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Meeks, Feb 2009 - May 2010.

You have been gone for 3 long days and I am feeling lost without you. I long to wrap my arms around you once more and bury my face into your neck. My big snuggle bear. I long for you to be there last thing at night to give me kisses, and first thing in the morning for the same sloppy kisses.

You came into my life as a confident little man, confident that you were a part of this family that it. As you grew you enjoyed learning new things and wrestling with the cats. They hated it and we would tell you to be gentle but you were being gentle. The only problem with that was that your gentle was uncoordinated big paws coming down on them to pin them down. You came to me as a staffy mix, but soon told us you were in fact a big dog!

You developed some health problems early on but that didnt stop you from being a clumsy goofball. Trying to teach you how to swim was a classic - when you discovered that you couldnt walk on water you jumped on the other dogs backs instead. Innovative!!! You never learnt how to swim properly.

Lying on the couch for a nap on the weekends you would come over and lie your head near mine. Im going to miss that. Your cheeky face after being caught with anything that wasnt nailed down. You would bring your toys over for me to throw and you would try your hardest to fetch them, but your legs wouldnt let you. Still didnt stop you from trying though. Just being there with me, thats what you were best at. You and me. I wake up in the morning still expecting to see your happy face, but am fast learning that I wont anymore. Thats killing me at the moment. Im sure as time passes I will think of more good memories, but the one playing in my head is of that drive to the vets. You sat looking at me the whole way. I just want you to know my heart was breaking.

Some say you were lucky to have found a mummy in me, with your health and behaviour issues no one else would of persevered. I say that I was the lucky one to have you in my life. You could only stay for a year, which wasnt enough for me. It was enough for you though. I couldnt bear to see you in pain, and what that pain was doing to your mental health. Thats not fair on you my bubs.

I will miss you for every day I am here without you. Your spot in my heart will always be there for you and you only. You were a special little man, my little man. I love you my pupnstuff. xxx Too young for the bridge.





Edited by MissyPriss
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