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Putting Weight On A Skinny Dog.


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Ok, my little guy is LOOSING weight. I didnt think that was possible but just to be sure I took him to the vet to weigh him again. Last time we were in there he was 4.5kg. Now he is 4.1kg. I know it doesnt sound like a huge loss, but on such a little dog 4.5kg was underweight to begin with. He is now practically nothing but bones !

I dont know what to do. I need suggestions of how to fatten him up. He is getting extra feed with me at work now, but he will only eat untill he feels he has had enough... how do I make him eat more? He eats a good quality food.

What can I feed him that is high in calories and will help fatten him up????

His exercise has increased slightly latley I think that is part of the reason but not excessivly so.

He seems fine energy/personality wise so I dont think he is sick. He is upto date on worming and parasite preventatives too.

He does have a slightly sensitive tummy and gets vomity/dioarhera easily but he allways has done that.

I wish I could just take some of Zoeys weight and stick it on Luigi then they would both be perfect :laugh:

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I did take him to the vet Friday morning. They suggest putting him on puppy food for a while and see if that helps and if not then look at blood testing. Both dogs free feed so have food avalible to them nearly 24/7.

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I did take him to the vet Friday morning. They suggest putting him on puppy food for a while and see if that helps and if not then look at blood testing. Both dogs free feed so have food avalible to them nearly 24/7.

well i hope the puppy food works :laugh:

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I would stop the free feeding thing personally... I remember reading of a dog in a Jan Fennel book (her first one?) who was pretty much starving himself from having food available 24/7. Jan related it to him believing he was controlling food this way as a pack leader. I just think dogs do see value in food when it's constantly available.

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I thoght I read in another thread like this to mix a tin of sardines in oil into their food once or twice a week....... I cant find it now though. I hope this is true because I have been doing it.

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I find sardines in oil good for coat but not weight gain. My standard poodle could not get weight on and was loosing it easily if not eating all of the time. I have her eating nearly half a kilo of chicken neck for breakky and 3 cups of RC kibble for dinner plus snacks and she is steadily gaining weight. plus she loves her food especially her chicken necks!

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nearly all the free feeders i now are under weight.

Getting the dog on a good eating regime is the best way to start & basically finding a diet that agrees with its stomach sticking to it.

All our dogs whether young or old are feed puppy.

Maybe also try goats milk & baby farex as a filler especially in winter

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