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Puppy Ate Blanket?


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Hugo scared himself silly not long ago.....I happened to see him do a poo and as usual halfway through move to a different area to do the second half (why I don't know) but I could see something ....well.....hanging out :p and as he moved away it was still "attached" and he was running around the garden continuing to look back with an almost horrified look on his face at this "thing" that kept "following" him! :rofl: I had visions of having to save him from this terrible "monster" that was hanging from his bum :laugh: Thankfully after several attempts to dislodge the offending item it fell away and when I went to invesigate found several "deposits" strung together with a large piece of gladwrap! :rofl:

On a serious note though, I do hope the blanket piece passes without incident.

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Thanks everyone. We'll see what the night and the morning brings. Ruby did a small poo just before I put her to bed about 20 mins ago but I couldn't see anything unusual in it. That makes 3 since around 6:30 tonight.

My sister (vet) said that their Pug x is always eating weird stuff like cling wrap, and it all makes it out. But then her dogs eat weird things for dogs like mangoes and peaches! She said (like a few others have posted) that if it had been long and 'stringy' then it could be a problem, but as it was a chunk and not too big it should pass.

Hopefully tomorrow brings some sun too- it's sleeting outside and really windy- not to mention freezing! :laugh: ! put a towel in Ruby's crate to keep her warm (on top of her cushion bed thingy). Hopefully she won't try and nibble on it!

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My border collie Tilba has eaten numerous non food items in the 2 years I've had her. At about 6 mths old she ate a bread n butter plate sized hole in her flannelette bedding. Afterwards she ate copious amounts of grass, I never thought she'd stop. When she finally threw up I collected it & put it in an old strainer & washed the contents, then put the bits I found together like a jigsaw puzzle to make sure most of it had come up, which it had. Since then she's had times when she's eaten other things & I've spent more time putting them together.

The worst she's eaten that I've been worried about has been cooked chicken bones, including last night where she stole a couple of chicken wings from under the grill. :rofl: The time b4 she was reverse sneezing after eating the bones but the vet said she still should be ok, which she was, but I never cease to worry.

I'm sure Ruby will be ok.

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Guest belgian.blue

My Pointer pup ate some crazy stuff while he was a youngster and teething, it all came out one end or the other.

Plastic, blankets etc. I was worried most of the time but he always vomited and poohed it out.

Thank dog at 5 months old his chewing ways are over!

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Puppies can be notorious for eating heaps of things that they shouldn't, and I think Labradors are possibly one of the worst for this.

It is important, especially during the puppy-chew-everything stage that they not be left to have access to items that may be potentially dangerous if swallowed.

Also, for breeds like Labradors, giving them a few suitable chew toys (like Kongs etc) is probably also a good idea.

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Well after a positively awful day weather-wise (sleet, wind, snow, rain, max temp of about 4 if that), Ruby seems her normal self. She pooed before I left for work, and I think did another one or two during the day (hard to tell, but I'm pretty sure since I had cleaned up her yard yesterday), but no sign of blanket yet that I can tell. She ate all of her breakfast and most of her dinner tonight (she tends to eat dinner in two sittings), and after a play and some training is napping.

Ruby has lots of toys including a Kong, but as I've posted elsewhere, hasn't really shown a lot of interest in it as yet (I'll keep trying though! :rofl: ) I also give her cardboard boxes with treats inside to chew up while I'm at work and plastic bottles with biscuits inside etc.

Still a waiting game for now. Thank you for all the well wishes and good thoughts. It's much appreciated ;)

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Well after a positively awful day weather-wise (sleet, wind, snow, rain, max temp of about 4 if that), Ruby seems her normal self. She pooed before I left for work, and I think did another one or two during the day (hard to tell, but I'm pretty sure since I had cleaned up her yard yesterday), but no sign of blanket yet that I can tell. She ate all of her breakfast and most of her dinner tonight (she tends to eat dinner in two sittings), and after a play and some training is napping.

Ruby has lots of toys including a Kong, but as I've posted elsewhere, hasn't really shown a lot of interest in it as yet (I'll keep trying though! :laugh: ) I also give her cardboard boxes with treats inside to chew up while I'm at work and plastic bottles with biscuits inside etc.

Still a waiting game for now. Thank you for all the well wishes and good thoughts. It's much appreciated :heart:

:laugh: That's great!

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My sister (vet) said that their Pug x is always eating weird stuff like cling wrap, and it all makes it out. But then her dogs eat weird things for dogs like mangoes and peaches!

Nothing weird about dogs eating fruit. Most of mine over the years have loved fruit and mangoes are a special favourite.

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