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Labrador Coat Condition


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Hi Everyone, I have a 10mth old Chocolate Lab and his coat has become "mottly". He seems to have developed a flat patch along his black and is fluffier along the sides. His fur is coming out very heavily at the moment often in chunks when i brush/comb or touch him. He is an outside dog so his coat along his head/back has become a lot lighter. I have read some things that suggest he is losing his "puppy" fur, but was wondering if anyone could confirm this and will his coat com back beautiful? When he was younger he was a rich dark brown (almost black) and was so shiney. His underside is still gorgeous. He solely gets fed Eukanuba and a couple of bones each week. Any suggestions to help improve his coat would be appreciated. Thanks.

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I am no expert either but I can think of three things to try!

1. If he is losing his puppy coat and growing his adult coat, then brushing, brushing and perhaps a bit of brushing will be excellent for him, experts please step in now to disagree. But it should stimulate the skin follicles and their oil glands, and will give the new hair a glossy and healthy shine.

2. You could add a tin or four of no-name mackerel in its own juices to his weekly diet; it should be introduced slowly, but will help keep the dryness away.

3. His colour will most likely fade out as he gets older - I believe it happens to most dogs and he may not stay the rich chocolate he started out. Sun fading can be avoided if you like, by making comfy beds available in the shade, and/or by using UV-filter conditioner (human hair conditioner) made up in a spray bottle with a few tablespoons of conditioner to plain water.

But I am fairly certain that he will fade in case...

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My black lab x went the same at a similar age - took me a lot of work to get that dead hair out so as someone above stated, get busy with the brush. :laugh:

At this stage I also found her diet really wasn't suiting her and I switched her to a full raw diet. As part of that diet she gets either 2 to 3 fish oil capsules a day or about 10 ml of human quality linseed oil. Her coat is really shiny and I'm always getting people compliment her on how good her coat is.

Given you are feeding dry, I'd try a few fish oil capsules or a can of sardines in oil once or twice a week - split it across a few feeds though. :)

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I have a choc lab too. I would add some sardines or fish oil to his diet. The sunlight definitely bleaches the coat color,Mokha is indoors mostly except when I am outside but if we have spent more time in the sun his coat definitely lightens.I give 1/2 a can of sardines twice a week and this seems to help his coat stay glossy. We swim twice a week in an indoor pool and the sardines seem to stop his coat drying out.When Mokha is shedding his coat can get very patchy. I use a furminator to get rid of the fluffy undercoat and then follow with a zoom groom and he looks great afterwards.

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Thanks everyone, will take all your suggestions on board. I know the breeder said that about twice a year he will look a bit raggedy but it was extremely noticeable after he had been to the grooming place for a bath and came back with a flat back and fluffy sides. I have a slicker brush and a moulting comb that I have been trying to get onto him each day (much to his displeasure) and it is getting a heap of fur out and he does look a bit better afterwards. Will definitely try the added fish oil in his diet. Although he does spend a lot of time under the trees and pergola, he is very partial to sunning himself which of course takes the colour out of his coat. We have tried a product from the groomers that does have sun protection. Will let you know how we go! Once again, everyone's suggestions are appreciated. Have a safe and Happy New Year.

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I have a choc lab too. I would add some sardines or fish oil to his diet. The sunlight definitely bleaches the coat color,Mokha is indoors mostly except when I am outside but if we have spent more time in the sun his coat definitely lightens.I give 1/2 a can of sardines twice a week and this seems to help his coat stay glossy. We swim twice a week in an indoor pool and the sardines seem to stop his coat drying out.When Mokha is shedding his coat can get very patchy. I use a furminator to get rid of the fluffy undercoat and then follow with a zoom groom and he looks great afterwards.

Hmmm yep, that's what he once looked like! Our last Lab was black and his coat was always super shiney and he wasn't fed premium brand food or got a regular brush. Will start him off on some sardines....what size tin would you be buying?

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Not sure the weight of the can but I buy them in a three pack at coles, it has three decent sized sardines in the tin so I give 1 1/2 sardines to each dog twice a week.Thanks for prompting me to look in my pantry, all out of sardines and it is sardine night.

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Chocs look the worst of the three colours when losing their puppy fluff but he will come right in time! I recommend a Furminator to strip the dead hair but buy one off Ebay where they are half the price of pet shops!!! I have two chocs in my pack and they don`t seem to bleach in the sun but I have seen chocs who do.

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Chocs look the worst of the three colours when losing their puppy fluff but he will come right in time! I recommend a Furminator to strip the dead hair but buy one off Ebay where they are half the price of pet shops!!! I have two chocs in my pack and they don`t seem to bleach in the sun but I have seen chocs who do.

Thanks for this advice. I think that's what they used on him at the Grooming place which is why I have been a bit hesistant to get one - he came out looking shocking. I am noticing a huge change in his coat (for the better) since I have been brushing him twice a day, much to his disapproval...he doesn't like it one bit!

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