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Wazzat Xolo

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Everything posted by Wazzat Xolo

  1. So sorry Pepi I feel your pain as I am sure many do, I can only tell you what I do when I lose one and its a ritual I do everytime. I write the life story of the dog, the good, the bad, the funny and the normal, it makes me recall all those great times I had and I have it documented so I will never forget the little things, once you start writing its amazing how much you remember. As for the paw print I got a kids plaster cast mould from a toy shop and did a mould of my dogs foot in that, I suppose failing that Plaster of Paris etc at hardware shop. my threads are in the rainbow bridge section October 2006 and March 2008 for the dogs stories I wrote. Hugs
  2. maybe the batteries are low ? may be trying to let you know something, I have a friend with a PM and my dogs havent reacted, but I shall ask herif she has this experience.
  3. Wow I think they are all fantastic, love the nature ones and the cat ones even the close up eye.
  4. So sorry for the loss, to all concrened, what a remarkable career he has completed and certainly left his mark. Run free young man at the bridge. Hugs.
  5. Gee whizz ( no offence meant) but that is very backward! If it went to a court of law as a case it wouldnt get far!! I am so sorry the rules in Qld are this way I am mortified!! I may have to think twice about sending my dogs over there! I am shocked! The ranger has to prove that it WAS your dogs not the other way around ( Thank god!!) or there would be people in trouble for everything! on the say so or guess of the community!! lol I guess all states differ slightly but in WA it is an offence to have a dog on a property that cant be contained, (inside the house is not generally acceptable) Unfortunately in Brissie it's the other way around...you have to prove it WASN'T your dogs barking/roaming/biting/whatever
  6. Lisa Itas a good story BUT IS YOUR DOG VACCINATED FULLY AT 11 WEEKS ?? You avoid the emails ?? Something here appears not quite right, call me cynical but thats my opinion! You state you CARE about your dog and would be devastated if anything hapened well taking an 11 week old puppy out in public is a sure fire way to expose it to a lot more than wandering dogs. Take some responsibility at least!! Good luck with your puppy and walking him off lead!! I hope he stays healthy too. I have checked him very thoroughly, he has no wounds thank god. I don't know what to say, but really I think it's likely his worst injury is from me lifting him up by his collar, but I just didn't have a choice. They were all her dogs. I think I will report her then, because I don't want to have to constantly worry about running into her, and yeah, I agree with what someone else said - I would be devastated if my puppy was injured or killed when someone could have prevented it by reporting the dangerous dog. I feel very sad that it may result in her losing her dog, but more than anything I just really hope that after today, she realises it's her fault.
  7. Dont worry too much Sandra the onus is on the council to prove the dogs were out not you to prove they were not!! Im sure you have crisovar, but in saying that have you seen our yard, i dont think so?. It is a totally 5 acre property fully and i mean fully dog meshed into 3 sections. Not one section of house yard dog meshed, but the whole 5 acres. it is tention wired down the bottom and top so nothing can lift it, fully reinforced for cattle to push on it, the only way they would get out is for some ignorant prick to let them out, which wouldnt surprise me
  8. Lisa Sorry To harp but is your dog Fully Vaccinated ? Don't deny it for a second - any breed can be aggressive. What worries me is that I could not move her dog, and neither could she. He was a tank; impervious to her hitting him. Cesar Milan calls them Gladiator dogs because they become immune to pain and don't give up. If properly trained, this makes them very useful and great with kids. If not, well, they're just unstoppable. He had no neck, nothing to grab to move the head away, no vulnerable part to aim for. I believe they surpass all other breeds in this respect. I am not saying I think there is no place for them, only that they are comparably more dangerous in the wrong hands. But you said your puppy has no serious injuries :D Yes but when I picked him up, the dog was leaping at my feet, trying to grab him. I could not move him away, and when the owner grabbed his collar, she couldn't either. She could only hold him in place so that I could move away. She hit him several times while he was jumping, he completely ignored her. The reason I noticed he didn't appear to have any vulnerable areas was because to be honest, I wanted to kick him to try and get him to go away.
