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Just Midol

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Posts posted by Just Midol

  1. Midol, you should try to get a copy of the notes from Jean Dodds. Both her, and the labs, kept reiterating how important it was to vaccinate, but just to do it right. Australia has one of the lowest incidents of canine disease and it is because we vaccinate.

    I looked but I could only find DVDs to buy from 5+ years ago and that seems a bit out of date really, I am sure heaps has changed since.

  2. I've not been convinced that I should be giving ANY vaccinations at all...

    Can't really find much proving that even the first set of vaccinations is useful.

    The first vaccination that works causes the dog to seroconvert and produce the cells to protect agains that particular virus.

    It might be ok not to vaccinate if you have a healthy dog with a strong immune system that will build a strong, natural immunity - but what are you going to do about dogs that don't fit this ideal?

    Vaccinate them.

    But I am not convinced I should be issuing the first vaccination as a matter of course. There appears to be quite a few well respected breeders & animal "people" who never vaccinate at all and come up with no problems.

  3. The whole, "make sure you get the whole tick out, including the head" thing is actually a myth.

    Really?? Could you possibly back that statement up with a link to scientific evidence, please?

    and if some parts of the tick (usually the mouthparts) remain in the dog it is no cause for concern.

    Considering it is a well known fact that the paralysis tick will inject more venom into the skin of its victim if grabbed, pulled or otherwise disturbed which could then quite literally cause the animal to die after several days of distressing deterioration of it's neurological system and other vital organs.... I beg to differ that leaving 'bits' of a paralysis tick in an animal is quite a serious cause for concern.

    Now, if you are specifically speaking of the bush tick/cattle tick... fair enough (thought they can still make a small dog or cat quite ill if left insitu).

    Can Permoxin go on puppies? I see no reason why it can't.

    With caution.. Permoxin should NOT be used on puppies under 12wks of age if you are buying it in concentrated form. People should really only be advised to use puppy specific products (already made up in the correct/harmless to pup dilution rate) when it comes to potentially dangerous chemicals.

    Thanks, will use a puppy specific product for the first month or two (mums dog).

  4. I use permoxin to prevent ticks (only in tick season) then if I notice them getting fleas in the off season I use advantage.

    Frontline has never prevented ticks for me but permoxin has been great.

    If you find one you pull it out using tweezers or a tick puller outer doo dad. I've never had a tick on one of my animals that has not required vet attention.

  5. Yep.

    The dog only learns that he can get away with pulling when the prong is removed if you let him learn that. You need to use the collar so the dog doesn't associate the corrections with the collar... so they only associate the correction with the behaviour.

    That's my understanding of it anyway. Anyone is free to correct me if I am wrong.

  6. Thanks haven.

    Yes I have been chatting to a few people, and think that the problems I am having may not be permanently fixed with a prong. Especially as I cannot show her on one, so she may more than likely learn the difference between collars.

    I am going to try and talk to some trainers who can see what she is doing and we will go from there.

    And I do agree, an easy fix, is still a fix, so long as it is fixed, why is the easy way any worse than the hard way? :confused:

    Don't let her learn the difference.

  7. On a side note, I never understand why people get knocked for "taking the easy way out". Taking the easy way out is the smart thing to do, not the wrong thing to do. A problem solved is a problem solved, if you can achieve comparable results in significantly less time with less stress and fuss for dog and owner, why on earth wouldn't you :confused:

    I've also had trouble understanding why people are opposed to taking the easy way out.

  8. Yeah, I am hoping the trainer has bite gear. I only want to focus on the obedience side at the club so what the club has doesn't really matter.

    No problem with spending money on good quality gear. You'll probably be getting a thread soon from me asking for recommended brands and such :D

  9. But you're not offering anything that we haven't heard a hundred times already.

    An opinion without fact behind it is useless. If you want to convince someone who has not used one to never use one then back up your opinions with scientific proof that these cause harm to dogs. Though we've had people attempt this, and their attempts were very, very unsuccessful.

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