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Litters Due June 2010


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rajacaoo, as Mercedes has said get a cardboard box, (we have a Kenol but it's too heavy for me to move with my back problems), a Masport Mower one from your lawnmowing shop should be the right size for a Basenji :D :laugh:

Generally speaking: If the temp drops to 37 & 37.5 due in the next 24 hours, if the temperature drops by .7 due in next 12 to 18 hours.

Me-thinks it won't be long.

Apologies Cass06 must have missed your post re your puppy.

PS Newfiesrus, at day 35 with a big dog the pups were possibly tucked up under her ribcage.

Edited by Hesapandabear
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rajacaoo, as Mercedes has said get a cardboard box, (we have a Kenol but it's too heavy for me to move with my back problems), a Masport Mower one from your lawnmowing shop should be the right size for a Basenji ;) :D

Generally speaking: If the temp drops to 37 & 37.5 due in the next 24 hours, if the temperature drops by .7 due in next 12 to 18 hours.

Me-thinks it won't be long.

Apologies Cass06 must have missed your post re your puppy.

PS Newfiesrus, at day 35 with a big dog the pups were possibly tucked up under her ribcage.

I dont think she did post :laugh:

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Ok, as soon as I was brave enough to go to bed, Ochre decided to have a 10 minute flurry of activity of nesting, in our bedroom cupboard etc. After this finished, she came up onto the bed, and was quite settled for the rest of the night :laugh:

Temp was 37.4 this am. Only picked at breakfast, but otherwise she is calm and settled ;)

Thanks for the suggestion about the cardboard box to be a makeshift one... We actually have the whelping box made, so to speak, its just that the roll bars are'nt in, and there is no door in it :D ...

Now its just the horrible waiting, waiting, waiting game !!!

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I wouldnt be worrying about doors just yet, no roll bars here, Bree is very careful where she lies in the box.

Wait wait wait, LOL :laugh: Hope she whelps during the day for you. :)

Waiting here for eyes to open :laugh:

Me too. Keeping checking in.

Come on sweetheart we want a lovely healthy litter of pups so mummy can go and have a much needed snooze.

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Ok, as soon as I was brave enough to go to bed, Ochre decided to have a 10 minute flurry of activity of nesting, in our bedroom cupboard etc. After this finished, she came up onto the bed, and was quite settled for the rest of the night :champagne:

Temp was 37.4 this am. Only picked at breakfast, but otherwise she is calm and settled :worship:

Thanks for the suggestion about the cardboard box to be a makeshift one... We actually have the whelping box made, so to speak, its just that the roll bars are'nt in, and there is no door in it :mad ...

Now its just the horrible waiting, waiting, waiting game !!!

I've never had roll bars in and never a problem.. Basenjis being a light breed aren't squashers. The pups are very robust. You can temporarily put something to block off the door area so the pups don't fall out but the pups usually stick very close to mum and she normally will curl around them to protect them and keep them warm. Only picked at breakfast wow... my girls are right pigs and never go off their food for anything even whelping!! Try not to be nervous Basenjis are easy whelpers and fantastic mums.

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With our very first litter we were told that if the mum goes off her feed she will give birth that day.


They forgot to tell our bitch, she ate her breaky then around midday she started to give birth to 7 healthy pups.

Schipps are just vaccums when it comes to food so they rarely refuse food.

How true is this saying/ Does anyone want to guess?


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