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How To Teach Blind Pup To Go Down Stairs?


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My little blind pup is doing great but we have an issue with stairs. I completely understand her fear but I need her to move past it! During the day, she now hangs out with my dogs outside but she refuses to go down the deck steps, and as a result, is using the deck as a toilet. I have tried praising her as I help her down them, luring her with my voice and with treats, etc but she won't use them. She knows where they are and stands at the edge and barks! LOL! She uses the steps out the front with no issue, just doesn't like the back ones. I have been using 'step up' and 'step down' since she arrived and she seems to understand. I think she may have had a scare on them? Any ideas?

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Maybe change something on them .. like putting a piece of carpet down? That way the texture would be a different one ..and maybe not trigger off her fear? What are the front steps made of ? is it different ?

Will she follow you if she's on a leash? I'd practice going up them on leash ..so she can 'measure' them ..then try going down ...

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The front steps are a bit lower and there is one step to a landing, then another, if that makes sense. Whereas the back steps are three steps in a row. They are slightly bigger than the front steps. They are timber, front steps are concrete/pavers. She wears a harness and I have tried 'guiding' her down in the harness but she really fights it. Once she is on the last step, she jumps down no problems. Its the first two that rattle her. With other steps, she will lean down and reach for the next step, but she just doesn't like these ones! I will try putting something on them as you suggest. :)

ETA: Going up is no problem at all! She has the backyard all mapped out so once she is down the steps, she runs around and plays, then happily runs back up them when she is done. :)

Edited by Kirty
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Learning to go up stairs is easier than down! :) At a guess the timber steps are possibly slightly higher in the tread so she may have to reach further down to the step, altering her balance and perhaps she doesn't yet feel safe and therefore confident on them. The timber will also give her a different a tactile sensation, it's not as solid as concrete, vibrates more readily and may feel less safe, even though she uses the deck fine.

My own dog who is blind in one eye and her pupils are not centred either goes up stairs fine but will always stop and look before she goes down our staircase at home. It's like she's lining it all up and figuring out her trajectory!

As Pers said, changing the surface with carpet may give her a safe route to follow. You may also have to consider a ramp for her if she continues to feel uncomfortable using the stairs. Nothing worse than seeing your puppy flying off stairs!

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I like the changing the texture/surface idea.

Maybe make a ramp that she could use instead? And maybe you could try using the scenting method (put some sort of scent on the steps so that's she's fully aware of them)?

Or just lots of perseverance??!!!

Good on you for taking on a blind pup.

Is she ok with somewhat uneven ground?

You don't have that many steps.

How about changing steps to semi-ramps using some triangular blocks that produce a drop of a few cm . . . . then using smaller blocks . . . . then taking the blocks out altogether.

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Woo! We are making progress! She came down the stairs by herself twice tonight while I carried on at the bottom to encourage her. She was so proud of herself! I have a new idea to try as well to help her feel more confident. Unfortunately a ramp wouldn't really work due to the shape and location of the stairs, but hopefully my new plan will work!

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Woo! We are making progress! She came down the stairs by herself twice tonight while I carried on at the bottom to encourage her. She was so proud of herself! I have a new idea to try as well to help her feel more confident. Unfortunately a ramp wouldn't really work due to the shape and location of the stairs, but hopefully my new plan will work!

that's good news! :thumbsup: The more confidence she gains obviously the more comfortable she will be in using the stairs. Just make sure you're ready to steady her so she doesn't get a fright if she missteps and starts to fall. What's your plan?

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My plan is to put a big board along one side of the stairs. They are corner stairs and I have noticed that when she is on the deck, she hugs the rails. But there are no rails on the stairs. So I am hoping that if I put a board along the side, she can hug that as she goes down.

I really need to increase her motivation for going down them too. Because she can do it now, but why should she when its so much easier to poop and pee on the deck?!

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My plan is to put a big board along one side of the stairs. They are corner stairs and I have noticed that when she is on the deck, she hugs the rails. But there are no rails on the stairs. So I am hoping that if I put a board along the side, she can hug that as she goes down.

I really need to increase her motivation for going down them too. Because she can do it now, but why should she when its so much easier to poop and pee on the deck?!

The board sounds like a great idea. Have you tried using a repellant spray? I know it may mix up her scent trail but you might need to use it as a temporary measure until she gets the idea of where to poop and pee. Other than that try carrying her straight to the grass and after she's pooped (with lots of praise for doing the right thing in the right place) carry her back up to the decking and then do the step training.

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Well she has masteted the stairs now, up and down them like a pro with barely any encouragement. :) Still need to get her to stop toiletting on the deck though! I call her down to the grass every hour or so when I'm home, and she goes every time. I praise like mad and reward etc but she still toilets on the deck at other times. I have ordered a dog repellant so hopefully that will help!

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  • 3 weeks later...

There is a video of Stevie in general. :)

As for the toiletting, the deterrant spray didn't do much but with persistance she is now going on the grass 90% of the time. When she does go on the deck, I clean it thoroughly and spray more repellant. Hopefully she'll stop eventually!

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