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Walking The Dog Log


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Mind if I join in?? I need to feel like im responding!!

Sat Morning - took both dogs for a quick walk around the block and to the local park for approx 20-30mins. (They then spend the morning out shopping with me in Leederville - city).

Sunday - Took both dogs to obedience training at the park and they had a good run. Followed with a half hour walk at the doggy beach.

Monday - DP took willow up to my MIL's - Street behind us for a walk and socialisation. Daughter plus neighbours kids ran around with both dogs in the arvo.

Tuesday - DP took both dogs for hal hour walk around neighbourhood.

Today - Extremely tired and not motivated to go for a walk - helppp!! LOL DP wont be home til late (Works til 9) and I have both kids after working all day and have a foaul headache but know I SHOULD take them for a walk - its soooo hot too :) ;) I am thinking about taking the kids and the dogs up to Garden Park and letting my DD go for a run with them... (Is that lazy - does it count if I watch??)

Give me a virtual kick up the ass??

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I am still out - It is just too hot outside, still close to 30 degrees and kaos is the type of dog to keep going just because I told her too, she wouldnt know when to stop. So safer to stay home

have also canceled all my dog walks... we had about 2 mins of rain this afternoon and now the temp is going back up again :)

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Had a great day today - not at work so no excuses!

I took Fergus to the off leash Brighton (Sandowne St) this morning for 45 mins. He loved it, even though he doesn't go in the water. He was so good and stuck close by.

Took Lucy to the Royal Botanical Gardens for the first time too. It is all on leash so is great for dogs with issues (Lucy is fearful of humans). She was a breeding bitch on a puppy farm before she came to me 10 months ago so has had very little exposure to the outside world. We have had to work through a lot of issues and we normally walk at the same park or go around local streets. When we entered the gardens it was like watching the Truman Show - everything was amazing to her. So many different plants, smells, colours and birds. We went the the Australian Rainforest, New Caledonia Forest, duck pond and Camelia Gardens amongst other things. She was happy and confident for the whole 45 min walk.

If you live within driving distance I highly recommend it. If you go before 10am it is really empty. It is great for dogs with issues (on leash, very large area etc). I have been there many times before with Fergus and have only seen one or two dogs off leash. Oh, and it makes the walk interesting for both of you.

Then they each had a small walk and training session this evening.

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I think I will join in here. I have been feeling really sick for the last 6+ weeks and it doesn't look like I will be any better anytime soon. My poor dogs have been missing alot of walks because I've just felt too lousy, we used to go pretty much every day but they have been lucky to go twice a week lately. So I have 3 crazy active dogs at home climbing the walls :eat: Due to the heat I try to get to the park about 1 hour before sunset and leave once its dark.

I cheated and read this thread and started before I posted to see if I could do it first :rofl: From last wednesday onwards I am going to take my dogs to the park for about an hour every day (except in bad weather) no matter how lousy I feel! if I feel sick I can just sit on the seat and throw a ball, if I feel ok we can walk. And as incentive to make sure I don't wuss out, any day where I don't end up going for whatever reason other than weather, I will take them for a walk on leash in the street instead even if it ends up being after dark (ugh, walking 3 big high drive high energy dogs on leash at once isn't very much fun so its a good reason to get off my butt and go to the park!)

Day 1 - Wednesday - 1 hour walk at park

Day 2 - Thurs- 1 hour ball fetch and swim at park

Day 3 - Friday - 1 hour walk at park

much happier more settled dogs at home now :mad

Hope you're feeling better soon, any news on when you are moving? Maybe we should get a few walks in togther (or at least some training) before you go.

I'm in with this! I have been away for a month and have missed walking .

Technically I didn't walk the dogs today but I hope I can be forgiven for that, got off the Spirit Of Tasmania at 7.30am, drove 8 hours home, played with 2 of our dogs who were estatic to see us, then went and picked Froggy up from the kennels and she drug me out of there SO fast (don't think she enjoyed it there) then got her home and all the dogs and I played for an hour. The walks start first thing in the morning!

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Its still hot here, ugh! I left it a bit late today and we didn't get to the park till 8.15pm, but I made myself walk all the way to the end and back anyway, didn't stop for any long ball games or swims. Anyway it was past dark by the time we got to the car at 9pm :mad but worth it so my dogs could have 45 mins of running like loons :eat: I am pleased to say I think my dogs are getting back to their old fitness levels now, and I am feeling a tad fitter too! Still feeling ill but if I concentrate on how much I enjoy seeing my dogs run at the park I can enjoy our outings :mad This thread has been a great kick in the behind for me :mad

Hope you're feeling better soon, any news on when you are moving? Maybe we should get a few walks in togther (or at least some training) before you go.

