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Second Vaccination

Guest Tiggy

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Guest Tiggy

Banjo had his second vaccination yesterday and I asked how long to wait to take him out and the Vet said not to take him anywhere with alot of dogs like the park, river or beach until he's had his final vaccinaton. I know some people don't get the third vaccination so I'm wondering when they take their dogs out. I thought I'd wait a week then start taking him out. :p

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I asked my breeder this the other day - She wants us to show our puppy from 3 months but 2nd vaccination sometimes isn't done until 12 weeks. She suggested we tell our vet that we want to show him at 12 and they will do it at 10 weeks then we have to leave it about a week or so after that before taking him out... I will be getting the 16 week shot too though.

I know there is lots of different advice & opinions on this so I will keep watching to see what others say!

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We didnt take our dogs anywhere even remotely doggie until after their last vaccination at 16 weeks.. You should be right at shows, but for that I defer to the show people who know have forgotten more that I could ever learn about doggies..

No sniffing poles or doggie doo or meeting other big dogs... Even when we were on the farm with the farm dogs they were kept at a distance (@13 or so weeks).

And our were just fine...cant take a chance with viruses or pavo.. particularly pavo...

Not everyone vaccinates and cares for their dogs like we all do here...

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Beacuse we got Jorja from a shelter her vaccinations are up to date and her next one is now due in a years time. We took her out the second day we got her. We had to go looking for a kennel for her so she came shopping with us :p Not excessively of course,just little trips here and there.

Edited by KittyCat
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How much should a second vacciniation usually cost, my girl has to go for hers in 2 weeks ;)

Ours was about $60 for C3, including a general vet check all over. It will depend which vaccinations you choose e.g. C3 or C5. If you're not sure, check what the local obedience club and local kennels require for you to go there. I had C5 done just in case we need to kennel him at some stage unexpectedly. It's not so easy to find someone to have a larger dog for a few nights.

I thought about 2 weeks after 2nd vaccs was OK. Where are the vet nurses or vets?

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Thanks for that.

Also yesterday we were at my boyfriends sisters house and I went to her bedroom for her to show me something and when i came back he had taken her outside to go to the toilet and to meet her 2 full grown rottweilers, they were just sniffing each other! I grabbed her straight away, will this cause her any problems since she hasnt had her 2nd vaccination yet?

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We got the C5 for our girls.. better safe than sorry.. and now is the time to start discussing with the vet getting the pup in for desexing if it is not for show... Our girls were booked at 12 weeks and desexed at 6 and 8 months.. if you book it now and get a quote a) you wont forget and b) you will be able to save for the op (if cash is tight)...

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Mine was about $110 for C5, Vet check and microchip.

The vet said to not walk the dog for a week afterwards, and to not have any contact with stranger's dogs until after the next set of injections at 16 weeks.

I'm finding it kind of hard to avoid other dogs when walking Charlie as dogs want to meet him and vice versa, and it's good from a socialisation aspect for him to meet friendly dogs, especially big ones. I'm trying to avoid the main dog walking times, and when we run into a dog I let him meet them for a short time because he loves it so much.

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Angelblaze112: Also yesterday we were at my boyfriends sisters house and I went to her bedroom for her to show me something and when i came back he had taken her outside to go to the toilet and to meet her 2 full grown rottweilers, they were just sniffing each other! I grabbed her straight away, will this cause her any problems since she hasnt had her 2nd vaccination yet?

AB, as long as the other two dogs are up to date with their vaccinations, your pup is fine around them.

Since no-one has mentioned it, you need to be aware of your pups critical socialisation period which is the first 16 weeks of her life. This is the time when you need to be socialising your pup to all things wordly (with prudence of course). Your pup needs many and varied experiences outside his home ie. meeting people, children, cars, buses, other dogs (who are vaccinated) etc etc etc. Socialisation at this age is not a luxury, it is crucial!!

Whilst I am not a vet or a vet nurse, I have many close friends who are and know for a fact that Parvo is also an airborne disease which means you cannot see it, smell it or touch it. The chances of a bird landing in your backyard carrying parvo is nearly as high as your pup coming across infected faeces at an off lead park.

