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What is "tardac"? I have had some issues with desexing lately - I have never desexed my animals before, just practised good kenneling.

The 18 month old I had desexed just before Xmas, has just climbed 2 fences and achieved a 10 minute tie with one of my 'on-season' bitches :laugh: And he is still humping the cat!!

And the cat, I had desexed last year, is still coming 'on-season' and calling and the stray tomcat still keeps visiting and weeing on everything during the night. My cat has always been locked up from dusk-to-dawn. :thumbsup:

If she is still calling then I would hazard a guess that some of the reproductive organs may have been missed during desexing - as if she's had everything taken out, it's impossible for her to come on call. That I know of, anyway. It sounds insane but I have heard a few stories of cats not being completely desexed and still calling/having interest in mating.

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Has anyone used Suprelorin in females yet?

My bitch currently has an implant.

I needed her NOT to be in season in the middle of June.

She was showing all the signs but not quite coming in. She came in 4 days after getting the implant so it was the perfect solution for us.

Apparently it is safer than the "stop the season" injection.

She will be infertile for 6 months.

My 4 year old bitch has had the 6 month implant, as it was recommended (and put in) by Monash vet. She came into season twice in the 2-3 months following it's insertion, then didn't come back in for about 15 months. The lovely vet told me AFTER putting it in, when she first came back in (which is apparently VERY common, although he didn't seem to know it), that he was worried she'd never come back in :rolleyes: . Luckily, she did come back in, and was mated on her first season back in, however reabsorbed. I'll still never know if that was a hangover effect of the implant.

I'm not sure I'd use it again in any bitch I wanted to breed. Another specialist GSD repro vet uses it with bitches having trouble getting in whelp, but she puts it in their thigh. The bitches are then mated/inseminated on their first season in within a couple of months, and removes the implant after breeding. My girls' was put between her shoulder blades, so we could never remove it had I of wanted it done (which I did when she was over 12 months with no season).

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Thanks for that info, Miss Maddy. I was wondering about the after effects "in the real world".

She is an older bitch so I am probably going to have her desexed, just haven't had time (she works in obedience and retrieving and we have lots of entries in at present).

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I have used it for a male dog. He was one that would run out of a ring when he caught the whiff of a lovely bitch.

He was first implanted in 2006, again 2007, and once more at about 2009. Then he was to be used at stud, but it took a good 18+ months to wear off.

The bitch came into season in late Sept-early Oct 2010 and his testicles had returned to normal size however he was shooting blanks at that stage, within 6-8 weeks of that he came back to full ability. The bitch came into season again in late February and two matings once she was ready.

The result was a lovely litter of nine live puppies, all well and healthy. I kept in touch with the manufacturers (Peptech) with information and they were please with the feedback.

My Vet said it's now the practice to put the implant into the hock area so it can be removed if animal is required earlier. But it's well know that on the 'majority' of males a 12 month implant may last 14-15 months, although some others will come back almost to the day of 12 months.

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I've used this on my Basenji boy (2.5 years when we started) for 2 reasons: so he could stay home rather than go to kennels when our bitch is in season & to diminish his bossy behaviour with other male dogs.

It's been a success for us – testicle shrank over 2-5 months, bossy behaviour diminished over the same time frame, and he has little to no interest in girls on heat. He's had the implant for 9 months now.

At first, his appetite increased and we had to be careful not to overfeed, but that seems to have worn off now.

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