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Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!


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:laugh: I love his expression when you first start talking to him. "You have got to be kidding me!"

He deals with his apple so calmly. Drops it and picks it right on up again. James would've been chasing it across the floor by the 30 second mark :cheer:

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:laugh: I love his expression when you first start talking to him. "You have got to be kidding me!"

Oh man, you must have seen it before I took it down. :( Reuploading the silent non-baby talk version now. :cheer: You should see him eating a lamb flap. It is so hilarious as he kind of gnaws on it for ages and ages with his puny baby teeth

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Hope everyone had a great weekend. It goes so quickly! :cry

We went to the dog park this morning and Satch found a puddle. He frolicked. He dug, snorkelled, splashed and rolled in it. Ava copied him. So did a few other dogs whose owners were not impressed. I just enjoyed watching them being dogs :cheer: They were both grotty afterwards but appear to by dry and clean now, if a little stinky.

I took some pictures this afternoon, nothing exciting, just lots of Ava and her toys, hope you guys don't mind :laugh:



Satchy makes an appearance - I don't take as many photos of him because he's always sleeping.




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Gorgeous photos wuffles. The more photos the better! This one's my favourite:


Again, the colour of Ava's eyes is beautiful and Satch looks so calm and happy :cheer:

We went out today to visit one of Kate's foster carers who has two new rescue dogs in care. OH took photos and I took videos. I haven't made the music videos yet but thought I'd share some of the photos.

These were Lucky's pound photos. He's listed as a Kelpie cross. His temperament was very bouncy and happy so he's definitely got Kelpie in there. The happy grin reminds me of a Staffordshire Bull Terrier.







OH took the following photos:


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This is Scarlet. We weren't expecting to find that she appears to be a purebred pitbull/Amstaff ...


Neither of us had ever met this breed before and having heard all the bad press, I was very surprised at how calm and placid she was. Look how beautiful her eyes are?


When we first got there, the carer's border collie had climbed on top of Scarlet (who was on her back), sat on poor Scarlet's face and pee'd on it :( Scarlet was completely placid through this indignity :laugh:

OH isn't won over but he's not a fan of bull breeds and prefers Kelpies :cheer:

More photos of Scarlet








This photo makes me laugh.


No idea what song to pick for Scarlet either. I'd like something upbeat for both.

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In other news ...

For a while, Elbie's learned that when I'm at my computer, if he puts his head on my knee and looks cute, then he gets kibble. Hoover's learned the trick, too but he never seems to be able to beat Elbie to the prime position


We bought lilli_star's soft crate as a second soft crate and we've been using when we got out with the dogs. Rather than tethering them both, we'll pop one of them in the crate to rest/sleep and it's been a terrific purchase. We had to wash the blanket inside so had the crate in the kitchen - it turns out both dogs seem to love sleeping in the crate because it's right in the middle of the kitchen. They go in there to rest all the time

Here's Elbie peeking out from the crate's 'door'.



And here's a photo of Hoover just because I think that he is cute.


We had a nice weekend despite the rain. It was indeed over too quickly but things should be quietening down a lot at work and we'll have Christmas shutdown between Christmas and New Year so that will be a really nice break. For those in Canberra during that time, we should have yum cha/you could come by for Rock Band/cup of tea or coffee/puzzling :hug: Let me know.

wuffles: thanks for posting about Crusts. I didn't know about it :cheer: We will definitely try it out.

The Ark: Congratulations! I'll definitely be following the photos and cooing over the little Aussie babies. They are such gorgeous dogs ... alas, I really don't think I'd be able to handle an Aussie. I know everyone bags out Kelpies as being too high maintenance but Aussies are positively boisterous by comparison :o

No rain today thankfully! I took both doggies out for a walk - separately because Hoover walks beautifully on a loose leash and I don't want him to be contaminated by Elbie who is getting heaps better but still walks at the end of his leash and frequently lunges whenever he sees people/cars/dogs/magpies :hug: By contrast, Hoover is an angel, ignores all distractions and will sniff around but always come back to my side when called. He isn't so good at tricks though :(

It was lovely to see how much the dogs enjoyed being out. This tree is the most exciting thing ever, that patch of grass smells better than anything in the world ... you see their heads turning and staring at everything and you can see that nothing is old hat or boring to them. :p OH used to smile when he'd stand and watch Wee Elbie lying in the yard staring at butterflies and birds with wonderment.

