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Maffra 27/28/29/08/2010

Bilbo Baggins

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Thanks Covejack!! He had the day off today, left him at home to relax :thumbsup: My 7 month old minor Gwen won her class of 3 and went on to Reserve Bitch & Runner up of Breed for the second day in a row!

Only the one Min Pin entered again today. Lovely weather, not too cold and windy like yesterday, just a nice temp most of the day.

Gayle, no smell were I was set up, can't say I've noticed a bad smell before and I've been doing these shows for years. There is heaps of room to set up gazebo's if you don't want to set up under cover.

Group 2

BIG - Dandie

RUBIG - Border

Baby - Parson Russell :rofl:

Minor - Cairn

Puppy - Cairn

Junior - Stafford

Inter - BIG

Aus Bred - Welsh

Open - RUBIG

BIS - Cav

RUBIS - Border Collie

Others in the lineup were


English Setter



French Bulldog

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It was a lovely weekend, although the temp was abit chilly.

Catering was excellent and reasonably priced for change. :):rofl:

They had kids going around afterwards selling the remaining bread & rolls quite cheap.

Some one was even going around handing out free pieces of Rocky Road.

We had a good weekend.

Ziggy won 2 Intermediates in group but only got into gen specs line up on Saturady as the RUBIS winner (Dany Dinmont) knocked us ouit.

Only complaint would be that the toilet block was struggling to cope by Saturday morning.

Thanks goes to BBJ fo handling & looking after Ziggy for me. :D :p ;) :p


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Group 2 Sunday

BIG - Dandie Dinmont

RUBIG - Skye

Baby - Stafford

Minor - Stafford

Puppy - JRT

Junior - Cairn (Missymoo - she picked up her class in group each day :) )

Inter - BIG

Aus Bred - Aussie Terrier

Open - BIG

My minor Gwen stepped it up one today, winning herself a 9 point CC, she showed her little head off today, so proud of her :rofl:

Totally agree about the catering! The pies were fantastic, I had one each day, and they were only $2! They did have extra toilets open over at the footy club rooms, they announced it Saturday morning.

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English Springer results please if anyone has then

Thanks in advance

Jarrah - BOB each day - Runner Up in Group on Saturday I think

Vin & Cheryl's minor puppy girl - BC on Friday & Saturday - Minor Puppy In Show on Friday

Sandicam intermediate BC today

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BBJ must have been busy, she took Isaak in for me this morning. We were all done and dusted by 9am and had left by 10.30. Stuff to do at home, and we wanted to stop at a garden place on the way. It was nice being so close to home.

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Did anyone else think that the dogs were judged very fast?

I am not complaining just curious, I am usually on around 2pm for the same number of dogs (150) at a metro show but on Friday was in for breed at 12, missed my call for the Saturday show :laugh:, and completely done (groups as well) by 12.30 today.

Wish more shows went as quick as these did, I enjoyed having the afternoons off to do things :thumbsup:

Edited by tollersowned
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