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Malted Barley


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Hi everyone,

I am an all grain homebrewer and use malted barley which I crush to make my beers.

Sometimes I spill some here or there and our dog loves eating it. She seems to pass it whole undigested in her poos. I even caught her making a whole in one of the sacks the other day and munching on it. Luckily I caught her early.

I cant seem to find anything saying this is bad for her but am wondering what the members here have to say about it.

I dont want to take any chances.


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I'm not sure about other ill effects, but doesn't "malted" mean there's a fair bit of sugar in there? Could cause lot of gas/ farts? I'd be especially careful with any breed that gets bloat (intestine twists and can rupture; vet emergency). Just my ideas, not facts.

I'd keep it away from the dogs :rofl: . They don't know what's good for them.

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I don't know about dogs but I do know that we had to boil barley for the horses before it could be digested properly. I'd steer on the safe side and keep your dog away from it. :rofl:

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