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Cracked Rib?


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Hey everyone,

I have a concern about Dixie, my Chihuahua. Back during late November my dad was taking her outside for me. She had a nasty fall when she was coming in. She has a habit of always running back inside after her potty. We have a concrete step that goes up to our back door, which is the way she always goes out. Well, when she reached the step, the slipped and fell, and banged the ride side of her chest on the corner of the step.

We didn't notice anything wrong with her afterwards. We figured maybe it scared her or didn't give her all that much pain. But lately whenever I pick her up in certain ways, she screams in pain. It's mainly when when hook my thumbs under her front legs and use the rest of my fingers to grap her around the chest and back. She's yelped a few times from that, so I've learned that picking her up by putting my palm on her sternum and my other hand supporting her side doesn't bother her. I also was petting her once and accidently touched a spot on her right side on her rib cage, and that made her cry out too.

Though lately, we have noticed a slight limp. It's like she limps sometimes, but not all the time.

Well, last night she was on my bed with me. I was getting ready to go to sleep. She was lying on my side of the bed so I gently moved her by grabbing her the 'wrong' way (it was an accident out of habit, I was stupid and wasn't thinking). She screamed quite loudly followed by a whine that went on a few seconds. She started shaking as out of fear. I flipped out after that. I thought I hurt her even more, but she was fine afterwards. However, today she is limping more than usual.

I'm wanting to get her into the vet asap, however I start a new job tomorrow. I work 9:00AM to 5:30PM Monday to Thursday, and those hours entirely clash with my vet's hours for this week. I can't call into this new job already, yet I am worried that Dixie's condition will worsen. She doesn't seem like she's in pain - no whining, she's playful and happy. Just a little limp and a holler whenever you pick her up the wrong way.

My parents and I suspect a cracked rib. I want to find out for sure, but with my work schedule and Christmas, I cannot get her in until Saturday, and that's only if my vet has an opening. I also have no family members or friends that can take her. I also don't trust anyone else to handle her right without hurting her. I'd rather be the one to take her.

I am so freakin' worried over this! I came here just to share my frustrations. I am wondering if anyone went through anything similar and can add some input?

Also, let's say it is highly suspected to be a broken rib - how long do they take to heal? Any precautions I should take?

Thanks to all who read this!!

Edited by DazzleKitty
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Umm.. Why did you wait till now? The first time my dog yelped they would have been at the vet, why leave it till you were working and couldnt take her? It is now the 21st of Dec. That is at least 20 other days you could have taken her to see someone...

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Umm.. Why did you wait till now? The first time my dog yelped they would have been at the vet, why leave it till you were working and couldnt take her? It is now the 21st of Dec. That is at least 20 other days you could have taken her to see someone...

Yes, but it just now started to get to the point where it set off alarm bells. It's been the last several days when she's started to yelp often when picked up. She may have done it a couple of times before then (and we then figured it wasn't something major, like just a bruise from the fall), but now it's starting to scare me. After last night is when I finally realized she needed to go.

I can see where some may have taken her to the vet at first yelp. However, we didn't associate it with the fall. You know how you can pick any animal up and maybe accidently touch something sensitive, get a bad grip, pinch them, etc. If I had known it would lead to this, then I certainly would have taken her then. I really wish it had done this sooner so I could have gotten her in sooner.

I know I probably haven't been the best pet parent in this case but I honestly, truly didn't think it was something like this in the beginning. If it was like this, she would have been on her way to the vet.

What I don't understand is why it's worsening now. Wouldn't it be logical for it to hurt worse in the beginning? I am rather afraid that maybe one of the times I picked her up that maybe I made the injury worse and slowed down healing.

Anyways, I totally forgot something. My mom is off work on Wednesday. She may be able to take her in for me if I pay her to do it for me. I'll keep you updated.

Thanks for the input, guys.

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You have to pay your mother to take a dog that is in pain to the vets :hug:

I agree I would have been there at the first yelp especially with such a small dog. You need to be carfeul that the rib does not compromise the lung

Umm.. Why did you wait till now? The first time my dog yelped they would have been at the vet, why leave it till you were working and couldnt take her? It is now the 21st of Dec. That is at least 20 other days you could have taken her to see someone...

Yes, but it just now started to get to the point where it set off alarm bells. It's been the last several days when she's started to yelp often when picked up. She may have done it a couple of times before then (and we then figured it wasn't something major, like just a bruise from the fall), but now it's starting to scare me. After last night is when I finally realized she needed to go.

