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Great Toy Recommendations :)


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One toy both boys also like is a simple piece of rope with soft drink bottles threaded along it. They play tug, drag and chew this toy all the time.

That seems like a great idea - my dog loves soft drink bottles etc. and also loves to drag things - something I think he would love! Thank you will have to put one together. :)

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Best toy in the world stand by it to the very end simple cheap and effective good for dogs with high prey drives....


When I haven't got time to exercise the boys just spin that around for half an hour and they get their fill.

Easy to make cheap and replaceable. I use the handle of an old broom stick a bit of rope from the tool box and the squeaky fluffy toys you can buy for two dollars. If they chew it up who cares throw it away and replace it. I know people who use socks, rags even real animal fur. Whatever your pooch likes to chase!

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I got some new toys yesterday - they are Kyjen ones, the Invincible (unpoppable sqeaky snake), and the real animal squeaker mat - and they are AWESOME!

My SBT Ruby just loves them, she has barely stopped playing with them. A big thumbs up from me :D

What are your dogs favourite toys? HOw do they rate entertainment and durability wise?

Are they really Staffy Proof? Is Ruby a big on chewing things?

The only toys I have found my two cant destroy are Huck and Hurley, but they are a bit boring and they would love the toys you bought for girl.

My Staffies make it their job to destroy a toy in the quickest time possible.

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The only toy here that hasn't been destroyed and I've had for a few years now was one I picked up from Myer.

It is one of those smack and yak kids toys that when you bump them they make a sound.

It has survived being left in the rain, being chewed, thrown across the yard and put through the washing machine... it still screams and yells when the dogs throw it around.

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Issy's favourite is her Hide-a-Squirrel with or without treats. She has had a ball with this and never seems to tire of it. It is getting a bit loved now so I will be on the lookout for a replacement,sadly she is not keen on squeakers so it cuts down the options a fair bit.



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It is one of those smack and yak kids toys that when you bump them they make a sound.

Intriguing... I must investigate those.

Here are my recs for bombproof toys. Trialled and tested with a lab and a stubborn staffy mastiff cross:

Tuff cuz, good, bad and other guy. The softer animals ones like the fish didn't last long with the second dog around. The former are still going strong several months later, sans feet and squeaker.

Bob-a-lot. Great for stretching meals out for over 30 minutes, mental exhaustion is good in this household! This one has heaps of chew marks, but no cracks and still stays upright one year later. A definite keeper. I clean it with warm water and bicarb.

Aussie Dog Home Alone. Bought for Dog 2 who is obsessed with it and has to be monitored because his determination to pull it down from the tree can be heard across several streets. Pricey, but worth it as a toy for dogs who destroy everything.

Kong ball. Better than the rubber Chuck-its (lasted only one month, with monitored play sessions). Know that it will last for years, given its material.

I'm keen to try out the Kygen invisibles... my dogs go nuts for squeaky toys. Just worried about its durability because Dog 2 is a major chewer and capable of destroying anything.

Edited by Ms Genki
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my Latte, a 6 1/2 month old coolie loves running around the house and yard squeaking this


she plays with it for hours each day, lucky for her that the other dogs aren't interested in it especially her older brother Onslow the toy ripper. she has also just discovered that it's great fun dropping it in front of Mum's feet so she will throw it to you and you go chase it as it bounces here and there, just hasn't worked out to bring it back directly to mum yet.

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my Latte, a 6 1/2 month old coolie loves running around the house and yard squeaking this


she plays with it for hours each day, lucky for her that the other dogs aren't interested in it especially her older brother Onslow the toy ripper. she has also just discovered that it's great fun dropping it in front of Mum's feet so she will throw it to you and you go chase it as it bounces here and there, just hasn't worked out to bring it back directly to mum yet.

My 9 month old Golden Retriever loves his octopus as well, he loves throwing it up in the air and making it bounce and then chasing it, he also loves standing beside the couch, resting his head on the arm rest of the couch and sqeaking the octopus as loud as he can in my ear until I throw it for him to chase. He also has a red hippopotamus made out of the same sort of material that he loves.

I have given up on soft toys for a while with him, he just destroys all of them within a day or two, and thats just having them inside for playing with when we are at home with him...

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