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Pressure Point Collar (aka Prong) Discussion Welcome


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The thing that really bugs me is when people say that haltis etc have been used on horses for years. What the???? A halti or gentle leader is so different to a halter it's not funny!

I have such a bug bear about this too, it's nice to see someone else rant about it for a change :love:

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  • 3 months later...

Hi Jessca. Yes. The more the merrier. The only thing is now is that the dead line for submission of public comment is 5pm on this coming Monday, 17th November.

It is now best (and helpful) if you address your submission to :

POCTA Regulation Review

Bureau of Animal Welfare

475 Mickleham Road

Attwood VIC 3049

and EMAIL it to them at

[email protected]

For it to count, you must get it in by the aforementioned closing date and time.

Your effort will be worthwhile, Jessca.

If you email me a copy of what you've done I will include it also in the "parent submission" that I have yet to get to them. :eek:

The Government seem to be looking for (truthful, of course) stories where dogs' behaviours have been rehabilitated to the degree that reliance on use of the Pressure Point Collar (ie "prong" collar) is no longer necessary. Explanation as to the reduced frequency of corrections; increased frequency of "good stuff" (so to speak).

Why they are so insistent on this yet care less about what happens in the use of the other tools they - through the recommendation of the 'dog-welfare' orgs - support is something I don't understand. I'm not sure they do either. I don't completely blame them though, as they are receiving their advice through 'key organisations' NOT ONE of which is dedicated to dog training; dog behaviour; or dog psychology. :)

Edited by Erny
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Hi have just come across this tread and new to DOL

I have 2 G/S who are big and very young at heart and yes I have/do use the prong, however I have also been stopped at using the collar at several training places.....but I have made a cover so therefore no-one can see what type of collar I am using. the growing trend now at dog clubs are NOT to even use a check chain.... and yes I have questioned this and got the run around by these so-called instructors who think they NO everything about training...how do they think they can train a dog (who is say a geared dog) without any sort of head/neck control?

I support the prong 100% and I with you all the way

As I have gotten my CDX with one of my Shepherds and he carried on competing in open with scores in the 190's he is retired now but had I not had access to a prong he would have been another dog sitting in a backyard doing nothing other than eating/digging/tormenting/chewing, animal that could have been a huge problem, and just to add to the statics to the breed on a negative side.

I am glad that I did stick to my guns (by using the prong), learnt about dog behaviour, gained my title, believe me when I say it would not have been possible without the use of the prong. I am not saying that the prong is all of end of but for those geared dogs your options are very limited indeed and I for one would not like to see that option (by using the prong) been taken away.....my fear is now what is going to happen to ALL those geared dogs, where are they going to end up???? that's the scary thought... they don't stand a chance at ever been a great member of anything..... sad I say. I am in NSW and I have signed...again thanks Erny

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I'm also another dog owner who had never heard of or even seen a prong collar before i stumbled upon this website and joined this forum. After trying 4 - 5 different dog trainers/behaviorists to solve my problem Rottweiler, without any success, i tried one more, K9 Force. After assessing my dog, Steve recommended the prong collar for my dog and i was shown how to correctly use it. To date, this is the only collar that has given me any control over my problem Rottweiler. It may not be suitable for every dog, but in my opinion it's ideal and effective for my dog.

Edited by RottyLover01
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for asking Jessca. Should know the outcome by 16th December. I am informed that everyone who made a submission will be notified of the determinations of the Bureau of Animal Welfare, who are the ones who 'advise' the Minister.

Here's a piccy of the "parent" submission that I hand delivered to them on 17th November, which was the date on which "public comment" invitation closed.


Who knows which way this will go? :laugh:. We are reliant on a fair go for consideration, rational thinking and natural justice.

I know though that there are lots of people 'out there' who recognise the benefits to dog-welfare and training that the PPCollar provides and are looking on with strong interest to see what the current Minister of Agriculture will decide this time around.

Edited by Erny
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WOW well done Judi!!!!! :laugh: :laugh:

i know its a little late for stories and lets just say this occurred before the ban, not yesterday.

my grandma has a 60kg plus entire female rotty, who has not left her house in about three years cause she is big, pulls and does not like other dogs. i took her out for a walk on the prong collar and she was perfect, she didn't even try to pull. she was sooooo happy to get out of their back yard (which is 1/4 acre) she was able to sniff new smells pee in new places. i have never seen her so happy. and if the ban on prongs gets lifted, she'll be able to go for a walk every day, but until then she is confined to the backyard.

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