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What To Expect After Her Operation?


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My girl, Nikki, is having an operation on Wednesday morning to have her cruciate ligament removed and an artificial one put in.

I just need to know what to expect afterwards??

It's the first operation (besides them being desexed) that both my dogs have had. I'm so nervous of not knowing what to do for her.

The vet has told me I have to keep her quiet, especially in the first two weeks (and we know how hard that will be with a JRx) so I've organised a play pen to keep her in whilst I'm at work and my sister will come over (she lives next door) every couple of hours to take her out the back for her to relieve herself.

After the vet has given the ok, I will take her down to the doggy beach for a swim. But I can only do that on the weekends as the beach is about a 45 min drive to get there.

Can anyone suggest anything else to keep her 'entertained' whilst she's confined?? and what other gentle exercises that I can do with her??

I was thinking of getting her a kong, but the vet wants her to loose a little bit of weight, so I'm not too sure if the kong will be a good idea!


Edited by Goosey~Gander
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My GR felt unwell enough after his cruciate operation that he was really quiet himself for the first couple of weeks after the op. Happy to lie about and not move much.

Kongs are fine, just fill with youghurt and freeze, or pop some peanut butter in the top.........simply reduce the main meal a little to allow for extra treats like a kong. A bone is good too, as are rawhide treats.

Pain relief is important, make sure your vet gives you plenty. Hopefully they will keep your wee dog overnight after the op on opiate pain relief which is best.

I supplemented the vet's pain relief with homepathic remedies and found the Rescue Remedy was good both before and after going to the vets as an anti anxiety remedy, also Arnica pills, which you can get from the chemist - excellent following surgery for bruising, and best of all, get some Ester C powder which is brilliant for healing after an op.

I also gave other supplements such as Glucosamine / Chondroitin tabs. All help with healing and repair of the muscles.


Edited by ~ArtyFarty~
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Pain relief is important, make sure your vet gives you plenty. Hopefully they will keep your wee dog overnight after the op on opiate pain relief which is best.

I will be taking her in on Wednesday morning and will pick her up Thursday afternoon. It will be the first time she's been away from her brother, but I'm thinking that the amount of drugs she'll be having, I don't think she'll notice. As for her brother, he will mop around like he did on Saturday when she was down at the vet being sedated for xrays. So I will have to give him the extra cuddles I think.

I'm such a sooky-la-la with my dogs, I guess I'm just stressing and trying to get as much info to make it as easy as possible for her.... and him.... and me :laugh:

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Go the KONG and reduce her other food accordingly. A small meaty bone is a meal in itself e.g. brisket.

One of the best things to do for her is get that weight off!

That means drastically reducing her food- as in half- especially as she is not exercising.

Follow the vets instructions for rest. It's only short term for long term gain. Good luck :) .

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A dog I once owned had a Cruciate repair too. He recovered very well. The 1st night he was a little sore, but comfortable. The bandage was ok to be removed after 3 days, then gentle walks around the garden from 10 days.

He was a very calm dog, so I didn't really have to keep him entertained, but I think the Kong would be the best thing for your dog. As poodle wrangler said, just reduce the rest of the daily intake of food.

Also, with pain relief, sometimes tonnes of pain relief meds are a worry IMO. Of course you want your dog to be comfortable, but also you don't want them feeling so great they are bouncing off the walls. They still need to know that if they jump around like a porkchop it will hurt a bit. Just my opinion though. :)

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Nikki had the operation today - I called the vet and they said it was definately the cruciate ligament. Will find out more information tomorrow. They did tell me that they removed it, but didn't have to remove the meniscus as that wasn't damaged.

I have to call about 3pm tomorrow to double check that she is still ok to take home. They don't think they'll be a problem.

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All fingers crossed she has a good and quick recovery.

We may be in the same situation soon, Gracie (3 year old Border Terrier) ruptured her cruciate ligament, at the moment we are working with a Chiro Vet who we have found to be really wonderful (and affordable) and she may not have to have the op.

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Well I got her home this afternoon, and atm she is laying next to me sleeping on her bed. I can't move, cause everytime I do, she follows me and keeps on whimpering, even now she whimpers. Poor Darling

Here she is not looking to happy


They also gave me anti inflammatories to give to her, as well as anti biotics. But they didn't give me any pain killers. Are the anti inflammatories pain killers??

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They also gave me anti inflammatories to give to her, as well as anti biotics. But they didn't give me any pain killers. Are the anti inflammatories pain killers??

I think so - that's what my boy came home with after his cruciate op.

And I think you have to be careful not to give anti-inflammatories on an empty tummy.

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