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New Dog?


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We have a fabulous 9 year old golden retriever that we love dearly. Do you think that having a new puppy/buddy to play with would extend her life? She has no major health issues and loves to play with other dogs.

What has been your experience?

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We got our current dog (now 11) as a puppy when our previous dog was about 9. At the time we were not expecting him to live a long life because he seemed to be aging quite quickly. However, he proved us all wrong and ended up living to 17. We have no doubt that having another dog in the family gave him a new lease on life. They weren't even very close ( he hated her when she was a pup), but I think just the doggy company gave him something more to live for.

We will soon be getting a Golden Retriever puppy, and I believe that our 11 year old will live longer because of it.

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playing can be done anywhere BUT will your dog be happy to share its quality time that it has enjoyed all to itself.

What changes may have to happen when new pup arrives & will the oldie cope.

Some dogs love a new mate others hate it & only you now your dog & how it will truly deal with a new friend 24/7

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Our older dog would prefer to still be by himself rather than have a playful, rough, incessant puppy bugging him to play all day. He loves other dogs, he even doesn't mind them staying in his house for a few weeks, but one that's there permanently is a different matter :laugh:

Sure, he's tolerant, they have their fun moments, and it's getting better as the puppy calms down, but I don't think it will ever give him that "new lease on life" that some people describe. It depends on the dog.

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I dont think getting another dog will necessarily guarantee an extension of her life.. but being that she loves other dogs she might really enjoy a companion! My old girl is 11 this year and when we were first looking at getting a puppy I was worried she wouldn't deal with it.. but she actually loves him, it's really livened her up.. given her something to do when we're not home! She seems much more active now :laugh:.

But also.. you have to consider that being that she's been an only dog her whole life (I'm assuming?) she might not appreciate the 'invasion' of a young puppy and may feel threatened. So tread carefully and dont rush into anything! :rofl:

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My parents took on an 11 year old Goldie, they enjoyed his last years as did he.

If you can offer a good life to an old dog I think that's great.

Getting another dog won't extend her life....her life is set at whatever it is.....give decent food, a little exercise and of course some love :thumbsup:

Edited by sas
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Depends on the dog and you really won't know until you try it.

In December last year, I introduced a 10 weekold lab male pup into my home with my two senior lab boys, a 13 yearold and an 11 yearold. The pup buddied up instantly with the 13 yearold and and the pup idolised my oldest boy from that first day and my oldest boy who recently turned 14 has been fantastic with pup and extremely tolerant of him.

My 11 year old wasn't too keen on pup and had a go at him a couple of times and was not tolerant of puppy behaviour, but puppy was smart enough to know that and didn't annoy this boy too much. My pup is also a very confident puppy and anytime my 11 yearold growled him or had a go at him, he kept a respectful distance for awhile, but then always went up to him and either laid down right next to him or groomed him or just followed him around or played with him, so it was a good to see that whilst he was respectful of this boy, he wasn't scared of him. All my dogs just love chewing on sticks/tree branches and these are in plenty of supply as I have trees and bushes on my property and pup who is the most obsessed of all of them, would drag in sticks inside to my 11 yearold as peace offerings and the two of them would chew on them side by side, very cute to watch :rofl:

Over the last few months, the relationship between my pup, who is now 7months old and my 11 yearold has changed a lot and they are now great friends and play a lot together every day and pup knows my 11 yearold is boss. Pup still idolises the 14 yearold and follows him around like a love sick puppy :thumbsup: , and grooms him and cuddles up to him, but he plays constantly with the 11 year old so he has the best of both worlds with my older boys :rofl: .

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