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People Who Blame Your Dogs, For Their Dogs Problems


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The amount of times I have had a small dog charge Roscoe (my 9 month old GSD puppy), barking snapping snarling away, only to have the owner say. "Oh, its because he's a German Shepherd"

When did this become an acceptable reason for bad behaviour? When did it become ok for your dog to act like a little beast, because another dog is a certain breed or gender?

Roscoe does not ever go after other dogs, he doesn't have any real interest in playing with dogs and hes not taken to off lead dog parks. Hes either walked on a short leash, or a tracking line if we aren't in a off leash area. So all the times this has happened, hes been leashed accordingly and reacted in the best way possible

Todays example: I went to the local oval/park this afternoon in the pouring rain. Its 2 huge ovals connected by a bush track, and there's also a fenced dog park nearby. Roscoe was on a leash as was Riddick, my Lab. I noticed 2 women and 5 dogs, (4 small, 1 Ridgeback) standing under the small undercover area that's next to the toilets. None of their dogs were on leash. To walk down the bush track you have to walk within about 20 metres of the undercover area, or loop all the way around the back through the kids playground.

So I made my way down the track, both dogs in nice heel positions and walking great :D. I get close, and all 5 dogs go off. Lady grabs her Ridgeback who throws himself forward barking, other women starts screeching for her little dogs, 2 had charged at Roscoe and tried to snap at his face. Roscoe was fantastic, turned his head and just ignored the little beasts. I shoved them away with my gumboot and got some nice little scratches were they tried biting down.

Neither women apologise. The one with the little dogs (still barking away, just on leashes now) says "They really hate German Shepherds!", and the women with the ridgeback chimes in with, "Yeah, and you should get your dog desexed, my dog hates entire males"

..........Really guys? Really!? That is your reaction, to your dogs charging a younger dog, who was quite literally doing nothing. Not even looking your direction. Its his fault, because he happens to be a certain breed, or is still entire. I just find it ridiculous, especially considering if Roscoe was to turn around and defend himself, who would be to blame? I doubt its going to be the small fluffy cross, its going to be the "big aggressive GSD!".

Am I the only one this happens to? People blaming your dogs for the actions of theirs. Its literally happened so many times now, I dont even bother to react. I just keep walking.

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Ignore them, there are plenty more where they came from. I'd bet they're just embarassed by their dogs behaviour and blaming yours is easier.

You should be proud your guys were so well behaved :)

ETA: Spelling!

Edited by Aussie3
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Urgh, that's utterly despicable!

Just because they can't handle their own dogs.

Hasn't happened to me yet, but it's why I'm yet to visit a off-leash park.

Don't want to be charged by any dog, Mikey wouldn't be the problem, I'd be the one to kick 'em off.


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Snook...sounds lIke our old place, the back neighbors had 3 little dogs that would go nuts everytime anyone went outside causing my dogs to fence chase and bark back (Rolly eye man).

Then one day the woman had the nerve to spray my dog with the hose when all he was barking back at was her yapping maniacs!! We had strong words haha

I can't wait to live out in the country lol

Edited by Aussie3
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Some people are just idiots, If I had a $ for every person who's dog has barrelled up to mine and then said something completely uncalled for or out of order I would be a rich lady!! Lot of excuses too, like oh My lab hates fluffy dogs, or My GSD has it in for Small fluffys, Or my Stafford always targets little fluffy dogs, or a really good one, its an off lead park my entire bulldog can do as he pleases. :eek: FFS people get your out of control dogs out of my dogs faces!! Gee that feels better. :)

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Yep. I love the people "Oh they hate big dogs", "its because your Dogs not desexed", "its because your dog is black", "its because your dog looked at mine first", "its because you have a dog on a public footpath when I'm walking MY dog", "its because your dog is a Dobermann", "its because your dog is blah blah blah" attitude.

Brutus has been attacked by so many dogs in his life I have lost count, Went for a walk on Sunday and 2 tiny dogs in the short walk where at him - we walked round a blind corner, a scruffy little terrier cross rips a kid (who wasn't watching his dog, who had his headphones on, and was trundling along expecting dog who was out of sight/control to follow) off his skateboard and nearly has Brutus by the neck before the kid regrabs the leash and scoops up the snarling ball of terror. We just kept walking, then a little bit up the road there is a woman struggling to control her mini foxie that was choking at the end of its (4 metre fully let out retractable lead) trying to bark and snarl at Brutus.

