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Deodex Mange Advice Needed


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Hi All, I have a 13 week Tenterfield who has Demodex mange the vet has given her a shot of Dectomax but after researching around I was wondering if any one knew of any alternatives than another more injections every week for the next 12 weeks any advice would be appreciated, Thanks

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My pup has Demodex Mites/ mange and the vet gave her 6 weeks of injections and then did another test to make sure it was gone and then 3 months of Advocate treatment I haven't had anymore outbreaks of this since but it has only been 6 months since the last treatment.

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You could research natural ways of bolstering the immune system. It can be common in pups so once the initial symptoms have stopped and are getting better, start using Advocate as their monthly treatment

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My vet advises doing nothing as pups tend to grow out of it.

Yep you can do nothing and most pups will grow out of it. They are prone to outbreaks when their bodies are under stress, this usually happens around teething time and often as 7 or 8 month old teenagers.

1. do nothing and see what happens

2. switch to an all raw diet, cut preservatives, colourings, wheat etc out of the diet and use board certified aloe juice to boost the immune system

3. use a product such as advocate for three months

4. use demodex wash ( it's pretty nasty stuff )

5. injections as a last resort

All dogs have the mites and whilst using chemicals will get rid of them, they ( the chemcials ) do not treat the cause.

ETA: was it a localised outbreak around the eyes and head or all over the body ? My personal thoughts are many vets are too quick to inject dogs, for relatively minor localised demodex

Edited by ReadySetGo
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For a 13 week old puppy I would do nothing at this stage. Many young puppies have an outbreak at this age and their own immune system steps up and fights it without drugs. If I really had to use something it would only be Revolution or Advocate.

Where is the Demodex, is it only a little on the face or perhaps above the eyes?

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The hair loss is no big deal and it will grow back. Many pups get worse before they get better.

The hair loss really only becomes a problem, if the dogs scratch and break the skin. I've had one dog almost bald and it came good, without the need to resort to injections. They might be the quick fix but they do not remove the underlying cause.

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