I can see where some may have taken her to the vet at first yelp. However, we didn't associate it with the fall. You know how you can pick any animal up and maybe accidently touch something sensitive, get a bad grip, pinch them, etc. If I had known it would lead to this, then I certainly would have taken her then. I really wish it had done this sooner so I could have gotten her in sooner.

I know I probably haven't been the best pet parent in this case but I honestly, truly didn't think it was something like this in the beginning. If it was like this, she would have been on her way to the vet.

What I don't understand is why it's worsening now. Wouldn't it be logical for it to hurt worse in the beginning? I am rather afraid that maybe one of the times I picked her up that maybe I made the injury worse and slowed down healing.

Anyways, I totally forgot something. My mom is off work on Wednesday. She may be able to take her in for me if I pay her to do it for me. I'll keep you updated.

Thanks for the input, guys.

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See if you can organise with your vet to drop her off before work one morning this week and pick her up on the way home.

Even if your vets hours are 9am-5:30pm (same as yours) there will still be someone there from at least 8:30am-6pm :hug:

The other option is to take her in your lunch break (or off to the 24hr emergency centre if you have one).

I'm not sure what could be done if it is a broken rib though :hug: I guess they could give her some pain relief though...

You might want to crate her and keep her as quiet as you can until you can see a vet too.

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You can always try a vet with longer hours.

Doesn't sound like a rib to me, not with a limp. I think the sooner you get her to a vet the better.

If that's not the case, what other things could possibly be wrong? I am so worried!

I thought about begging my vet to stay a little later. I have a long drive to work (at least a good 30-40 minutes depending on how bad traffic is). The vet is about 3/4 of the way home. Maybe a caring soul will stay late so I can pick her up. Even if the vet is there half an hour early, that is not early enough. I'd be late for my job.

About my mom being paid to take her to the vet...well, she doesn't like going. She isn't good with prepping her for going and just doesn't want to be bothered with it. She says it's my responsiblity since Dixie is my dog, and I can understand her view on that. She and my dad both claim she'll be fine and I should just let her heal on her own. I vehemently disagree with this. I just want to get her there so I can find out what's wrong. That's the only thing that'll ease my worries in this case. I figured if I slipped her some money, that'll be an incentive for her to go.

There is a chance my mom may call into work tomorrow (she's had stomach sickness all day). If she does and she's feels better later, she may try to convince the vet to let her in. However, if tomorrow doesn't work, she WILL get in on Wednesday no matter what measures I have to take. Or perhaps Tuesday, if I can wing it. I want there TOMORROW, but I dont' forsee a possiblity to do it. I also need to make sure they can take me. Hopefully if my mom feels up to it and her stomach isn't bothering her, she'll make the call and try to get her in.

Maybe someone at the vet will stay later and I can have my mom drop her off and I can pick her up. My vet is really loving with animals so hopefully he'll understand.

I'm starting to feel like a bad person. I mean, I am putting my job before my best friend, yet I cannot be jobless. I have lots of bills to pay. Yet, she's my best friend and like my child. I dunno....I've fighted months to get this job, but I don't want her to suffer either. Frankly, I'm just at a loss. I feel like waiting an extra day or two is an eternity for her. :thumbsup: I seriously just don't know what to do or think. I suppose all I can do is make her feel as comfy as I can, make her stay calm, and bust the crate out. Even in her state, she's been lively. She's a laid back dog that likes to just sleep and cuddle on your lap. She gets her bursts of energy though, and I'm surprised how lively she can be with her limp. It's a relief she doesn't seem to be in pain though I'm afraid she'll get hurt more. Yeah, I need to calm her down and just get her there asap.

I will keep you all updated on this. Thank you for listening to my worries and for the offered help. And sorry my messages are so verbose...when I'm upset about something, my fingers don't know when to stop typing.

Edited by DazzleKitty
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You can always try a vet with longer hours.

Doesn't sound like a rib to me, not with a limp. I think the sooner you get her to a vet the better.

If that's not the case, what other things could possibly be wrong? I am so worried!

It could be something related to the leg, to a hip or shoulder or even to her spine. The main thing is to get her to a vet as soon as you can.

Most of us need to work to pay bills. My vet is open from 8.00 to 6.30. I'm sure there are vets around you with longer hours.. see if you can find one. :thumbsup:

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Where do you live?

My thought too.

