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You are doing a terrific job - can't wait to see the end product :)

Here is a clip of Wii - this dog is amazing and its the step by step process on how her owner taught her to do a handstand.

Edited by Ptolomy
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Bit of topic but thought everyone might enjoy this video especially NSDTR lovers. This young lass is an excellent trainer and the progress she has made with her Toller pup is fantastic in such a short time. She is on one of the forums I'm on and I love watching how this pup is progressing under her training. I'm sure this young girl will go a long way with her dogs.

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I taught my girl to summersault after watching the greyhound doing it but his dogs are fantastic.

This I wanna see and how did you teach it?! :cry:

Hi Rubystar

Have got it on my camera, not too good though as I always have to try and set up the camera and then race over to the dog(doesn't work to well doing it that way). Still like to be close when she does it as I am abit nervous of injury if she goes over the wrong way. Can't load to the computer at the moment as my external hard drive where I load to has given up the ghost and is going back to get seen too, thankfully I still have the reciept and its less than a year old.

I taught it on my bed, so that she had a comfortable landing while learning. She already knew how to tuck her head in and the handstand (not as good as the Keeshond) so it was just a case of ensuring she kept her head tucked in and giving some support so that she didn't twist as she went over. She is very trusting with regard to me showing her what I want so she had it worked out in the first lesson although she still uses me to kick of from. When I get the hard drive sorted out I'll be adding it to her Youtube site OZPAWFX, but if thats not soon I'll give you a personal demo when we catch up at the obedience.

Would love a live demo! :laugh:

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