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Puppy That Seems Weak On One Side


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Is that a hunam or a dog chiro?? We don't have anything out here. I know you are in WA but I am in very rural NSW. She is still improving but has probably plateaued. She is growing as well, all legs!!

She also did something weird today that I don't know how to describe but another pup was trying to play with her and she chucked a hissy fit and was like a mad dog. She was barking up in the air, all reaction, and I think fear. Looked like Cujo when he had rabies!!I was wondering if she is missing a few screws or if it was a reaction to something that may have happened to her when very small before coming into care. Also looked like she was blind, at times it seems she has partial vision and others it is like she is fine. Very very strange!!

Curiosity only, has she played with other pups before while in your care? On the face of it sounds damaged, how is she with people/children?

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This is starting to sound very familiar. Does she by chance have an unusually large scull. Have a google of Hydrocephalus. I had a pup with that. I could not really pinpoint what was wrong with him. He was clumsy, not very socialble with the other pups, I also wondered if it was hips/spine, something physical. I also wondered if he was blind. He would often walk in circles also. He would panic if I picked him up in the air. He passed the vet check at 6 weeks. It did get more noticeable from 6 - 9 weeks. As soon as the vet saw him at 9wks he was 95% sure it was Hydro, but 100% sure it was neurological - and after going home and researching - I agreed with him. I chose to have him pts as he would not have had a normal life.

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Perhaps some X-rays would be helpful. Maybe X-ray the hips and skull. Soft tissue injury of course won't show, but with lack of specialists at least an X-ray might show up something in the head area.

If there is no ongoing neurological problem, issues resulting from puppyhood problems might resolve a bit - such as the neck, the strengthening you have already seen and the brain making new pathways for motor functions. If however there is hydrocephalus or some other serious brain problem that is a different matter.

If she was small and weak she may have been trampled a bit by the other pups so her reaction to the pup might relate to that, it's hard to know for sure without diagnostics.

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PP. can you take some photos of her now to see what she is like?

What do the adult dogs think of her?

If I did not have the 2 pups I have here currently I would offer to take her and get Xrays, chiro etc done to see if it will help

If my pups rehome soon would you like me to do that?

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Sorry guys I have been very preoccupied lately. The puppy is still here and is light and lanky. She has improved although somedays if another dog tumbles her she seems to take a while to pick back up. When she was with the others, well where she came from no one would put a dog. there were 15 odd puppies and 5 adult dogs, idiot kids and adults more interested in drugs than the dogs.

She doesn't lay down fat, has been wormed on a good diet but she is growing. She feels the cold so she has a hot water bottle when it is cold. She likes to romp around and is not as weak as she was. She can get up the steps and will leap off the botton one now. She seldom yelps only if rolled by a bigger dog as any pup will do.

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