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The Ark: Congratulations! I'll definitely be following the photos and cooing over the little Aussie babies. They are such gorgeous dogs ... alas, I really don't think I'd be able to handle an Aussie. I know everyone bags out Kelpies as being too high maintenance but Aussies are positively boisterous by comparison :(

Whaaaa? :cheer: Ava was a crazy puppy but is so calm and lovely these days. I took her to the oval yesterday and she wouldn't even run around, all she wanted to do was wander around at my side... Then I sat down on the cricket pitch and she came and lay beside me and went to sleep :p As nice as it is that she's calmed down, I kind of miss my nutty puppy sometimes :o About the only time she's boisterous these days is when she's giving her big brother a hard time :hug:

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This is Scarlet. We weren't expecting to find that she appears to be a purebred pitbull/Amstaff ...


Neither of us had ever met this breed before and having heard all the bad press, I was very surprised at how calm and placid she was. Look how beautiful her eyes are?


When we first got there, the carer's border collie had climbed on top of Scarlet (who was on her back), sat on poor Scarlet's face and pee'd on it :o Scarlet was completely placid through this indignity :p

OH isn't won over but he's not a fan of bull breeds and prefers Kelpies :cheer:

More photos of Scarlet








This photo makes me laugh.


Awesome photo!!!! I love it. :( She's a pretty girl.

No idea what song to pick for Scarlet either. I'd like something upbeat for both.

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The Ark: Congratulations! I'll definitely be following the photos and cooing over the little Aussie babies. They are such gorgeous dogs ... alas, I really don't think I'd be able to handle an Aussie. I know everyone bags out Kelpies as being too high maintenance but Aussies are positively boisterous by comparison :o

Whaaaa? :cheer: Ava was a crazy puppy but is so calm and lovely these days. I took her to the oval yesterday and she wouldn't even run around, all she wanted to do was wander around at my side... Then I sat down on the cricket pitch and she came and lay beside me and went to sleep :hug: As nice as it is that she's calmed down, I kind of miss my nutty puppy sometimes :hug: About the only time she's boisterous these days is when she's giving her big brother a hard time :o

I'm glad to hear Ava has learned to be a calm girl - she definitely had the "calm" genes in there somewhere from Vivi. :( KTB - I'm the other way: happy to handle Aussies but terrified of Kelpie energy! :p

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Hee! I guess it's just what you're used to. We started our Dog Lives with Kelpies/Kelpie-ish dogs so that's what we're used to :thumbsup:

I know that there are heaps of Kelpies (and Kelpie crosses) in the pound and that there are heaps of people who say Kelpies don't have an off-switch. I've also heard that working line Kelpies are more high energy than bench Kelpies and that Kelpies aren't good for a first time dog owner and so forth … I think we must have been really lucky with our two. Our two Kelpies really aren't what you'd expect! :rofl:

Elbie's quite hyperactive and excitable in new situations but at home, the two are very chilled and relaxed. In a good week, Elbie got a walk every two days – no more than half an hour (Hoover's just started to be taken on proper walks). In a bad week, he'd get maybe 2 walks and sometimes even just one walk a week!!!! We'd play with them in the house or yard but there were days when there was no formal walk.

Taking the doggies for a walk or not seems to have no impact on their behaviour. They certainly love and enjoy the walk but in the mornings they're very happy and excited, then they run around in the back yard together and play – they'll sleep and then play and sleep and play as they see fit.

In the evenings, they're given training over dinner and will play a bit and then snooze as OH and I do our thing. Night time, they go to sleep at about midnight and don't wake up until the next day. Both chew on their toys but neither are very destructive – a bit of digging but no large holes recently. They leave cables, books and other stuff alone. Both of them know that when they're sent to their dog beds, that it's 'quiet time'.

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So much rain over there :p Hope you're all doing ok with it!

Clastic:That's a great shot, I love it :thumbsup: the look on the face is like... "What?"

