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Suddenly Stinky Breath


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Just wondering if anyone might have any ideas...

Took one of my dogs to the vet this morning. Yesterday, his breath just started stinking. It almost smells like he's eaten poo, it's that bad. (I actually wondered if maybe he was licking an impacted anal gland or something - it smells similar. But his butt smells fine.) Checked all his teeth and mouth - no issues. His teeth are clean, and there are no signs of anything in his mouth (eg obstructions, broken teeth, abcess etc). No signs there could be anything stuck in his throat - he's not coughing, gagging, or looking uncomfortable. He hasn't been eating anything in the garden. His ears are clean and no infections there. He ploughed through his breakfast (raw chicken wings) with no issues, and has happily munched on tidbits during the day.

The vet has given him antibiotics, in case there is any infection or something stuck lower down, or somewhere she wasn't able to see.

I dunno though. I know he seems 100% fine (aside from the STENCH, which I can literally smell in another room), but there's something in my gut that is just telling me that this is bad news.

Has anyone ever had anything like this happen?? I am worried it might be liver...but like I said, he seems 100% fine, apart from the stink-breath.

ETA: He is a young dog in otherwise excellent condition.

Edited by Faolmor
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Unless there is an oral issue (such as tooth abscess or the like) then I think most stinky breath (that lasts) comes from the stomach. I'm not a Vet, but I think if I thought there was cause for concern I would have been inclined to give a pro-biotic additive for a few days or so to aid in digestion and see how that went (provided I was certain it wasn't an obstruction).

Perhaps your Vet was right, as things might turn out, but this is yet another case of "can't see anything wrong so we'll give anti-biotics just in case" again.

I'm sorry, but it is really concerning me how often and easily these things are being prescribed.

Edited by Erny
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Unless there is an oral issue (such as tooth abscess or the like) then I think most stinky breath (that lasts) comes from the stomach.

Oral disorders esp. periodontal disease are definitely the most common cause of halitosis in dogs. But I've also heard of persistent halitosis being caused by kidney issues (causing an ammonia smell due to ammonia not being cleared from the blood), diabetes (ketone smell) & abscesses/foreign bodies/tumours in the lungs, trachea or the GIT.

Probiotics never hurt anyone. :cry:

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Have you very very carefully examined every single inch of his upper and lower jaw not just the gums? A dog I sold had bone cancer in the jaw and the first indication was foul breath - but I would imagine the dog would be in a fair amount of pain and you would have noticed this when examining the gums.

ETA: this was a Stafford so was still eating everything in sight quite happily.

Edited by Sandra777
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I've had a pretty good look inside his mouth, yes. He's also eats yoghurt as part of his diet. Regularly wormed.

He still seems 100% fine. Breath is slightly better this morning (as in, I can't smell him from across the room, like yesterday, but still stinky up close).

Thanks for the replies, everyone.

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Yep, Kendall - everything seems to be working fine.

His breath seems to be on the improve. Not sure if it's as a result of the antibiotics, or whether it's just clearing up on its own. I wish I knew what caused/is causing it. I don't want him to be on meds if he doesn't need it.

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