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Collie, Border Collie, Aussie Shepherd People


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I was just wondering what the owners of Collie type breeds use as a heartworm, flea and intestinal worm treatment/prevention?

I know many wont take the risk with ivermectin products and am curious to know what you use as an alternative (if you use an alternative), and if you do use a ivermectin product, which one is it?



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I use Frontline for fleas, and can't remember what I use for worms, but it definitely doesn't contain Ivermectin. My vet is just a few doors down from my house so when my Aussie Shephed needs worming I pop in there and buy just one dose. They have it noted on his file that he is never to be given a product containing Ivermectin and they also have a note of what brands of worming products he can have.

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daily heartworm from woolworths (same as stuff from petbarn, just cheaper), I use drontal allwormer for others and for fleas I use a spot on that I cant remember the name of right now ( I know but I am still exhausted from yesterday and shopping today.)

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Sentinel Spectrum Monthly for heartworm and normal worm prevention and Frontline Plus( bought online at pricelesspets.com.au)

If you care to PM me your email addy I can send you mountains on info on Ivermectin Sensitivity( mutant MDR1 Gene) in the Collie breeds( it is also in Sighthounds, Akitas, OES just to name a few more breeds that are affected).

Unless the dog has been DNA Tested for the Ivermectin Sensitivity and the result is "Clear" I would not be using any ivermectin or related product on a Collie or Collie-like breed- it could prove fatal

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Thanks for the replies. I have been using Interceptor for a few years and love it, but with 3 large dogs (and the possibility of more down the track), it is becoming a costly thing :noidea:

I was just looking at alternatives because I am on the last dosage for the packet and was also interested to hear what fellow "Collie" owners use.

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Thanks for that InspectorRex. Just wondering if you would test a mutt with definately one but possibly two of the breeds you mentioned that can have the mutant gene.

He has had the annual heart worm injection before with no problems but I don't want to take an unneccessary risk now that I have read this.

If they don't have the gene does that mean that it is ok to use the invermictin.

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I would be doing the DNA test is there is any of the Ivermectin sensitive breeds in the dogs makeup as even crosses of these breeds can be Affected. The only way to find out if they have the Mutant MDR1 gene is to have the DNA test done.

Better to be safe than sorry IMHO

Edited by InspectorRex
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