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Morning Tea For The Judge & Steward/s


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Guest CaptainCourageous
Does that not reflect on the integrity of the judge? Can I influence him just by sitting at the same table?

You ought to have given judge #1 a wide berth.

We're looking for both impartiality and the impression of impartiality.

You are more likely to have got yourself dumped from the BIS line-up by what you did.


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agreed. It's not that there WAS any influencing, but judges are also careful to avoid situations where it might APPEAR that there was some. It's not uncommon for exhibitors to see a judge exchange something like a 'g'day' outside the toilet block for example in passing, and someone to quickly spread a rumour that exhibitor A was telling Judge B how wonderful their dog was and how many things they've won with said dog. It's not true, but as we know, dog shows are rumour mills and anyone that doesn't know the truth, generally just makes something up that might have a bit of 'shock' effect!

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We have had to go without stewards because in country shows most stewards are also exhibitors. You have that conflict of interest where even if they steward in Ring 1 on Sat they are likely to be exhibiting under that same judge the next day - cant happen.

We usually supply water and cool drinks for our stewards and judges, a small morning tea and always a sit down midday meal.

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