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Chopper Just Bared His Teeth At Angel


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It's not like they've never fought before, but this was different... he was sitting on the sofa with me and she was about to get up too when he bared his teeth at her. I saw it straight away and made him get down and put him outside for ten minutes. He's back inside now and won't be allowed on the sofa tonight. Is that enough?

A bit of background: I've been off work for the last 6wks and have been with them a lot. Obedience school is on holidays and apart from 2 or 3 e-collar sessions with them, there's been no formal obedience training. Chopper tends to get a lot more freedom off lead when we go places cause he's the only one with a reliable recall. I also tend to take him places with me a bit more than Angel as he's better behaved. I try not to favour him, but maybe he's starting to think I do.

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Better to not have either on the sofa, then he won't have anything fuss about. IMO the bed and couch is close property of Alpha..........not for lower pack members. Its hard not to want them up there (and I have been just as guilty as anyone for it) but I learn't my lesson the hard way.

The first thing I did when I brought home the new pup was to nurse it 24/7. Now she has the beanbag.

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Do you think so? Is part of owning a dog not the joy of snuggling on the sofa? They only get up when they're invited up.

Unfortunately if you're more than a 1 dog household I think the sofa, bed, etc is out of bounds. It's asking for trouble - like what happened with your two today :laugh: I've learnt the hard way too.

I've had to implement this at home now with my 3, it's all a part of working on our pack structure. They can't be anywhere that elevates their position above the other dogs, or level with me. I've started place training with a mat, so they know on their mat - and that's their spot. We use crates as well but aiming for more mat time, less crate time.

I used to think I'd never survive without couch cuddles... but you do get used to it!!

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I cannot give expert advice but this is what I did. My male dog is the alpha and does this without much show of force.

Normally they have a place they lie (seperate)but if I watch a dvd they both join me on the recliner. Normally I don't sit still long enough for them to bother.

Once the female dog was on my lap and the male came to join us. She launched herself at the male, all fang and noise. Scared the crap out of me it was so sudden.

So I turfed her off and put him up. Didn't say anything and I called her to come up too eventually.

Mine get on really well but this is the only exception. So if she does it she is told to get down or removed. Its my sofa and none of her business.

When I work late shift they can sleep on the bed, sometimes all night, sometimes only in the morning. If I work early they sleep in their own bags all night. Supose this is confusing but it is a habit I have developed. It is what suits me.

Ruthless - you said your dogs fight so maybe your situation is different. If either of mine did not listen to me about where they could go or act agressively neither would be allowed anywhere except the floor. Or outside if it came to that.

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The last time they fought bad was when they were kenneled in August. Since then they've been kept in separate dog runs when we're at work. They occasionally play pretty rough, but they don't hurt each other any more. They're similar size and age and the struggle for alpha position seems to be ongoing.

They never sleep on the bed, although they do get allowed in for a cuddle occasionally. Maybe a mat on the floor isn't such a bad idea. I quite like the idea of being able to stretch out on the sofa sometimes :laugh:

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Mine are little so they do get more comforts than my last dog which was a rottie. He was only allowed in the door and had a mat ( really big sponge) there. That was where he stayed and he was happy. Only rarely did he stray and that was to look at me if the cat was lording it up on the back of the sofa.

I thought it was better as it was a granny flat and on acres dogs smell of lovely things like dam water and horse poo. And if mine were even as big as yours, too much dog on too little sofa. I had my mat covered in a doggy cartoon print and it looked good. The rottie loved it.

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The last time they fought bad was when they were kenneled in August. Since then they've been kept in separate dog runs when we're at work. They occasionally play pretty rough, but they don't hurt each other any more. They're similar size and age and the struggle for alpha position seems to be ongoing.

They never sleep on the bed, although they do get allowed in for a cuddle occasionally. Maybe a mat on the floor isn't such a bad idea. I quite like the idea of being able to stretch out on the sofa sometimes :laugh:

:rofl::rofl::rofl: I sit on the floor for cuddles so they never sit on the couch. I can still cuddle with my feet and I'm sure it's very good foot dexterity training :cry:

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I know what you mean about couch cuddles, Ruthless, I kept saying to my OH that's one of the pleasures of having a dog. But when we moved house, we bought a new couch, and we don't let Dolly on it anymore. Not to protect it, but to protect ourselves!!! I was covered in bruises, many of which were from our muscle-bound pocket rocket launching herself with all her might onto the couch whenever she felt like it. (Has anyone been able to teach the command "gently" to a staffy? :laugh: )

I miss having couch cuddles, but I think her manners have improved.

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It depends on the dog. Mine share couches with each other and take turns...or whoever gets there first. If one wants to get on, the other gets off, though my male is the alpha.

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Both of mine were allowed on the sofa, and Divani growled at Rex when I was sitting with her and he wanted to get up to join us. And it was when you were at my place!!!! never happened before nor after. :laugh:

I got a new sofa, and they are no allowed on it. I left them both of the old sofas, one inside one outside and they can go an wreck them as much as they like. And sometimes they sleep on them together, or one on the sofa the other one on the bed I gave them in the living room. If I want cuddles I go and sit on their sofas.

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I think it depends on the dog. My dogs are both allowed on the lounge with me and the bed at night (after being invited) but I also know that I have the dogs to do it with. I swear mine jostle for who gets to be at the bottom of the pack! I cant feed them together because they both look at each as if to say "you can have mine too if you want" and nobody eats anything. I am very much at the top of the pack (without having to do much to get it) so I don't feel the need to have an "alpha only" area. Delta isn't a particularly cuddly dog anyway and will rarely get onto the lounge with me, she would rather go and sleep on the other one or in her crate during TV time. The dogs will quite often cuddle up together on a lounge though.

My sister's dogs; however, are not allowed on the lounge as both are dominant females and there are too many power struggles going on there. My mum is the boss and they respect me if I go around there, but they see themselves as being above my sisters (I would too if I were them- my sisters are rather ditzy). Its a delicate balance going on there and I wouldn't risk throwing it all out of whack by allowing them onto higher ground.

If there have been problems in the past between them then I would be stopping the lounge cuddles and joining them on the floor.

Edited by DeltaCharlie
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Both of mine were allowed on the sofa, and Divani growled at Rex when I was sitting with her and he wanted to get up to join us. And it was when you were at my place!!!! never happened before nor after. :)

Are you saying it's my fault :love:

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I've got the same problem in terms of I tend to bring xavier(staffy) more places with me..on walks,in the ute,to work..he gets to run off lead too in the parks because I can trust him to come back to me.Whereas my other boy(pittyX) well he isint so good with other dogs and I definetely can't let him off in a park, so sometimes I feel he misses out on alot.

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Both of mine were allowed on the sofa, and Divani growled at Rex when I was sitting with her and he wanted to get up to join us. And it was when you were at my place!!!! never happened before nor after. :)

Are you saying it's my fault :love:

hmmm parhaps its just a weird coinsidence? :love:

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