The Ark: Puppies!!!! How exciting! Congrats :laugh:

KTB: Love the vid of Hoover :) He's gotten so handsome! Can I ask what video editing program you use?

Scarlet makes my heart go 'pitter pat'. I really love pits, they are such wonderful dogs.

wuffles: Ava loves the camera! She's very photogenic, and always looks so white!

Well, I had a great, and terrible weekend :laugh: Rushed off to the ER on Friday night, then lots of craziness until Sunday arvo. We were supposed to go and visit the puppy on Saturday but obviously couldn't so we went along on Sunday afternoon. I couldn't be happier. I think the breeder and I really have a connection, we think the same about a lot of things and I think she's (and her Hubby) are just fantastic. I LOVED playing with all the 'big dogs' as well as our puppy. Our puppy's mother is probably the nicest dog I have ever met, of any breed. My OH had a whale of a time :( he now wants a pack of Dobes too, rather than just the one lol!

Astrid is such a little character! We already adore her!

I've chopped my mug out of these :)



mmm, purple hair... yummy!


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:happydance2: Quick hello to all while I dry my hair with one hand and type with the other :dancingelephant: I fell asleep last night while writing reports, so have to get them done tonight :happydance2: It's so crazy at school- there is something on every night this week (except tonight, so I mowed the lawn while there was a break in the weather) :happydance: Ridiculous. Roo had a good play tonight with her best dog friend, so she's asleep. Next door's older dog will not be with us much longer I'm told :happydance2::happydance: So sad. At least she ate a little bit today :happydance:

Hope you and your doglets are all well.

A quick photo of Roo being greedy


Raven- I hope you are okay now

KTB- Haven't had a chance to look at your vids, but will when things calm down (or at least I've done my reports! lol)

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Our real Christmas tree was delivered today. Hoover was curious. Elbie thought that it was a monster so went into Full Kelpie Alert Mode along with Kelpie Crouch :dancingelephant: Video


ravenau1: Cute, cute cute little Dobe puppies. :happydance2: I want to squoosh them - in a good way :happydance2: For the movies, I use Windows Movie Maker - very, very easy - just drag and drop and it's easy to edit clips, split them, add music etc.

lilli_star: Very cute photo of Roo. Love the Greedy Look :happydance2: Good luck with the reports!

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Hello everyone!

Wuffles - lovely photos - as always!

Lilli_star - mowing again!!!! Roo's face in that photo is priceless!

KTB - the videos are really good. You have a talent there.

We also had a busy weekend with Christmas parties and whatnot. Saturday night was my OH's Christmas party - his boss (whom is not my favourite person due to the long hours the OH does..... :dancingelephant: ) and his family are getting a new puppy! So that was a lot of fun to talk about! They said they went to one breeder, but got a bad feeling, so blew their deposit and found a different breeder. (Me thinks its more about his ego than anything else.... he did make a point of telling us the price). They asked us what we were doing the next day, and after all the puppy talk, and I said we had a flyball Christmas party, and he just shook his head and said I have too much spare time. Luckily I could reply, 'just you wait!'.

KTB eat your heart out. Today at the park we met a real live working kelpie - who was just 'in town' for a day or two. She's so beautiful - you should see her ears. They're so big! And as both she and Max were playing ball - it was so funny as they were both 'working' they barely stopped to say hello. Her focus is amazing - and around her Max lifted his game something chronic. It was really interesting to watch.

I'm sorry no photos of Max. I want to get some action shots, but feel kind of awkward whipping the camera out at the park. Might have to do it in the morning at the other park. The creek we went to did turn out to be floodwaters and by Saturday had disappeared.... We simply must find Max a swimming place!

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:dancingelephant: Hee at Elbie :happydance2:

No room at my house for a tree this year :happydance2: Doesn't really matter since I'll be at my brother's (Ruby's breeder. Heh.) place for Christmas anyway with my nieces and nephews and our extended family.