I live in Missouri, USA in the St. Louis area.

I don't want to give out anymore details than that, though. I'm kinda uncomfortable giving out too much information of my whereabouts on the net.

Anyways, my mom says she'll take Dixie to the vet on Wednesday for me if I can manage to get in. Please wish Dixie and I luck and that nothing major is wrong with her. She's due for her shots again about now, so I can kill two birds with one stone in this visit. I'll let you guys know what's up after the visit. Please hope for good news.

I really appreciate you all trying to help me. You're a nice bunch.

Edited by DazzleKitty
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Where do you live?

My thought too.

I live in Missouri, USA in the St. Louis area.

I don't want to give out anymore details than that, though. I'm kinda uncomfortable giving out too much information of my whereabouts on the net.

That's plenty of detail Dazzle, you are right not to offer more. People asked because many of us on here are in Australia or New Zealand and some things can be quite different. I was puzzled as to why your vet was keeping such restricted hours but that is because around here they are usually open in the evening.

Good luck with her. :laugh: I hope it's nothing serious.

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I live in Missouri, USA in the St. Louis area.

Ahhhh .... s'ok. I thought that if you were local to me, I might be able to arrange to pick her up for you and take her to the Vet on your behalf.

But USA is just a tad too far to travel .............................

ETA: I see your Mum's taking Dixie to the Vet's on Wednesday for you. Good :(. Good onya, Mum :(.

I'm not a "vaccination" advocate. I do the puppy vaccinations and that's all. I don't know what it is like where you live, DK, but I do follow the vaccination protocol recommended by your very own Dr. Jean Dodds. The point that I'm raising this for is that I wouldn't give a vaccination at least UNTIL I found out what was wrong with your dog. But that's just me.

Edited by Erny
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Just wanted to let you guys know that I made an appointment for Dixie to be at the vet at 11:30AM tomorrow. I'll let you know what's up after I get the news when I get off work tomorrow.

Oh, and about the vaccinations. I'll have my mom ask the vet whether he thinks she should have her vaccinations or wait until the problem is figured out. I am sure he'll probably know without asking anyways and tell us if we should wait.

Thanks again, guys.

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I'll have my mom ask the vet whether he thinks she should have her vaccinations or wait until the problem is figured out.

Some do. Some don't.

Don't be afraid to use your own discretion and hold back on the vaccinations if you're not sure - this will give you time to check it out and decide.

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Hey again guys!

I got the results from the vet today. He examined her closely. He took two xrays and took extra care to look at her spine. He also didn't notice much of a limp (which my mom and I noticed wasn't as prominent this morning). He looked for bruises and checked all around her rib cage, according to my mom. He couldn't find anything wrong with her at all. He gave us two prescriptions - one for pain and one for inflammation. I'm relieved at this but I still wonder why she was doing it. If she isn't better in two weeks, the vet told my mom that we should bring her in again for another examination.

So with this news, he went ahead and gave her the shots.

So hopefully nothing more will happen and whatever it is will go away on it's own and the pain will be lessened by her medicine.

Thanks again guys for all your help and input!!!

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Hey again guys!

I got the results from the vet today. He examined her closely. He took two xrays and took extra care to look at her spine. He also didn't notice much of a limp (which my mom and I noticed wasn't as prominent this morning). He looked for bruises and checked all around her rib cage, according to my mom. He couldn't find anything wrong with her at all. He gave us two prescriptions - one for pain and one for inflammation. I'm relieved at this but I still wonder why she was doing it. If she isn't better in two weeks, the vet told my mom that we should bring her in again for another examination.

So with this news, he went ahead and gave her the shots.

So hopefully nothing more will happen and whatever it is will go away on it's own and the pain will be lessened by her medicine.

Thanks again guys for all your help and input!!!

It is possible to see a forelimb limp in dogs with neck or shoulder pain. Spasm in muscles on the underside of the spine or medial side of the shoulder can cause a temporary 'nerve entrapment'. The tight muscle squashes the nerve roots up against the bone, and can cause a stiffness or lameness.

Pain caused by picking a dog up as you described if often neck or back pain - and it can be difficult to pinpoint the exact spot in stoic dogs. Radiographs aren't particularly useful for most cases of intervertebral disc disease but they are frequently done to rule out other problems such as spondylosis / spondylitits and fractures etc.

Rest is very important - no jumping onto / off furniture and later, walk in a harness not a collar and lead.

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