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Seven Pups For Seven People


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I watched about half of it but it was all a bit bogan for me. Not sure why anyone would want to breed staffy crosses, you can go to any pound and pretty much take your pick. Wide range of colours, head sizes, leg lengths and ages regularly available.

Edited by Gayle.
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watched the whole thing, for those who didn't it ends with her giving away a few pups to friends she cajoled into taking them and taking back the particularly "bogan" guys pup 'boysie' (then given to yet another friend) cause the dudes mrs kicked him out and gave back the pup... the guys is all wah me and then "at least ill get my 25 pound back" haha yeh right. don't think this idiot of a lady will do it again.

i lolled at her stupidity re: the american guy asking about scores... i don't breed.. never plan to breed... don't personally know any breeders and yet i know about these things.

all i can do is give this woman a big fat FAIL

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I think I managed to get about half way through the first part when it was discussed a few months ago, but I also found it too 'bogan' to finish.

I got a little way into the 2nd half when she started talking about a puppy buyers enquiry who asked her about health testing of eyes, ran off some acronyms (letters) and asked about DNA testing and her reply was "I haven't got a clue what he's talking about!".

Really sad.....but these are the people who breed the majority of the dogs out there.

My sister lives in London and she says the pounds are overun with Staffys.

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I think I managed to get about half way through the first part when it was discussed a few months ago, but I also found it too 'bogan' to finish.

I got a little way into the 2nd half when she started talking about a puppy buyers enquiry who asked her about health testing of eyes, ran off some acronyms (letters) and asked about DNA testing and her reply was "I haven't got a clue what he's talking about!".

Really sad.....but these are the people who breed the majority of the dogs out there.

My sister lives in London and she says the pounds are overun with Staffys.

So sad..

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My sister lives in London and she says the pounds are overun with Staffys.

It's no different here. I check our local pound website every few days, just to see if I recognise any of the inmates and multiple Staffies feature on every page, every single time.

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My sister lives in London and she says the pounds are overun with Staffys.

It's no different here. I check our local pound website every few days, just to see if I recognise any of the inmates and multiple Staffies feature on every page, every single time.

Hmmm...I wonder if this will change with all the variations of "Staffys" out there due to BYB and with alot of them being "mixed", will numbers reduce due to Victorias' (and other states will probably follow) new Phobia driven dog laws??? Could there actually be an upside?

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