The kids in my class begged me to put the Xmas tree up in our classroom today, so we did. Bless them, they were so excited :happydance2:

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:shrug: Hee at Elbie :) No room at my house for a tree this year :( Doesn't really matter since I'll be at my brother's (Ruby's breeder. Heh.) place for Christmas anyway with my nieces and nephews and our extended family. The kids in my class begged me to put the Xmas tree up in our classroom today, so we did. Bless them, they were so excited :)

Sorry you won't have a tree ... I hope you have a great time at your 'breeders' :) You could also pay us a visit :D

I haven't had a tree since about 1997 when I moved out of home :eek: I always flew home for Christmas so there was no point in having a tree for an empty house. Then the last two Christmases there was no point because OH was flying to Canada. This will be our first Christmas together since 1996 and our first Christmas together in the new house and given he's staying back for such sad reasons, we thought we'd go nuts and have a Big Real Tree. :rofl: I was looking at Ruby's photo again - I love the way doggy muzzles kind of 'crinkle up' when they're holding things in their mouths. There's something about those crinkles that I find so endearing. :eek:

wuffles: Our two don't tend to pee against things so we should be fine. :laugh: When we decorate the tree though, we'll have to put the doggies behind the baby gate otherwise I can foresee Tinsel Poo. :laugh:

KTB eat your heart out. Today at the park we met a real live working kelpie - who was just 'in town' for a day or two. She's so beautiful - you should see her ears. They're so big! And as both she and Max were playing ball - it was so funny as they were both 'working' they barely stopped to say hello. Her focus is amazing - and around her Max lifted his game something chronic. It was really interesting to watch.

Ah ... I wish I could have met her. We see so few Kelpies and I've only seen one other red and tan in Canberra ... Kelpie Ears are adorable ... so alert. There's a photo of a Very intense-looking red and tan in the Kelpie thread which I find pretty amazing - her gaze could stare right through you. Our two are very cuddly and playful though and really not like what you'd expect a Kelpie to be ... although they do have the intelligence that they're supposed to have.

I've been making progress with Elbie's loose-leash walking. He's been pulling less - walking at the end of his leash but I've still had problems with his focus so the last few days, I've been making him sit in the driveway and we don't go anywhere until he looks at me. Even then, it's just me walking backwards and having him walk towards me. OH worries that I'm going to get hit by a car. :love: So I do a lot of running backwards and if he tries to charge past me, I block him with my body. This keeps his attention. Then once he's 'attentive', I start walking along the road with him and if he starts to pull, I change direction and say 'this way'. After a bit, he's paying attention and changing directions with me.

All of this is just in front of our house and the two houses on either side of us. Then I'll quicken the pace and say: "run run! faster faster!" and then suddenly slow down: "slow slow!" then I'll speed up again. I have no lungs so I find this tiring. :o It definitely keeps Elbie's attention, though and so he's constantly looking back at me to see what I'm going to do - change direction/speed up/slow down. Tonight I did it with his dinner and we were just trotting back and forth in front of the house. To my embarrassment the neighbour from across the road came out and asked: "How's training going?" I have no idea how long he was out the front staring at us as I ran back and forth with Elbie exclaiming: "run run! faster faster! Slow slow! good boy!" :o

ETA: Hoover lost his first puppy tooth today :cry: I have to admit I love his little snapping turtle muppet mouth with its ineffectual baby teeth. Also - he's booked in to be desexed on Friday. We'll drop him off in the morning and pick him up in the evening. I have Guilt. I might have to get OH to drop him off alone because I'll feel bad doing it.

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wuffles: I think she is really cute :laugh:, but at the same time, her mother and grown sister are just so so stunning, confident and self possessed dogs that I just can't wait for her to grow up :laugh:

KTB: Well, you can't blame him for being cautious! It could very well have been a Great Green Dog Eating Monster :shrug:. And thanks, I will look into that program. I spent a fair bit of time squooshing the puppies, and their mum :love:

Funny about your neighbour, I guess you are keeping them entertained :eek: . None of my neighbours know we are getting a dog, they all have SWF's now so I don't know how well my Doberdog will go down. People make some big and incorrect assumptions about the breed!

lilli_star: Sounds like you will have a lovely Christmas! :o

I am doing much better now, thanks! Just need to have some surgery, but it has to wait until I have some more time!

wuffles: Isn't that what trees are for? :rofl:

Only three sleeps to go! :cry::eek:

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