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We Have The Itchies At Our House


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Hi Guys

my little one yr old mini daccy has been biten by midges from the grass

and has a very red itchy tummy (cos she's very low to the ground ) ;)

i rang our vet and she said to use some polarimine 2mls x 3times a day

she has only just started this yesterday and at this point in time i dont see any rapid change

has anyone else got any remedies that may help her


daccy :)

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What I use for almost everything is "bepanthen" which is a really mild Antiseptic cream.

It's mainly advertised as a cream for nappy rash ( I buy it for after tattoo care) but you can use it for lots of things.

On the tube it reads for: cuts, abrasions, scalds, insect bites and stings, chapped hands, minor skin irritations and sunburn!

It's gentle enough for use on dogs and have used it for years. it is around $10 from any chemist :thumbsup:

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My dog's also got the spring itches. Happened last year at this time though fortunately, we're not going down the runny poo route this year. According to his breeder it never happened before but the environment here is mostly Australian natives. I've given him a a quarter of a cortizone tablet per day and that seems to have eased it a bit though obviously I don't want to overdo a drug like cortizone. There's no other symptoms aside from the itch. He doesn't have fleas, mites or anything else, it just seems to be the blossoms.

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Just a warning on the fish oil - my girl has severe allergy problems and was put on 3000mg of fish oil per day by a dermatologist. A recent hair analysis done on her showed the highest level of mercury they have ever seen in a dog along with arsenic - from the fish oil. I was buying fish oil from a Pharmacy - so no not all fish oil is the same and not all is mercury and arsenic tested. Must also say that some companies say they test and when you email them for details they fail to provide them. I am now using a fish oil that you can only get through a vet. It is a liquid variety and is proven mercury and arsenic free.

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Unfortunately you don't know looking at the bottle and even searching on the net when companies claim to test - it becomes very suspicious when you ask for details and they don't/wont provide them.

I am now paying $35 for a 375ml bottle of liquid fish oil which is much dearer than the tablets I was getting wholesale - but the liquid is guaranteed mercury and arsenic free.

I know the supplies of the vet fish oil are low at the moment.

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As you know Ness, Beans was on a fairly high dose of fish oil 3000mg for a 14kg dog. Most people are only giving their dogs 1 tablet per day, she was getting 3 tablets. Also most people wouldn't be doing a hair analysis on their dogs either - so perhaps would be surprised to find what is actually in their dogs system if they did. Beans also has aluminium, Boron, Copper, arsenic and as I said the highest mercury levels they have ever seen in a dog.

I was always under the impression that fish oil was harmless and I now know that not all fish oil is harmless. :happydance2:

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Hi ::mad

I have the same problem with my female cavalier, Renae... with her tummy also at certain times of the year..from our backyard grass.

I am reading this thread for ideas as well..

I usually use calamine lotion, avoleen(sp?) shampoo, dry food for dogs with allergies (which they not on atm), and Neocort cream from the vets when it gets severe..

I am going to try rubbing some aloe vera juice on it as well, as it is good for itching ! My dad has just give me some plants :rofl:

Also someone put a link up in the general section (in a response) about some stuff they use for their dogs.

I'll see if i can find you the thread after :p

here it is ..


I remember years ago had a dog with severe allergies, and i had to have him tested for so many things. He ended having to have courses of desensitizing injections... was very expensive !!!!

Edited by JulesLuvsCavs
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