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Toilet Training Outside...


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My 5month old boxer has started to poo on the deck and pathways outside. I don't know how to stop him doing this as i obviously cannot be out there all the time to stop him. Is there something I can spray on the deck that will prevent this or any other ideas? He is house trained inside but doesnt seem to get the concept of 'going' on the grass (even though that is all we have ever allowed him to 'go' on in the past when training him)

thanks Kim21

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Kim - yes ive got the same situation with my 5 month old pup - in fact he seems to go everywhere other than our big grassed areas - in the garage, on the deck, in the garden beds. It is really hard to catch him in the act for poos! We have fenced off a few key areas where he goes in the hope he will get the hint - but alas he just finds somewhere else naughty. We;ve just got to keep an eye out i guess and keep trying to catch him in the act.

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PLastic bag, then big bin.

I babysat an Old English Sheepdog once and they had a special chemical "toilet" in the backyard for dog poo.

Once installed, you add chemicals every now and then and just put the poo in there.

Sorry, don't have any more details as I was only there a few weeks. Owners were happy with it.

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Does anyone have any suggestions as to how they dispose of their doggies "dunnits"...?...I am preparing for a puppy an need to know the protocol....I know about picking them up in plastic bags but then what?

Thanks in advance

Bag it and bin it. Chemical septic systems don't work here - it's too cold in winter. Worm farms don't cope well with dog poo and you'll kill all the worms if you give them the dog poo from your dog after worming.

A metal poo collector and gatherer (sold at most outlets like Petbarn) is a good way to collect it and cuts down on the number of plastic bags. I do poo patrol every few days - and nearly every day in summer.

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i ahve the same problem too with my 6 mth old staffie. all i can say is PERSISTENCE! PERSISTENCE! PERSISTENCE! He still does it from time to time, but a stern 'NO' followed by placing him on the grass usually does the trick. i know he knows where to go - he's just a bloody lazy staffie! but i love him all the same! :thumbsup:

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A friend of mine began experiencing the same problem with her pup. I suggested she barrocade the verandah (hers is one that surrounds the whole of the house) leaving only the area near the back door - which is where pup was offending. Put the pup's kennel up there and also feed there.

She tells me this did the trick and pup now habitually uses the yard rather than the verandah.

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