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Vizla Vs Gsp


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We're thinking about adding another dog in the next year or so. It will be my mothers dog predominantly. I want her to have the chance to get the perfect dog from the very beginning that can be exactly what she wants.

So a bit about our lifestyle.

We have 3 dogs here now. My sister has a 5 year old Mini Foxy/Kelpie mix, I have an 8 year old Cattledog/Kelpie mix and a 6 month old Border Collie (thats part of the reason we are waiting, we want her to be more mature and have more time for a new puppy) Busters the only male, he's desexed and the new dog would be female.

We're active, we have 10 acres with a 1acre dog fenced houseyard.

Mum wants something moderate - high energy, very trainable, not likely to have aggression issue with humans or dogs, doesn't have to be protective. Has to be able to be let offleash (although only in safe areas and with training) possibly a jogging partner, something she can take down in the paddocks with her when she goes down with the horses.

After listening to me talking about dog training and sports for years and now coming along with me to Quinn's training classes she'd like to probably try her hand at some sports, she's interested in agility mainly. She has had dogs all her life and she's really open to learning about positive training methods, she said watching me over the last year or so has made her really start to relise there is a less harsh way to training and now that I have been raising a puppy in a much gentler way and she's turning out wonderfully she's completely convinced and has started to clicker train the horses. lol. She's almost as dog mad as I am.

She's always loved both Vizla's and GSP's and atm she's leaning towards Vizla's. She just loves the look of them and I think a gundog would probably be a good match for her. But I havn't met many in real life so I thought I'd ask here for people that actually own/know them. I know FHRP has both breeds, how different are they to live with? What is their prey drive like? How does being a gundog effect it? How much do they just want to learn or do you have to give them a really good reason?

I did find a couple of Vizla breeders in our area and thought maybe I'd ask if we could meet their dogs and probably go to some shows and ask as many people as we can but theres no rush.

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From what I've read, Vizlas are the velcro dog, where as GSPs are not quite so smoochie.

Pepper's a lovely, high energy, fun GSP with a major enthusiasm for life. I suspect both GSPs and Vizlas are similar in that respect. I'm sure FHRP can give you a much better description of the differences, but I think you're choosing between two stunning breeds and whatever you end up with, you and your Mum will be very happy. :eek:

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It sounds like both breeds could suit what you want, but it depends on the bloodlines etc as to what traits are more dominant :eek: Best thing to do is to meet as many of each of the breeds as possible and then you can determine what you like best, and if particular bloodlines are more suitable. We've found the good breeders very apt at telling you what the characteristics of each individual in a litter are like :p which is very helpful!

I've not owned a Vizsla before, but I've had 2 GSP's over the years. Mine had/have always been great around the horses, and have done many many kms running with me as well. I've had a female and a male, and have found the male to be a little more smoochy, but they were/are very sweet and love cuddles. Whilst they are active, they are happy outside with me, or laying down next to me inside if I'm working. Mine have always had lots of interactions with all breeds of dogs, either at shows or offlead parks, or on the property when friends bring their dogs here. I'd never like to be without a GSP, but after my interactions with loads of other breeds I wouldn't hesitate to have a Vizsla, Weimaraner, or E Pointer as well, I like their energy, enthusiasm and their general temperament :)

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Thanks guys, does anyone have them with cats? We've got a 12 year old Siamese who is king of the world (he's currently outside asleep in one of the dog beds) he is an amazing cat to have living with dogs and I think as we are getting a puppy we should be okay.

When we bought the cat home Buster wanted to kill him, I've never seen him like that with an animal. It took a few months and Elliot slowly introduced himself and now they are bombproof together, Buster can't even look him in thee eye. Elliot is now teaching the BC pup her manners, he is unbelivable with dogs, he never runs or puts himself in a compromising position, he doesn't overeact but he will occasionally chase them and bite their legs gently just to remind them to sleep with one eye open. What are other peoples experiences??

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Both breeds if brought up with a cat should get along fine with them. My boys were fine with my parents cat unless he decided to run, then they would chase. However, they did not live with the cat and didn't see it very often.

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Both breeds if brought up with a cat should get along fine with them. My boys were fine with my parents cat unless he decided to run, then they would chase. However, they did not live with the cat and didn't see it very often.

