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Bitch On Heat


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A friend of my partners has a medium mixed breed bitch who is on heat, she said she wants to surrender the dog if she doesn't stop ruining her carpet :eek: this dog apparently rips off the pants and pads she had on her and she's at her wits end with the dog.

She doesn't want the dog to be desexed (yes, I know) but is more than happy to get rid of her if she can't find a way to stop the dog bleeding all over the house, she has recently bailed her out of the pound after escaping the yard and it's "all too much for her"

What else is there that i could suggest to her? this is fairly urgent as i dunno how much longer she will keep the dog for at this rate. Thanks in advance.

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Why doesn't she want the dog desexed? There are different options of desexing these days...

Poor girl may need to be checked out, the bleeding stage of being on heat shouldn't go for too terribly long.

Also, any dog should have a properly fenced yard that they cannot escape from. If she had this the dog could stay in the yard without ending up escaping impounded. That would be the first thing I'd be fixing, desexed or not!

Edited by Sam&Saki
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keep it in the laundry and then get it desexed or give it to a rescue that has room for it before it gets pregnant

what an idiot. Some people shouldn't own dogs.

I dunno if she'd allow that because she doesn't want blood on her floors at all :eek:

Not sure exactly why she doesn't want her desexed.. she mentioned to my partner a while back that she is interested in having a litter but i have no idea if she still wants to, the dogs only about 10-11 months old i think.

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Not sure exactly why she doesn't want her desexed.. she mentioned to my partner a while back that she is interested in having a litter but i have no idea if she still wants to, the dogs only about 10-11 months old i think.

There's nothing wrong with a responsible owner making a well thought out decision that their dog is better off not being desexed.

However anyone who can't keep their dog in their own yard is not a responsible owner and clearly not capable of caring for an entire bitch. :eek:

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:eek: :rolleyes: What an irrisponsible @%&()*^!!!!!if she cant handle a bit of blood how tf is she gunna cope with a whelp !!!!!!

sounds to me that this poor bitch would be better off desexed asap & found a loving home .in the meantime she should be confined in a safe place befor an unwanted pregnancy occurs :cheer:

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Not sure exactly why she doesn't want her desexed.. she mentioned to my partner a while back that she is interested in having a litter but i have no idea if she still wants to, the dogs only about 10-11 months old i think.

well she's about to have one if she keeps the dog outside. Yeah great idea pull her aside and talk about how MESSY whelping and puppies are ... 8 straight weeks of blood, poo, wee, vomit and milk everywhere :eek:

she'll give the dog up tomorrow :rolleyes:

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Not sure exactly why she doesn't want her desexed.. she mentioned to my partner a while back that she is interested in having a litter but i have no idea if she still wants to, the dogs only about 10-11 months old i think.

There's nothing wrong with a responsible owner making a well thought out decision that their dog is better off not being desexed.

However anyone who can't keep their dog in their own yard is not a responsible owner and clearly not capable of caring for an entire bitch. :)

Hmm if your breeding then by all means dont desex but ive seen to many nasty pyometras (uterus infections) to say 'yes not desexing your bitch is a good idea if you have thought it out' because you wouldnt have thought it out that carefully because a uterus infection can kill your dog. And $200 is a small price to pay to get them desexed

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Not sure exactly why she doesn't want her desexed.. she mentioned to my partner a while back that she is interested in having a litter but i have no idea if she still wants to, the dogs only about 10-11 months old i think.

There's nothing wrong with a responsible owner making a well thought out decision that their dog is better off not being desexed.

However anyone who can't keep their dog in their own yard is not a responsible owner and clearly not capable of caring for an entire bitch. :)

Hmm if your breeding then by all means dont desex but ive seen to many nasty pyometras (uterus infections) to say 'yes not desexing your bitch is a good idea if you have thought it out' because you wouldnt have thought it out that carefully because a uterus infection can kill your dog. And $200 is a small price to pay to get them desexed

aj88, if you were to do a search on the topic and you'd find many, many threads on the subject of the pro's and con's of desexing.

A well thought out decision regarding desexing would take pyometra into account as one of the many risks of not desexing, but also take into account all the many risks of desexing. There are risks for either decision and which decision should be made for the individual dog depends on the breed, size, pre-existing health conditions of the dog, etc. Yes desexing is the best plan for many bitches - but it is not always.

I am not breeding my girl but neither is she desexed (yet), to do so before her inverted vulva corrects itself would be to condemn her to a life of UTIs, vaginitis and vaginal dermatitis. It's not about money, it's about what's best for the dog.

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Tell her to get it desexed :) it's a mutt.

:thumbsup: Couldn't have said it better. Poor little pet dog, doesn't deserve such an uncaring and irresponsible owner. It sounds like this person should not own a dog and the dog should be de-sexed and found a good pet home before being put in the position of producing more unwanted mutts' and adding to the huge problem of homeless mutts already sitting in pounds and rescue centres.

Its not a breeding dog, its a pet and pets do not need to come in season. Get it speyed and assure it freedom from unwanted pregnancy and associated risks plus the high incidence of mammary tumours in unspeyed bitches.

Where did the dog come from? Pet Shop? :eek:


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If she'd honestly rather the dog be dead than without a uterus, then I'm truely speechless.

Totally agree.

Here's an idea.

Put the stupid bitch of an owner in the pound and let the dog stay in the house.

What the *@#* is wrong with people? If the owner can't cope with blood for three weeks then as someone said before how the hell is she going to cope with whelping (the bitch having discharge for a a few weeks after the birth) and the piss and shit from the puppies for 8 weeks? The dog is a mutt it shouldn't be bred.

Now for a constructive comment. Maybe suggest a crate. (for the owner to lock herself in)

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We spoke to her again today and mentioned getting her desexed, she apparently phoned a few vets a couple of weeks ago but couldn't find anyone who would do it for less than $200 so she didn't go ahead.

She thinks it's a waste of money, she wants to replace the dog with a male now so who knows.

Sorry, I know this kinda thing annoys people, I just wanted some advice so the dog hopefully doesn't end up homeless.

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