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Bee Allergy


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Hi everyone,

Just a question. Our pup's Mom (black labrador) had a bee allergy apparently. What is the chance that my pup has it? If he is in fact allergic to a bee sting, what would I do and how long would I have? Would I race to the vet ASAP? What are the symptoms? Apparently his mother's face blew up. Would my pup have the same reaction? Just need to be prepared.

Thank you.

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If I see a face puffiing up I always either give antihisamines (Claratyne) or Prednil (vet only medication). The swelling has always subsided without a trip to the vets.

Not sure if bee allergies are gentic.

What you should watch for -

Swelling in the muzzel

Swelling around the eyes

Difficulty breathing

What you should do -

Either choose to administer antihistamines yourself or go to the vets

Some people say that an icepack applied to where the sting was, if you can find it, is helpful.

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Yep, swelling around the face and throat, rashes. I find Chloe gets a bit dull and listless as well.

I can also tell when Chloe's having a reaction cause all the plants etc are knocked over and it looks like a tornado has hit where she's been going around and around in a circle trying desperately to scratch.

We've never had to 'rush' Chloe to the vet, but the sooner you get them there the better - more so for their own comfort and wellbeing.

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Allergies vary from dog to dog, just like they do in people.

Our stafford is very allergic - he was stung and stopped breathing for a minute at the vets. His head swelled to what looked like double its size, his gums and tongue when a purplish pink shade. He had to have adrenalin as well as cortisone and something else - 3 injections all up and then it was wait and see.

From that day on we have always told him NO when we see bees and it has not happened again, thank Dog...

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I own 2 dogs who are highly allergic & i carry the injections here.

We have other dogs who have been stung & no major issue at all.Licking the spot & minor amount of swelling but manageable.We still give a prednil .

My 2 highly allergic are different breeds & no parentage that react but normally in there case when stung its always the face /flew area ,where the others is always foot.

With my two allergic ones during business hours i will go to the vets even though i carry the injections.There faces swell to the point there eyes are shut ,glands come up for weeks etc etc,Generally with eye packs applied it take 4 hrs before there swelling starst to go down.

The others swelling is gone in no time.

Pot luck & careful monitoring.My 2 swell /react within seconds of being bitten

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Wow! Thank you very much for your responses. Amazing how the reactions differ, just like humans as previously mentioned. Well, considering I suffer hay fever, I have plenty of antihistamines here at home (pity they don't work for me - the vet would probably be able to help me more..hehe).

Will keep a very watchful eye on him.

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