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Aussie Shepherd Herding Trial


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Good luck to everyone who's entered :rofl: .

Indi, don't give up, practice at home making her drop from a distance, I throw food at a distance to try to stop them coming in too much (but of course this only really works when you aren't working sheep, cos when there are sheep around food means nothing :( ). Don't worry, perservere with it, she'll get it eventually :rofl::) .

Jesomil, are you heading down to have a look at the trial? The more advanced classes are on first, so the earlier you can go the better really ;) .

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Jesomil, are you heading down to have a look at the trial? The more advanced classes are on first, so the earlier you can go the better really

Yes, I am heading over for a look. I will be there Sat morning if something is happening.

Can someone tell me when it starts? Are the advanced classes definately on first?

I am looking forward to it :banghead: .

ETA I just found the last thread about it and found the schedule. The trial classes are on Sat and the test classes are on Sun. 8am start!! Is anyone else going on the Saturday morning?

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YAY!! :laugh: I'm coming on Sunday! Look out for me and Abbie. Has anyone been to KCC recently? Is it still really muddy? I should dig out my old gum boots.

For the stop can it be a stand, sit or drop? I've been getting Abbie to stop at a distance and she usually sits when I say stop but if she stops in a stand is that still ok?

I can't wait!

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Jesomil, I don't know that anyone is in the trial classes, I think most people are doing tests (from memory).

Tadpole, the stop can be any position, it doesnt have to be one or another. Good luck on Sunday :laugh:

I have lost my herdig rulebook somewhere, I cant find it & I want to check up on some stuff for A course :rofl: . Another week to wait for me :) but I am going to do some herding practice tomorrow afternoon so all is not bleak :D .

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So does that mean that no one will be there tomorrow?

Ummmm I think that means that there may not be any DOLers there tomorrow, Im sure there will be plenty of other triallers :laugh: .

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I will be there tomorrow bright and early! :o Well maybe not bright!!

I only need one more HT pass so I entered in both :rofl: Fingers crossed.

Goodluck Superminty I think Mr. Cash will do just fine ;)

tadpole I think it should be reasonably dry, the yard has had some time to dry out. I keep a pair of gumboots in my car just in case though :)

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Well, another beautiful day for sheeping!

Cash got his two PT passes, although he was a bit feral and did at one point get a spot of sheep-humping in :rofl:

He then got high in PT under Colin Webster and overall high in PT for the day. :)

So I'm pretty proud of my clever boy. :cry:

Good to see indi_dog again and got to meet t(ad)pole and her lovely super-star-to-be, Abbie! She rocked, once she worked out there were sheep in the ring!

Good job Aussie Shep club, very nicely run.

jesomil - how'd you go Saturday?

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He then got high in PT under Colin Webster and overall high in PT for the day. :eek:

Hi superminty, how did you get high in PT? I thought it was just pass or fail? :) :cool:

Congrats on everyone's passes for the day :) .

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MrsD- They had awards for each test class on the day, one from each judge then an overall prize.

Well done to Cash on some lovely runs and passes and well done to Indi on her passes! :eek:

Abbie had her first go at herding instinct test and passed under two judges so she now has her HIC! She also got the encouragement award for both judges and overall in the HIC class! :)

When we first went in the ring she was more interested in eating sheep poo but when she saw the sheep it was like a light turned on and something clicked!

Mum is a bit disappointed...now I want to go to more herding days! :cool:

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Ahh ok tadpole, how good is that, all we usually get up here is an encouragement award :eek: . Congrats to you & Cash for the awards & to everyone for the passes as I said before :cool: .

Didn't know that Colin (aka God - he's my idol in case you havent realised :) ) was judging down there, you could have said "Hi" to him from us :love: .

Wonder where jesomil is, hope we haven't scared her off :) .

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Congrats everyone. Well done Cash for getting high in PT for the day. He is a good boy. Are you guys still going to try yard trials?

Well, i had a look Saturday morning.

It was interesting. I watched one run in the Advanced then all the Intermediate dogs. Had a look at the ducks also.

It was very different from the sheepdog trials i am used to. But i guess it has been designed to allow many breeds with many different levels of instinct to compete.

I still have many questions but i am glad i went along to have a look.

Glad you guys are having so much fun.

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Congrats everyone. Well done Cash for getting high in PT for the day. He is a good boy. Are you guys still going to try yard trials?

Yep, yard trials are on the cards once I have more time. I still don't think the ANKC style of stock work is really his thing but it's good trialling experience.

I need to work on his distance, he works quite upright and in too close, but that may still be the puppy in him (only 18 months after all). Still VERY immature!

He's a lot better in the yards, much quieter. Gets a little loony out in the paddock with only three sheep.

Might enter encouragement at Welshpool this year just to see how he goes. And city slickers again, of course :eek:

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Well, another beautiful day for sheeping!

Cash got his two PT passes, although he was a bit feral and did at one point get a spot of sheep-humping in :)

He then got high in PT under Colin Webster and overall high in PT for the day. :cry:

So I'm pretty proud of my clever boy. ;)

Good to see indi_dog again and got to meet t(ad)pole and her lovely super-star-to-be, Abbie! She rocked, once she worked out there were sheep in the ring!

Good job Aussie Shep club, very nicely run.

jesomil - how'd you go Saturday?

Cash was incredible and it was so fantastic that it was recognised :thumbsup: He just such a natural and I love watching him!

MrsD- They had awards for each test class on the day, one from each judge then an overall prize.

Well done to Cash on some lovely runs and passes and well done to Indi on her passes! :p

Abbie had her first go at herding instinct test and passed under two judges so she now has her HIC! She also got the encouragement award for both judges and overall in the HIC class! :D

When we first went in the ring she was more interested in eating sheep poo but when she saw the sheep it was like a light turned on and something clicked!

Mum is a bit disappointed...now I want to go to more herding days! :p

Colin was soooooooooooooooo impressed with her and you did so well chooka ;) You've been well and truly bitten by the bug now sweetheart :D

It was a great day as always, Rosie needs a bark command or sumfin, the sheep worked out how soft she was and stuck her up :p so we retired :p

I'm happy the season is over so we can get a heap of practice in before next year :)

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