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Warrnambool (vic) Dolers


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Wasn't it just Pandii, a lovely day for us locals as well to see the dogs and peeps in action. Thank dog for that bit of a change I m not a fan of those hot northely, still the dogs all seemed to cope rather well.

Sorry to hear some of you had trouble with your cars :banghead:

Hi JJ, Oh and I are on a bit of a trip atm, just doing the Great Ocean Road once again :banghead: and some sight / dog seeing. Not showing.

So are you local or travelling.

You are being awfully familiar for a newbie

No intro thread, no this is my dog thread.

Just 3 posts in threads to do with warrnambool.

So you are on a travelling holiday and just decided that sometime in december that you would join DOL then start posting in a training thread while you are travelling.

What sort of internet are you using.

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Hi JJ, Bugger about Tarni, what was the prob with her, I guess she be just at that age where they test the boundries, how old is she now?

Yes the weather was a bit of a pain today, we had our first day back at obedience, but not a lot was done as it was too sticky and hot this am. Then I had to work this arvo so was glad it didn't stay as hot as it was in the morning.

Can't believe the kids are back at school and tomorow it will be Feb, this month has just flown by!!

Hows the new bubs going all settled into her new life I hope.

Tarni is just a pain in the arse. She is 8 months and thinks she is God's gift to the pedigree dog world.

It is mainly my fault though - I haven't put any time in preparing her for showing. I don't enjoy showing at all anymore and find it hard to get motivated to 'show train' her. I sure pay the price in the ring, though! :banghead:

Bub is fine. Sleeps alot of course and very quiet. Hardly hear 'boo' from her. Just the way I like 'em! :banghead:

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JJ we may have met, I m not sure lol, but I do shorten every thing. Anyway we may meet one day.

Pandii gosh am I in some sort of police interview room :grouphug::laugh: are you shining a torch in my eyes maybe.

We must be of a different age, we are as they say today grey nomades :rofl: And yes we ( oldies ) do have pc, and laptops and mobile cards. And I love it! ;)

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just trying to sort out the bits that dont make sense, why havent you posted in anyone elses social thread?

Cant tell me what sort of internet connection you are using?

How would you know how old I am.

Stop avoiding the questions and start answering some

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Oh thats so good to hear and I guess you and the OH are old hands at it now!!

Its a shame you have lost your zest for showing, You always sounded like you really enjoyed it.

I started showing 22 years ago, but after a looooong break from it, I lost the passion.

I much prefer spending my time with my dogs elsewhere, like working them in the field like they were bred for.

It seems, however, that amongst folk within my breed believe if you "don't show - then don't breed", as if winning a 20 cent ribbon once a week proves your dogs are 'quality' and worthy of being bred.

I judge my dogs 'worthiness' on how they perform doing what the breed is supposed to do, and let my puppy buyers do the same and make their own decisions based on meeting my dogs. Temperament, health and field ability matters most to me.

Unfortunately, it seems that showing is just something I 'have' to do. Certainly would rather not spend a lovely day at a dog show! ;)

Edited to add... a dog show can be made bearable with the consumption of a few cans, but alas - on most occasions I have to drive! :grouphug::laugh::rofl:


Edited by jerojath
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Well that all makes perfect sense to me, and you know your dogs!! I have never had an incling to show ever, even though I have always been a doggy person and have had Reg PB dogs, I much prefer to do other stuff too like obedience, tracking agility etc, wish we had more facilitys close by to enable us to do more of this sort of stuff.

If you dont show what does it mean in terms of breeding? Are the pups not worth as much? or is it that their is more interest if the pups have winning parents, sorry if I sound ignorant, I am :grouphug: and you dont have to answer that if it is too much of a personal question. Im sure there are people out there that show pups just for the love of it?? along with the breeders. or in the grand scheme of things are most show dog people breeders? This whole show thing is totally new to me I know nothing!

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Well that all makes perfect sense to me, and you know your dogs!! I have never had an incling to show ever, even though I have always been a doggy person and have had Reg PB dogs, I much prefer to do other stuff too like obedience, tracking agility etc, wish we had more facilitys close by to enable us to do more of this sort of stuff.

If you dont show what does it mean in terms of breeding? Are the pups not worth as much? or is it that their is more interest if the pups have winning parents, sorry if I sound ignorant, I am :grouphug: and you dont have to answer that if it is too much of a personal question. Im sure there are people out there that show pups just for the love of it?? along with the breeders. or in the grand scheme of things are most show dog people breeders? This whole show thing is totally new to me I know nothing!

Briefly... no it has nothing to do with money. Even if all my dogs were champion show dogs I'd still have the same price tag on them. I charge what I feel the dogs are worth as companions and hunting dogs.

Some people in my breed who will ONLY breed from champion stock ask a higher price than me for their pups, while others with the same standards charge less. I pray for a day at a dog show where the judge releases a few quail in the ring before making his final decisions! :laugh:

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Hey Guys, how did the show go? Tenties and Jj hope you went well, look forward to hearing all about it. RJ, did you get any ideas for future show pup for yourself any of your favs there??


