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Why Is My Jodie Waking Up?


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For many months my black Labrador Jodie aged (17 mths) was in a wonderful routine. I would feed her evening meal at 6 -7 pm say goodnight close the curtains and door and that was it she would sleep the whole night through.

Just in the last 3 days she has woken up after 4 hours at 10 pm

Can anyone tell why the sudden change?

This routine has been in place for 17months except when she was in season and she stayed inside for 3 weeks. It has been nearly 6 months since her season.

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My old dog has been waking up during the early hours of the morning over the last few days. I've put it down to the full moon shining in the window near his bed and weather has turning colder over the last few days. My dogs go to bed when I do - about 10:00 or 11:00. and usually last the night. I couldn't imagine them lasting from 6:00 until morning.

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What is she doing that you notice she is awake? ( I am presuming she is left outside at night?) Does she bark, or scratch at the door, or what?

She may be cold- she may be coming in season ,and be feeling restless, there may be a new cat/possum about....or she may not be getting enough physical/mental exercise to make her sleep longer.... that's the simple things I can come up with :thumbsup:

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why are you putting her to bed so early

Is it possible she is cold, or needing to toilet

I forgot to say it was later with day light savings but the time of going to bed was about dusk which she was very happy with as she did not bark or anything.She sleeps in a fully enclosed pergola with a doggy door for the toilet

There must be a reason for a sudden change

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why are you putting her to bed so early

Is it possible she is cold, or needing to toilet

I forgot to say it was later with day light savings but the time of going to bed was about dusk which she was very happy with as she did not bark or anything.She sleeps in a fully enclosed pergola with a doggy door for the toilet

There must be a reason for a sudden change

Even accounting for daylight saving that is very early for a young labrador to be going to bed and being expected to sleep through the night :laugh: . I wouldn't even expect my older boys who do a lot of sleeping :laugh: to go to bed that early and sleep through the night. Why not give her dinner and keep her inside with you with access to the toilet when required until you are ready to go to bed, then put her to bed. That way there is more possiblity of her sleeping through the night.

Most dogs will chill out after a meal and doze off for a while, but I think it is pretty unreasonable to expect such a young lab to sleep from say 6-7pm thru to morning say 6am or so which is 12 hrs, that is a long time :o

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