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Home Photo Shoot

Dust Angel

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Oh wow, look at Flute all grown up. I remember taking a pic of her as a puppy over a year ago - remember when Rugerfly and I popped along to the show? What beautiful GSHPs you have.

Thanks Ripley - that was a great day and she has certainly grown up a lot since then :(

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great shots, just a couple of bits of cc- with the backdrop, make sure you get all the crease out before taking the shots (saves heaps of time later cloning wrinkles) - if you have it pinned tight, and the subject a bit further away from it, these should be better. The bottom shots look a bit cool (the white bits on the coat are nearly blueish instead of a nice white, but a warming up in photoshop should fix this up. Love the eye contact, and great catchlights, and beautiful subjects

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Thanks guys and thanks Linda K - CC always welcome. It was very impromptu we set up on top of a crate with a couple of white blankets, the light all together wasnt the best and was frustrating me at the time :mad . I will have a play with them and see how they come up.

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