They never gave Haile (my cat) any grief. Mind you, he'd have been more inclined to clobber them than run. I recall FHRP and I stayed at the house of a fellow agility competitor who had three cats. FHRP's Rogan (Vizsla) had his eyes out on stalks as the cats sauntered in and out of the room he was in.

If she loved him at all, she'd buy him a kitty of his very own. :laugh:

Edited by poodlefan
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We have two cats. Pepper (GSP) is very interested in both of them, but in a playful way. We need to keep an eye on them for the protection of everyone (including Pepper!). One of the cats won't have a bar of Pepper. The other teases her. Both have run from her, and that's extremely exciting for Pepper... she hasn't hurt either of them when she's caught up to them (beyond barreling into them), but we still try to avoid the chase situations as much as possible.

I have heard of GSPs who have killed a neighbour's cat. But I think that if a pup is brought up with cat/s, especially a sensible cat who has lived with dogs before, you're not likely to have problems.

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My GSP's have been brought up with house cats and feral barn cats and have no problem with them. Teddy my current GSP is not keen on the random feral cats that turn up and will chase them up a tree, but if we welcome the cat into our 'family' he's fine with them.

Both my first GSP Pepper, and current one Teddy make wonderful scratching posts for the cats. Pixie likes to ride on Teddy's back too


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My two GSP boys live with a cat, the dogs love the cat but the cat wishes the ground would open up and swallow the dogs so he can go back to being the only animal in the house .

lol the boys are ok with each other until Talin runs them they will chase but never catch and they will all sleep together if the have to.

My boys are affectionate and a joy to be around they are fast learners and real sookie la las :laugh: I really like the Vis as well but the GSP has stolen my heart

Edited by FionaC
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Our Viz girl is fine with Mum's cat, and she was already getting on when he arrived. My young Viz is terrified of the cat, it's very funny.. BUT they don't live together and if the cat runs he will chase it.

They are very very smart dogs, but some, like mine can take a while to mature and for the brain to kick in.. OH likens it to popcorn taking a long time to pop :( Only now has he started to 'get' some stuff. Although that does vary from dog to dog, my boy's half sister was a really fast learner.

The only thing to remember, is Viz are velcro dogs. My boy will follow me to the toilet.. If OH is home, and I shut him in the kitchen/lounge so he can't get to the hallway while I have a shower, he'll stand by the door and wait for me to come back :laugh: If he is on the couch, he MUST have some part of his body touching mine.. preferably his head in my lap.. He just has to be right with me all the time. He used to have seperation issues, and would melt down when I left for work, but he seems to have grown out of that now.. It was just a phase he went through I think. I love these dogs, i think they are wonderful.. but I am not sure I'd get another, he's a LOT of hard work.

Just a tip, the breed is actually Vizsla, so if you do start enquiring, probably a good idea to get the spelling correct :(

Edited by Bundy's Mum
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Im a bit bias re GSP's. We have three, they are great with the cats and come down and do the chores with me, they do try and eat the horsefeed but i dont mind so much. Mine are all VERY smoochy and when i am pottering about the house i generally have a two dog escort (including supervised toilet visits if they can get in), but they will go and lie somewhere else if told to.

I dont think i could ever not have a GSP now for the rest of my life. :laugh:

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Our Viz girl is fine with Mum's cat, and she was already getting on when he arrived. My young Viz is terrified of the cat, it's very funny.. BUT they don't live together and if the cat runs he will chase it.

They are very very smart dogs, but some, like mine can take a while to mature and for the brain to kick in.. OH likens it to popcorn taking a long time to pop :eek: Only now has he started to 'get' some stuff. Although that does vary from dog to dog, my boy's half sister was a really fast learner.

The only thing to remember, is Viz are velcro dogs. My boy will follow me to the toilet.. If OH is home, and I shut him in the kitchen/lounge so he can't get to the hallway while I have a shower, he'll stand by the door and wait for me to come back :thumbsup: If he is on the couch, he MUST have some part of his body touching mine.. preferably his head in my lap.. He just has to be right with me all the time. He used to have seperation issues, and would melt down when I left for work, but he seems to have grown out of that now.. It was just a phase he went through I think. I love these dogs, i think they are wonderful.. but I am not sure I'd get another, he's a LOT of hard work.

Just a tip, the breed is actually Vizsla, so if you do start enquiring, probably a good idea to get the spelling correct :)

Whoops, thanks . :D Spelling breed names wrong is ahuge pet peeve of mine so I'll keep that in mind.

I think Mum is sold.

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