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Best Food

Marley'z Mum

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ok its gunna seem like I am posting alot.... But as I am new to this site I am in need of some good idea's for alot of things :thumbsup: ... what do ppl think is the best food for puppy's .... I am feeding pal puppy at the moment but seems to be upsetting his stomach a lil.... and he doesn't seem to like any of the puppy biscuits, he is very young 7/8weeks old long story short he was kinda rescue'd from a not so nice environment, more information posted in the new member section thingo.... so I have put down the not likeing the biscuits to him being young???

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Hello again.. I seem to be following you around the forum. :thumbsup:

Um, ok, for a pup, or any dog, I would not go with the Pal puppy. As your dog is also very young, a lot of things can often cause upset tum's, especially when introducing new foods. It is best to do so gradually. Do you know what he was being fed before he came to you?

Some people moisten dry food for 1/2 hour before giving to puppies. It may make it a bit more manageable at the moment. Other people feed raw diets, which suits some, but not all. If you were to do this, your best bet is to look into the dietary requirement with lots of research.

Opinions on the 'best' dog foods out there are very varied. I feed Eukanuba dry, with Tucker time. I feed twice daily, morning and evening. Some people feed once, and others feed 3 times daily. For a pup as young as yours, he will still need 3 feeds or 4 per day.

A lot of puppies get tummy upsets when moved to a new environment as well. It can be a stressful experience, even if you think he is perfectly calm and happy, it is still a big deal to him.

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lol @ following me around the forum... I am gratefull u are hehe... I have no idea what he was being fed before I didnt really think to ask to be honest, when i went to see them they were just eating and what ever it was they were feeding him was stuck to the roof of his mouth almost looked like wet bread or something like it,.... they didnt really seem like the ppl that would have put much thought into it as they were selling the puppies from 6weeks, I had every intention of going to look at the puppies and asking if they would keep one untill it was 8weeks for me, but when I got there, they werent the type of ppl that looked like they could be trusted with a deposit and they were going to get rid of the puppies anyway..... I got him last wednesday and they told me he was 7weeks, when the vet saw him he said if he had had to guess he would have said he was 6weeks so he is either 7weeks or 8weeks old today?????

anyway I was thinking of trying to tucker time, I used it with a dog I had a few years ago, so looks like I will be getting that tomorrow..... do u recommend changing gradually from the pal puppy to the tucker time even though he has a upsett tummy already?

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ok its gunna seem like I am posting alot.... But as I am new to this site I am in need of some good idea's for alot of things :laugh: ... what do ppl think is the best food for puppy's .... I am feeding pal puppy at the moment but seems to be upsetting his stomach a lil.... and he doesn't seem to like any of the puppy biscuits, he is very young 7/8weeks old long story short he was kinda rescue'd from a not so nice environment, more information posted in the new member section thingo.... so I have put down the not likeing the biscuits to him being young???

Hi there. We got our puppy when he was just on 8 weeks. At first we made the mistake of feeding him Pedigree - this resulted in a LOT of runny dog poop. We could not believe how much poop that little creature was producing :thumbsup: Then our vet's nurse told us that dog food like Pedigree is basically just wheat and crap with very little nutrition so he suggested Hill's Science Diet for puppies. After Elbie got started on that, things got a lot better and his tummy seemed to settle down - his poos were certainly a lot more solid and easy to clean up :thumbsup:

That being said, I'll let you know the issues that we've faced.

- we will never give Elbie pigs ears again, first of all they are high in fat and they made him fart horrendously ;)

- now and then for no apparent reason, Elbie still gets runny poo and bad gas ... it could be excitement or stress or it could be the fact that at puppy class he's getting 'strange' treats from the other people

- when he gets the runny poos, we settle his tummy by giving him some rice and cooked chicken

- Elbie LOVES peanut butter and we put it in his kongs (frozen). We don't give him too much because it's probably not good for puppies to get too much - it also makes him farty. Don't ask me why our little puppy has so much gas :laugh:

- for treats, Elbie also loves cheese and apples - but we only give him a little bit each time

Hope that helps!