If you are not enrolled in a puppy preshcool of some sort, then get cracking. Don't wrap your pup in cotton wool but on the flip side, be prudent with where you take her.

BTW, there is another vaccine called "Protec" which is a series of 2 vaccines and renders the pup fully covered after the 2nd vaccination. Some vets are happy to administer this new vaccination, others may not.

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I believe that it's fine to socialise your pup with dogs that you know are up to date with their own vaccinations... Otherwise, keep them away from strange dogs for the amount of time your vet says to after their final puppy vaccination (including feces on walks etc). My vet said I could take Jak out the following weekend, which was 7 days after she had to last one, so I did! lol.

Prior to that I would take her to visit my mum's dog as I know how vigilant my folks are with vaccinations, flea control etc. I also socialised her with a friends cattle dogs as again, I knew that they were up to date with everything and the socialisation at such a young age is vital.

Have fun :thumbsup:

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Wer had the C5 too, we had all 3 vaccinations up to 16 weeks but Ellie was allowed to meet other (known vaccinated)dogs 10 days after the 2nd one (12 weeks)

To contradict myself, we took her to puppy class from aged 8 - 11 weeks with 4 other pups of roughly the same age but the vet knew they had all had at least their 1st vaccination.

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Guest Tiggy

It's been a week today since Banjo's 2nd vaccination so I'm going to start taking him out for little walks but I'll be very careful where I put him down. I'm going to take him to the Farmer's Market tomorrow. I have two other dogs, Sophie (Staffy) and Buster (Lab X Rotty), so he's learning some good manners from them, especially Buster who puts Banjo in his place if he needs to.

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Guest Tiggy

I wanted to take Banjo to my clubs next 6 week beginners course which is mostly puppies but it starts in two weeks so he's not going to have had his third vaccination by then. I know all the dogs at the club are vaccinated but I can't be sure other dogs that get walked at the oval are. Do you think it would be safe to take him?

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We were told it is mostly safe about 10 days after the second vacc, as long as you keep your pup moving and away from poos.

we were also told not to go out till after the 16 week vaccination but advice is confusing because others have told us that prior to this time is the peak socialisation time, when you should be exposing them to new situations?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry to drag this thread up again but I was at the vet today and he recommended that I now start socialising my puppy with other known dogs that have been vaccinated (Charlie is now 10 days post second vaccination and also starts puppy school tomorrow night). What I did forget to ask the vet however was that whilst my partners Mum's toy poodle has had all three vaccinations I do not think she has had yearly boosters. Are these required before I can safely introduce my puppy to her? Thanks for any help.

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This could definitely be explained better but I’m short on time, so apologies if I’m unclear or confusing in my explanation

I was taught whilst studying vet nursing that for a vaccine to be effective you need to have had each component of the vaccination twice. Most puppies will be given a C3 initially, then a C5 then another C5, until they have had that last vaccination they are not covered for every component of the vaccination. There is also the issue of mother’s immunity and when it runs out. Some vets will argue that you should wait to 16 weeks for the last vaccination as in most dogs the mothers immunity will have run out therefore the last vaccination will be effective (as if you vaccinate when the mothers antibodies are still in the pup the reduces the effective of the puppy to create its own immune response to those diseases).

We did out last vaccination at 14weeks and took him walking 10 days later, I discussed this matter with my Vet and he did not feel that we had anything to worry about in regards to having him vaccinated at 14 rather then 16 weeks. However I was aware of the risks and decided to take that risk and we have not had any issues.

Vets all have differing opionions on vaccinations, there are also many different brands and types of vaccinations so I still feel the best thing you can do is discuss the matter with your vet and see what he/she has to say after all they are the ones trained in this field.

I highly recommend also enrolling your puppy in puppy class we found it to be such a wonderful way to socialise Marley, our last dog was not socialised properly and we paid for it… he was terrified of other dogs! Marley is now so confident and friendly with other dogs it was worth the money we paid. They also discussed everything from worming and vaccinations through to grooming.

Edited by OhMarley
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