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Do We Worry Too Much

mini girl

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Shoes off at the door, hands washed, sit on the lounge and observe - I myself may pick up a pup or two but no I don't let them at 4 week be handled by anyone but my husband and close family - maybe I am a bit too soft but when you get a special request - hate to say no - others not coming till 6 weeks - and yes I am convinced to not take my girl out of the house to the groomer - even though the groomer is a friend and I know the way she operates under very hygenic conditions will just wait a while - this thread has gone from me being overly concerned about my girl to me seemingly not concerned enough for my girl and her pups welfare - just to set the record straight I am a very dedicated breeder and thankfully have never lost a pup or even had one sick due to any kind of infection - I do appreciate your concerns and must not take it too personally - after all you do not know me or I you - but thank you for all the responses - I do appreciate it and will continue to do my very best in all areas of breeeding and caring for my wonderful dogs.

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:) No offence meant at all.. just that I wasn't aware you had good measures in place ....

Your beautiful girl and all those gorgeous little babies will charm everyone, I'm sure!

Thanks pesephone - I will do my best - guess I have this silly notion in my mind that poodles are ment to look good - but suprisingly enough a lot of my pets out there can look somewhat scruffy in photos I receive back but are still well cared for and so loved - and it doesn't worry me a bit - I guess in a lot of areas people are not as judgemental as you think - anyway its my own doing - I did fall in love with poodles and of all breeds they must be one of the most high maintenance unless you get them shaved off - why didn't I fall for one of the short haired breeds - but it would be a funny old world if every dog looked the same - love them all but you do have to select one or maybe two breeds to be your dog/s. Now I'm babbling - but I have leaned quite a bit tongiht you know and again thanks - rest assured I would guard my girl and her babies with my life.

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I can understand you wanting mum to look nice :) I do my own & start bathing & clipping babies at 5 weeks old. I would not be impressed visiting pups if mum looked all daggy.

For the first few weeks that's fine, you don't want to be messing too much & mum needs to smell like mum for the pups but by week 3 I expect my mums to not mind being taken away from babies for a bath & a daily brush & check of teats, rear end & ears.

Agree not to send her out but would try & get the groomer in to your home. Poodles do get messy really quickly & woolly & not trimmed is not cute, its just looks uncared for.

With some sense visitors are fine when you feel comfortable. Everyone has different ideas on this.

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I've only seen eclampsia (sp? = milk fever) in a goat and it's really awful. It's fine to worry and better to be safe than sorry. I expect that experience will show you that you can cross that particular malady off your list of concerns if you feed a calcium rich diet regularly, and particularly in the months before conception.

I don't understand panting in nursing bitches, but have had several who do it. . . .with no ill consequences.

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I don't understand panting in nursing bitches, but have had several who do it.

Ones I've seen it's just that they are hot- most whelping boxes are made to protect/keep warm the precious puppies ..who cannot thermoregulate and who need to be nice & warm .

Mum however , snuggled up with them, can get a bit uncomfortably warm :(

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I can understand you wanting mum to look nice :) I do my own & start bathing & clipping babies at 5 weeks old. I would not be impressed visiting pups if mum looked all daggy.

For the first few weeks that's fine, you don't want to be messing too much & mum needs to smell like mum for the pups but by week 3 I expect my mums to not mind being taken away from babies for a bath & a daily brush & check of teats, rear end & ears.

Agree not to send her out but would try & get the groomer in to your home. Poodles do get messy really quickly & woolly & not trimmed is not cute, its just looks uncared for.

With some sense visitors are fine when you feel comfortable. Everyone has different ideas on this.

Yes totally agree Christina - had this same discussion with my husband this morning - we will ask the groomer to come over - I am sure she won't mind I have a good set up with table and bathing area anyway and she does make my dogs look so nice - yes my girl is happy to have a break from the babies now - at presdent she is curled up at my feet and she is joining in with my other dogs around the house and back yard - she is doing a good job and the pups are plump and so contented. Its not just a cosmetic thing or any form of vanity over the look of the dgos - but as you say poodles can get so messy so quickly when their wool gets that bit too long and they can look as if they are a neglected animal - I don't want a show clip - just a nice neat and tidy and COOL (as in temperature) clip so she looks like a well cared for poodle should. If I ever fall out of love with poodles - which I very much doubt - I'll go for something like a bassenji - I hear just a wipe over with a damp cloth and they look fine!!!

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My groomer is coming to the house this afternoon - so we are all happy now - my darling girl will feel so much better with a shorter coat - its getting very hot here now through the day. Thanks all who did show concern guess I just didn't think - but you never know. My groomer is very gentle. Meanwhile the pups are having a bit of puppy milk and farex and loving it.

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When I read the heading "Do we worry too much?" My first response was "YES".

However..."Do we worry unnecessarily?" No. :)

:) I actually love poodly coats like what your girl has now ! Puppy clip or similar looks nice to me :) I hope your new babies will have happy and interesting homes soon .

Me too!

My sisters Poodle despite regular trips to a groomer in London never is trimmed beyond this.


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LizT that is absolutely gorgeous!! :) :)

Isn't he though. I need to go to London to visit him :laugh:

Pet clips can look stunning and just beautiful love them - sadly though after a poodle is 1 year old he can no longer be shown in these pretty pet or puppy clips - its a shame really.

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LizT that is absolutely gorgeous!! :) :)

Isn't he though. I need to go to London to visit him :laugh:

Pet clips can look stunning and just beautiful love them - sadly though after a poodle is 1 year old he can no longer be shown in these pretty pet or puppy clips - its a shame really.

I agree, it would be nice if it were more "optional". Although I for one think that the poodle exhibitors deserve accolades and a prize just for the effort they go to (as do many of the High maintenance breeds) I know it's Tradition but I would love to show a Poodle if it were able to stay in a Puppy type Clip.

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