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Honestly I completely avoid any dog roll, can or sachet. All my dogs get raw meat on the bone no matter what the age - so your pup would do fine on lamb neck, chicken neck, chicken wing etc.

Save the money from the rolls etc and just get one good dry food like Eagle Pack, Royal Canin, or at a pinch Advance make a puppy rehydratable formula. Believe me at his age he should have no probs with puppy kibble though :thumbsup: they're fantastic chewers

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very helpfull thankyou.... I was worried about giving him lil treats incase it made his stomach worse.... I have to admit I gave him some chicken over the weekend and his poo got a lil firmer..... will be getting something different than pal puppy definately tomorrow thanks sooooo much!!

Nekhbet... he is a great chewer, but he just isn't interested in the biscuits

Edited by Marley'z Mum
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Eagle Pack have great puppy foods and all their kibble is designed different for differeing diets.

include lamb, fish, duck, chicken, and fruit and vegetables like cranberries, blueberries, yucca, carrots, and kelp to promote good health.

email Lexie and she would be glad to send you some samples ( tell her your from WA and know the Xolos! lol)

Eagle Pack Pet Food Pty Ltd

Phone: 1300 8 EAGLE

(1300 8 32453)

[email protected]

Eagle Pack takes pride in its product and is always ready to assist the clients and customers who see the excellent results which benefits both pet and owner.

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he will be interested if he realises they're his only source of food. He's obviously used to sloppy refined foods with taste promoters like fat and sugar so there will be a period of adjustment. A little hunger never killed anyone :lol:

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A healthy dog will not srtave itself. He will needs meals at least 3 times a day. Put the food down for him but only leave it for 15 minutes. If he doesn't eat it take it away. When he is hungry enough he will eat it. He will eat after a day or 2. It sounds mean, but in the long run it will be so much better for you and for him.

I use dried chicken and dried liver treats for my puppy for toilet training and recall. I take a portion of her dry food and use that for rewards when she is doing the right thing and general obedience like sit, drop stay and teahcing tricks etc. Sometimes, I will take the whole meal and use that as treats depending on how much training is happening.

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Feed your puppy premium food like Eukanuba, Eagle Pack, Science Diet etc. I changed my puppy dry food from Coprice to Eukanuba and I am very happy as he has lesser poo and his coat looks shinier. You also doesn't need to provide your puppy with supplements if you are feeding premium food. Maybe 3 times a week, give him chicken wings or chicken necks to let him chew and clean his teeth.

Maybe your puppy doesn't like the taste of the dry kibble you are giving him? For example, my puppy loves chicken so he loves Eukanuba because one of the main ingredient is chicken. :thanks:

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I have heard a lot of good reports about these holistic feeds. I must go and find a pack and read the ingredients.

Pal, Chum and all those kind of supermarket foods are just slop slapped into a can. 80% water and 20% crap. What goes in......must come out.

Feed sloppy food and you will have sloppy poos and an upset tummy :)

I think most of the feeding comes down to trial and error as each dog is individual, but be a bit smart about it, read ingredients and use common sense. feeding doesn't have to be confusing.

A 'generally' balanced diet will give you a healthy puppy so long as your puppy does not have any special needs.

I agree on the pigs ears and similar treats. They are just that "TREATS" and there is a reason they produce wicked gas.

When I ask clients what they feed their dogs the initial answer usually is "just dry buscuits" and then you quiz them more about treats and things and they generally come out with "Oh yeah"...." and he has a pigs ear in the car, and a small meat roll for lunch and a bone after dinner"..."oh and I always share my salami sandwich" (these are owners of dogs with Pancreatitis of Gastro Intestinal upsets)

What...these items aren't food???

If asked about pigs ears etc, I equate them to chocolate. Feeding your dog one pigs ear is like you sitting on the couch and eating a family block of chocolate (in calories)

Pigs ears and similar are really high in protein and any dogs prone to Pancreatitis should stay away from theses things.

If owners are still confused and eat a lot of junk themselves I ask them if they would feed their children chocolate for breakfast and fried fatballs for lunch.

They tend to get the gist of it by the end of the conversation.

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