Had a great time and spoke to quite a few breeders that are willing to help with my quest lol

(IF only I could make up my mind :rofl: :D )

And saw some lovely dogs some I would ove to own, and some I would rather not Lol

Also had a great catch up for Dinner and a we had a great laugh

Hi JJ, Oh and I are on a bit of a trip atm, just doing the Great Ocean Road once again :grouphug: and some sight / dog seeing. Not showing.

Caniche, I think it was you I was talking to???????????

Where you the lady I was speaking to whilst the Min pins where on???????

(I think it was ring 1)

I was speaking to a lady that had a purpley color top on that used to live in Warrnambool and said she was travelling????????

LOL how funny would that be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think you where friends with the lady with the min pins ??????? BUt could be wrong.

Anyway welcome.

And I think we will have another local joining us soon here on line and at show training :laugh::rofl: ;) :rofl:

Cheers Janet

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I saw the min pins RJ, I didnt see you though, I was with JJ, asking him

what breed they were as I thought they only come in black and tan

we were with an older person in a purple top too

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I saw the min pins RJ, I didnt see you though, I was with JJ, asking him

what breed they were as I thought they only come in black and tan

we were with an older person in a purple top too

It was about 1.30ish??? On Saturday

I was talking to a lady Lynn that had a blue fawn min pin pup as well as a tan boy and a tan girl.

She also a groomer and now I cant remember where she was from, any way back to it lol I was talking to her and said I was a local and the lady in the purple top started to talk to me and said she was orig from here but travelling now.

She had blonde/grey hair about shoulder length.

And I pretty sure she said she was a member of DOL.

I also saw here there today, but was not talking to her.

BUT I could have it totally wrong and it may not be her at all.

Will have to see if she comes back and replies.

Sounds like there was some interesting things going on with the judges.

Did you have any probs JJ or was it just not your day.

I know others that had probs with 2 Judges.


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RJ - No, no problems yesterday. Just Tarni being a cow but I'm used to that :grouphug:

BUT!!! Some VERY interesting goings on with the vizsla judging today, I'm told!

Can't really post about it here but lets just say it cements my opinions of dog shows!!! :laugh:

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RJ - No, no problems yesterday. Just Tarni being a cow but I'm used to that :rofl:

BUT!!! Some VERY interesting goings on with the vizsla judging today, I'm told!

Can't really post about it here but lets just say it cements my opinions of dog shows!!! :mad

Sounds very similar to what I heard only with 2 different breeds.

But same ring :D :) ;) ;) :eek:

Makes me wonder why I am even contemplating showing.

But I did met some wonderful people over the weekend that i would like to keep in touch with so that olone will make it worth it. :grouphug::laugh::rofl: ;) :rofl:

I just cant rmember there names only there dogs breed lol.

But have organised to meet them again at Noorat and maybe Ballarat this weekend if I get there.

:eek: Cant believe there was only 1 ridgie there :eek::cry:

But at least I got to speak to her woner too.

Gee I spoke to a lot of people now that I stop and think about it lol


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Well JJ, I hope by doing the show training you might get a bit of your showing zest back especially with a lot of interest by some of the locals, nice to have a day out with friends, you should get a driver :grouphug: or take one of the other locals with you and they could drive!! Hey how would your dog/dogs go if you had another persons dog in the trailer with them? Would they crack the sads?

RJ, you sound like you had a great time, can I ask who went out for tea? I would have loved to have gone but we had my MIL 70th Birthday.

I guess showing is like a lot of other competitve stuff in regards to the judging, you do hear a lot of dodgy stuff goes on.

Just in regards to the show training are you guys only going to stick with show training or will there be a bit of general obedience thrown in there occasonally? I am keen to pick up another day/evening of training (prefer evenings) due to work. So if anyone is interested in doing a bit of obedience, just general routine stuff, sit, drop, stand, stay r & L about turns seek backs and a bit of retrieving and the likes Id love to have someone to train with.

Oh Id just like to add Lacy did a perfect stand for examination today, no food, with me 2 feet away, I was wrapped, she never missed a beat with her routine work today not bad considering we have done no training since early december, (apart from out and about everyday stuff) slack I know. :laugh:

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RJ - No, no problems yesterday. Just Tarni being a cow but I'm used to that :rofl:

BUT!!! Some VERY interesting goings on with the vizsla judging today, I'm told!

Can't really post about it here but lets just say it cements my opinions of dog shows!!! :mad

Sounds very similar to what I heard only with 2 different breeds.

But same ring :D :) ;) ;) :eek:

Makes me wonder why I am even contemplating showing.

But I did met some wonderful people over the weekend that i would like to keep in touch with so that olone will make it worth it. :grouphug::laugh::rofl: ;) :rofl:

I just cant rmember there names only there dogs breed lol.

But have organised to meet them again at Noorat and maybe Ballarat this weekend if I get there.

:eek: Cant believe there was only 1 ridgie there :eek::cry:

But at least I got to speak to her woner too.

Gee I spoke to a lot of people now that I stop and think about it lol


Dog showing certainly has its place, but its not the be all and end all, nor is it for everybody.

I would NEVER try to talk someone out of becoming involved, and it is a great social event for like-minded people.

Just not me anymore.

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