off and biopsied ASAP :D For the record my male puppy had only 1 testicle (hehe) so was desexed early as the other one was inside him and could turn cancerous if left there. I'd be asking for a biopsy on the lump or removal strait away, but, I am a paranoid dog mother.
  4. I haven't used Rescue Remedy on my dogs, however, (one is a HIGHLY STRUNG poodle, the other is a sooky poodle), under the suggestion of a friend who is a vet in the UK I have given the highly strung one some herbal sleeping pills, valerian (small dose). This doesnt send her to sleep, but it calms her and relaxes her and she doesnt attack the other poodle for no reason! Every night she goes and taps on the table where the pills are kept cause she knows thats when she gets her medicine :D I think she knows it helps her. She is much less stressed, no more self mutilation since she started on it.
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