Hi RF I am still here in Orange, no luck finding a rental house to move to yet, I'd be happy to walk :rofl: or train! PM me once you are settled back from your holiday and we can organise something :( Glad your dogs are all safe and sound after your trip away!

Edited by Casima
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The kids had a great walk tonight even if we got all tangled up a few times and the more i laughed the worse it got :mad We did about 30min cant go to far yet as maya is so unfit. Was abit of a motivation problem tonight but i think i did good considering OH wouldnt come because futurama was on :rofl:

Welldone for tho's that got there walks in and welcome to the new walkers :eat:

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I'm so depressed! I have to find another place to live, my landlord has put the house on the market! Then, when I came out from the vet after taking my Siamese for his daily (1 week course) of antibiotic injection I found somebody had punched a dent in the back door of my van. Sigh. Estimated repair costs ZAR4000

That was all yesterday, so this morning I really wasn't in the mood for anything and Max was playing up so I decided to take him to the beach in the hopes of an empty beach and some off-lead time. :eat: It helped both of us! He had a ball running up and down and I had fun throwing stuff back into the water for him to chase. Spent an hour down there, mostly on our own with people/dogs in the distance. It was really nice. He's passed out in the workshop and I'm not getting any work done as I confess to having a real motivation problem today :mad The pain in my mouth has subsided somewhat - perhaps I just have too many other things to worry about :rofl::mad

Thanks for this thread, Daisy, because I think if it hadn't been for the thread I would not have made the effort to get to the beach before work this morning.

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just a short walk today and I have to type fast coz i am a bit late... one of the fosters had an upset tummy so i had to clean up diorrhea from the laundry this morning :cry: It is lovely and cool here today though and we had some rain overnight, everything is wet and fresh outside :cry: I usually walk in my fake crocs, and this morning my feet got all wet but even that was lovely and refreshing :p

cuch so sorry to hear you are having a bad time, hope that things start to look up for you soon!

Have to fly now, will catch up with you guys later

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My dogs were pleased to get out yesterday for a walk after all that horrible heat.

I walked my old girl for 10 minutes around the block, that was all she could cope with, then took the greyhound out for her 20 in amble, and then later on took the other 2 whippets out for their longer walk.

It was lovely after the rain we had the day before.


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Well done guys!

Good on you for starting BMP :laugh: You have just reminded me why I prefer dogs with smooth coats :) BTW what do you mean BOTH show dogs, do you have two now?

Magic's Mum is here for six months for a showing holiday. Well, was six months, has just been extended to nearly 8 :D. She has been here since mid August.



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aww how cute. I think I will have to come and visit :laugh:

No walking here this morning, I have woken up with a terrible headache, struggling to get to work as it is. I am hoping the headache dissipates during the day and I can go for a walk this evening instead.

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OMG just worked out how to find a post as i couldnt find this one last night :eek: We had a lovely walk last night OH came along we even got to meet some of the local cows and a horse Maya thought they were great but poor Hudson when he realized how big the cows were had a stress attack :eek: Im going to put up a pic of Maya looking like a telly tubby so i can see later if all this walking is working and to keep me on the ball with the walks.

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I went to my mums to pick my kids up after work on Wed and my 15month son was still asleep and so I decided to take Madi and the dogs up to the park - they had an awesome time - ran around the grass a few times and played with Madi on the play equiptment (Yoshi loves to chase her across the bridge... :S Go figure!!) Wills threw his ball around and had a bit of off leash time :)

Yesterday DP took them for a walk and out the front with him while he watered on their leashes :( Got to bark at the neighbours cats so they will be happy :eek:

Tonight, no kids night, so the dogs may have to stay outside *wink wink* should try and get up tomorrow before it hits the 38 they are predicting... YUK !

Sorry to hear you have to move Chuch - I hated when the landlord decided to sell :mad It just made me feel so uneasy :happydance2:

TJ xoxx

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cas, sorry you are feeling sick :hug:

I didn't get out last night after all, worked back late then spent 2 hours on the phone with my bestie who is having a rough time at the moment :rofl:

But we were out this morning :rofl: I decided to take my son's dog Dozer for a walk. My son never walks him, and as he is leaving to join the navy on Monday and leaving Dozey with me I thought I had better include him in my walking 'schedule'. Dozer is a shocker to walk though, he is a little fat staffy cross with a huge attitude, who pulls like nobody's business and goes off his nut barking and lunging whenever he sees another dog. Walking him can be quite embarrassing! But hopefully if I am walking him regularly this will improve.

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