  9. Have you tried to see why they are barking? What times etc ? Maybe you could hire a Bark colar for a while ? Dogs usually dont bark for no reason, and when you can workout the reason you should be able to fix the probelm. see if the neighbbours can give you any times etc and a sure pattern will emerge.
  10. Lisa I am glad to hear both you and your "puppy" are all ok. At 11 weeks of age I am guessing you have had all his vaccinations ( 3) early? I would not be taking a young puppy and exposing him to outside unknown areas at this age apart from puppy pre school classes that are available through Dog Trainers and vets!
  11. All my dogs are on Eagle Pack and have had amazing results with this product, they were on Diamond and Advance prior to EP and their skin was not as clear as it is now, they also utilise the food and there is less that gets disgarded out the other end!! My vote is EP and you get the buy 10 bags and the 11 th is free offer, email lexie at EP and she is more than happy to send samples. [email protected]
  12. dyslexic hot cross buns ? lol Stupid me and its after 12 too!!!! I have to admit I would probably just eat my "collectors item" HCB And then I can have the excuse that I am possessed by the devil
  13. The ranger has to prove that it WAS your dogs not the other way around ( Thank god!!) or there would be people in trouble for everything! on the say so or guess of the community!! lol I guess all states differ slightly but in WA it is an offence to have a dog on a property that cant be contained, (inside the house is not generally acceptable)
  14. Because most Rangers/ Comunity Law Safety Officers are generally not the most sharpest tool in the box and have little to no skills in investigative or common sense techniques, I am more than qualified to comment on this issue as an ex CLS Ranger. Working with people who generalize and only tackle the easy people is a quick and safe way to write a job off!! There are many stories I could tell, but I havent the time nor the patience any more lol!! With the State Dog Act ( whatever is in each state) and a Local Law knowledge people can and do beat the councils at their own usually "bluff game"
  15. What a great life you gave this little man, and he sure looks like he would have loved every minute of it living all those years . What a lovely last gift you gave him through love. Run free little fellow
  16. Ptolomy I spoke to them last week and they stated this would be the last year at this location, actually it was more like words to the effect of Get in this year we dont know about next year!! Sorry I now its not much help but thats all I was told.
  17. Ditto but best of luck with Havoc, thats a lovely statement, "Although a modest wage earner!!! Cost is not a barrier" "I cant get another Havoc" Best of Luck J
  18. I can only offer hugs and support to you all during this very sad and trying time. J
  19. I am sure there is a long way for all dog sides to go till all can work to make a better future for dogs, owners and all involved without all the political rubbish! One day we all hope J
  20. Thanks Georgie Boy and PD I hate October!! Today my Crested girl had a trip to the vet and she had to have surgery as she was vomiting up faeces vomit. Has been operated on and hopefully will be ok to go home tomorrow, I thought I was going to loose another! J
  21. RIP Kip chase the butterflies but leave the rabbits alone I think Savanah a large Afghan that went today has dibs on them! Lots of Dolers up there today, run free and fast J
  22. Thanks onsntollnflash Sat down the beach with my new two and thought I would trade you two in to see Ricky! Then I thought What a bitch I am to say that! He will always be special and always be there, it was just his time I guess, J
  23. MTD Heart warming hugs to you on the loss of Savannah, I lost my boy three years ago today and remember the memories are always there right in your heart. Your Savannah will always have a BIG piece of your heart as does my Ricky. Hugs J
  24. Dol Link Three years today and it still hurts J
  25. I was talking to the RSPCA media head the other ay ( WA) its amazing what their views are compared to what some ( IE on DOL) purport as what the RSPCA states is the truth, many factors the RSPCA state are not what is generally thought. My opinion is ask the RSPCA yourself that way you get the truth straight from the horses mouth! J
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