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Introducing Yurrugar Green Withnv My New Boy


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Envy looks a character! Now I have another breed I want! :laugh:

I love sleek little dogs. I have a x kelpie rescue who is mini/40cm but he is fairly laid back. What size class would you expect Envy to jump eventually?. I went from your clip to one of a young girl doing agility with a ETT and he looked good.

Also saw a lady with another Yurrugar dog. What helped you make your decision to choose from this breeder? Sorry, is that OK to ask? Does a breeder have a pretty good idea then of if a puppy shows the nature or promise of being good at agility?

But I also think Nossi seems a lovely dog. Lovely to see them playing together. Envy seems extra confident, tugging at toys while Nossi has them and bolting off with one.

Have fun with your puppy.

Thanks, he is gorgeous!! I love terriers and mixes, pepe is a staffy x and no idea what nossi is but I think greyhound or whippet x something.

I expect Envy to jump the 300 height, based on the size of his parents. This is the same height pepe jumps, if you wanna see videos of him just type in pepperoni staffy into youtube and there's heaps of us competing, he is my masters dog.

I met some dogs from this breeder at canberra royal and loved them and when I got into contact with her I thought paige was great, very genuine and interested in me and the future I would be offering for her pup. I'm not sure about all breeders but paige was amazing, she knew which pup was for me weeks before I even came to visit. I still saw the whole litter but I picked the same pup she did. He was just the most confident and outgoing and people focussed and driven, which can all translate to being good for agility.

Nossi is amazing with him, very gentle and playful! He actually knows envy is a pup I think (unlike pepe :laugh:) and lets him get away with a lot. He is definitely the "good cop". lol

Oh was that you on Sat with the ETT? What a cutie and plenty of spunk!

Yeah it was, I didn't know you were there!!!! I am assuming you're referring to the manly trial? Are you going to ADC or deerbush this weekend? Come and say hi if you are! Although I might be a bit busy at the ADC one as it is my club and im on the committee so need to help out lots.

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Yes she turns one this weekend but it seems like she was a puppy so long ago!

Hahahah he certainly sounds clever!

awww just keep looking at the puppy pics and ill be sure to share more so you can experience it vicariously through me :thumbsup:

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Yes she turns one this weekend but it seems like she was a puppy so long ago!

Hahahah he certainly sounds clever!

awww just keep looking at the puppy pics and ill be sure to share more so you can experience it vicariously through me :laugh:

I'll keep looking at them if you post more :laugh: (subtle hint) :rofl:

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hehe ok i can take a hint, here are some photos of him from my holiday at wollondilly river station last week, it was envy's first holiday, he loved it!!!






taking turns playing chase and then sharing :thumbsup:


the river was much too cold!!!






too tired to hold his ears up :D but very regal looking


all home and exhausted!!

hope that was enough for your fix amypie :o

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Love the last shot of them sleeping together :o . He looks like he has a lot of spunk, is he top dog yet :thumbsup: .

he is definitely top dog over nossi but not pepe, pepe doesn't tolerate him and puts him in his place which is probably a good thing :D teaaches him some manners lol, but he definitely knows i'm boss because as soon as I say "ahh" (like if he tries to steal food from one of the other dogs bowls) he stops doing what he was doing and looks at me lol, he listens well and never tries to run through doors before me etc. but I will have to make sure I keep him in his place carefully because he does have a lot of spunk :D

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Argh I missed those photos and they were posted 6 days ago! :laugh:

How cute :cry:

I love how the ears get floppy depending on tiredness levels, adorable :cheer: Looks like he enjoyed his holiday!

Love the green collar, very appropriate :)

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Love that dog! Can I have him if you decide three is too many? :rofl:

some more photos from our ruthless shoot :thumbsup:

PS It wasn't a shoot :laugh: Just a few snaps I took at the trial. A proper shoot would have more variety :thumbsup:

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hahaha oops sorry ruth!! well I think the pics are great anyway!!

Hehe yeh anything looks giant next to him!! I will have to get one of those cuz's, he loved it! He only has a dino cuz at the moment and he struggles dragging it around lol.

He is coming along very well amypie, I have started some shaping work with him, there is a video of it here

but I think you have already seen it.

Other than that we just had our first beach holiday with envy so he had an awesome time running around the beach and eating the sand :rofl:

Unfortunately I forgot my camera as it was on the charger when I left :laugh:

oh well, my friend took some pics so hopefully I get them soon!

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Yep I watched it :thumbsup: Adorable, I love shaping, watching their little brains trying to figure out what to do! :laugh:

Sounds like he had a good holiday but I'm surprised he didn't freeze solid at the beach! Mmmm sand :rofl:

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Yep I watched it :thumbsup: Adorable, I love shaping, watching their little brains trying to figure out what to do! :laugh:

Sounds like he had a good holiday but I'm surprised he didn't freeze solid at the beach! Mmmm sand :rofl:

me too that is my favourite part of shaping, and that they end up offering all sorts of random behaviours whenever you hold a treat haha!

Luckily it was really sunny and pretty hot (we were up the coast at forster) and he was running so much he wouldn'y have felt the cold lol. we were there with my friends cattle dogs and they all ran around and played for ages! He did seem strangely interested in eating the sand haha, he would dig a hole and then stuff his nose in and eat it! crazy dog

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