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Is My Puppy Becoming Attached To Me?


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Ok so ive only had my mini dachshund pup since 3pm yesterday but I get the feeling he is becoming attached to me!

He follows me (only me) around like a shadow and sooks if he is left in a room with someone else. If he has a choice he'll always run to me and sleep on my lap etc. He also only really plays with me but tonight he did have a romp with my dad.

I live at home with my parents and my bf lives with his parents. I spend a lot of time at his place so the pup has already been there twice (yesterday afternoon and this afternoon). He acts the same there too. Not that he doesn't like other people, he just seems more obsessed with me! For example, if I leave him in a room with my bf he'll either follow me or sook. If I'm in the room though he might chase my bf a bit or walk up and say hello to him. But he'll try to play with me or sit at my feet the rest of the time.

I'm the one who feeds him and takes him for toilet breaks so I'm guessing that has a lot to do with it! He slept in my bed last night as well, is that a big no no? He sooks when he is in his crate alone! Even with it next to my bed and he's sleepy!

He's staying at my bfs tomorrow because I'm working so he'll get fed by him and hopefully they will bond a bit. My mum fed him tonight.

So what do you think? remember this is only his second night away from home so maybe he is home sick and only feels confident with me so far? Your knowledge and help will be greatly appreciated!

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You make this sound like it's a bad thing!

He's a social animal derived of his natural pack. He will bond to a human and want to be with them.

Many DOLers spend all their time at home being followed by their dogs.

I reckon this is what it must have been like to have courtiers. :thumbsup:

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hehe thanks for the quick response! I guess I did make it sound like a bad thing!

I'm more worried that the obsession will turn unhealthy and he wont want to socialise with other people or dogs! Or get overly protective of me! He can spend lots of time with me and still feel ok being with someone else right?

plus I want him to love my bf like he loves me lol! I think they just need some bonding time alone with lots of treats, toys and cuddles!

Oh and I left him alone 3 hours today with chew toys in an Ian Dunbar inspired play pen and he was a wreck when I got home. That's to be expected at this stage yes? Poor baby I wasn't expecting to be out that long!

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hehe thanks for the quick response! I guess I did make it sound like a bad thing!

I'm more worried that the obsession will turn unhealthy and he wont want to socialise with other people or dogs! Or get overly protective of me! He can spend lots of time with me and still feel ok being with someone else right?

plus I want him to love my bf like he loves me lol! I think they just need some bonding time alone with lots of treats, toys and cuddles!

Oh and I left him alone 3 hours today with chew toys in an Ian Dunbar inspired play pen and he was a wreck when I got home. That's to be expected at this stage yes? Poor baby I wasn't expecting to be out that long!

This is where an active socialisation program cuts in. You need to get him out and about, seeing new sights and introduce him to as many people as possible. Once his vaccinations are complete, then you introduce him to as many safe dogs as possible in controlled circumstances.

You also need to teach the pup that being alone is OK.

You'll find some really great reading about raising a pup here

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+1 to what poodlefan says :rofl:

also remember that you'll always be his no.1, he'll grow and interact/like others but you're the boss/alpha/master/mum. He'll take you over all them :(

Remember to give him lots of love, they're a sponge for it :thumbsup:

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I found my pup was the same - he only slept when I was laying on the floor beside his crate with my finger inside so he was touching them. This went on for a couple of day. Each day I took him out into the backyard he would stay within about 1/2 metre of me and woudn't leave my side ... over time as his confidence grew he would explore more and more but had to know where I was at all times.

Now he doesn't need to be with me but wants to be with me ... :thumbsup:

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dachies will rule the roost very quickly & they will use ther voices till the cows come home.

Expect some whining but he sleeps in the crate not the bed,He is too young & if he jumps he will be in trouble.

It has ben a very over whelming time with the visits you have done,generally when our pups leave its on a weekend & quiet time so they can learn there home & the members,

I would say he,s a tad confused/over whelmed & he is looking at you for reassurance But dont fool into the trap babying.

Also dachies especially the smooths are very prone to being a one person dog

Edited by showdog
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Thanks so much for the replies! He spent the day with his dad (aka my bf) and he's napping with him right now lol, tired each other out! he seemed much more confident this afternoon so I'm guessing it must have been that he was just getting used to being away from his brothers and sisters and just clinged to me.

I'm sure I'll have plenty more questions over the next few months! Thanks again!

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My first dachshund was like it- and she still very is much a sook, follows me everywhere, cries when I'm not there etc, but she has been a lot better since I got Gypsy.

Mine follow me everywhere- sometimes not even eatting their dinner to follow me- and sook if I leave them at my boyfriends house, however I socialised them a lot with other people and dogs so they are pretty good now, and very happy to be left outside for longer periods of time.

It sounds like you have a good bond to your new puppy :D

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