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Humping Puppy Behaviour ?how To Stop It


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How does one suggest to stop a 4 month old puppy from humping the youngest kid (6) and other similar aged puppies?

I know it's a dominance behaviour but some suggestions of what to would be great.

He is a very smart and obedient little pup with a great list of commands he can already do and has attended puppy school.

One of my stud dogs used to do it at puppy school but he never tried it on my kids or anyone else and it wasn't something I told him off about for obvious reasons. :thumbsup:

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I know it's a dominance behaviour

Well.. actually it's just what youngsters do, often.. it's part of growing up.... and all that.

It CAN be a show of dominance.. but not always.

Do not let him be unsupervised with the kids... step up his general obedience training, so he KNOWS and obeys "No!" ,"Come", etc...

Give him lots of other ways to use his brain & body.

Get The 6 y. o to do some sits, etc with pup on lead...and to not run around with the pup and get him excited.

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Thanks guys. He will be desexed soon ..... he is in a home with 4 kids and picks out the youngest one to hump. :rolleyes:

I have suggested that they get this child to do some commands with him and growl in a scary voice if possible instead of the excited high pitched voice he would normally use which would only excite him more.

We'll see how that goes.

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My Dally was very prone to humping cushions/pillows etc.....prevention was fantastic but also having lots of CALM down time and the occasional use of a water spray. I found that if he was corrected for something or was overly excited or was left unsupervised for a nanosecond or was given a new blanket/bed he would bolt to the nearest cushion :rolleyes: Identifying the triggers was a great start. He is now 2, still very confident and a rather pushy lad but I have no issues with him.

ETA: Just re-read my post - seems as though everything was a trigger :laugh:

Edited by The Spotted Devil
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