And the other day I had someone who let their dog harrass Brutus on a retractable lead ACCROSS A ROAD - yes they let their lead with the dog attached to it stretch out over the road!!!!! :eek:

NO, its because THEIR dog is poorly trained, poorly controlled and THEY are in denial about it. Pure and Simple.

ETA: Spelling.

Edited by Maxiewolf
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The OP's second scenario was simply pack mentality from those small dogs and the 2 girls are blatantly irresponsible and uneducated in canine behaviour and dog ownership. I would be mortified if my 2 showed that behaviour towards another canine member and be damned if I exhibited that responses for their actions which deeply reflect upon my training or lack of.

On another note it requires a first time experience, situation to occur where you observe a potential issue arising and correct the action to the best of your ability before it escalates. I immediately connect the leads to my furballs when I spot a person(s)/persons with dog approaching or in the vicinity. It's our responsibly to constrain them before they reach a level of disturbance and verging on menacing.

There must exist a mutual respect for each others personal space when out in public areas.

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Yep, reminds me of that 'he just wants to say hi article'. Nope, he's rude!

That said, I did apologise to someone today because my dog started barking at a woman's leashed dog. I apologised and said she's being a sh*t cause he's on lead - which is true! But .. still, not her problem. And my other dog had just been stung by a bee (I didn't know what it was until we got to the vet, but she was clearly injured) so I'd temporarily turned away from Maggie to tend to Mim. :o

I actually thought of this forum while I was scrabbling around with an injured dog in my arms, a bag full of poo and Maggie barking! And how I was exactly the kind of person at that point who would be the subject of someone's vent thread on here... :laugh:

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In a perfect world it would be reasonable if I could tazer snappy, growling, uncontrolled mongrel dogs and their owners every time they blame my german shepherd for their dogs aggression towards him. I can dream cant I? :angeldevil:

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I can't believe that people blame other dogs. :confused:

Once when I'd taken my guys to the off leash park, Kirah took off to go annoy an on lead dog sitting at its owners feet who was watching his son at footy practise. Kirah was bouncing all around this poor dog who was trying very hard to behave and not play. I had to pick Kirah up and apologised profusely to the poor man and as dog; I was so embarrassed! :o

Luckily he was nice about it and I'm well aware this was my problem as Kirah shouldn't've taken off like that. It actually really surprised me because that's the first time she's ever done it. Now if it was Zeus on the other hand… :doh:

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I have to admit my lot aren't perfect by any stretch, but I do consider their manners to be acceptable generally. I find with a lot of people I get talking to they just don't know dogs, they have a dog but have never taken it to an obedience class or socialised it in any way. So I can see why some dogs are the way they are.

Alkhe your post made me laugh!

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Yep get it all the time, My dogs don't like big balck dogs or entire dogs, Well too bad your mutt doesn't train it and keep it on a bloody lead.

Was training two pups on lead at the reserve had a car rock up and open door two dogs aggressively run towards said pups, yelled at the freaking idiotic owner to get his dogs or they were gonna cop a steel cap boot (that what i was wearing at the time) as we are trianing and don't want them around (it was an onlead area too) His response my dogs can say hi to whomever they want yeop and when one gets a boot or bitten maybe you'll see sense.

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I'm not in any way defending the people in the OP, but sometimes I will say something similar if I'm just taking a mental note of what a trigger for barking might be. Or sometimes I'm just stating a fact: Weez isn't a fan of being near entire dogs. If one comes near he will go about 30 metres away and walk past there. If someone asks me why my dog has moved that far away I will tell them. I'm not blaming their dog, or suggesting they should do anything about it, it's just how it is :shrug:

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I'm not in any way defending the people in the OP, but sometimes I will say something similar if I'm just taking a mental note of what a trigger for barking might be. Or sometimes I'm just stating a fact: Weez isn't a fan of being near entire dogs. If one comes near he will go about 30 metres away and walk past there. If someone asks me why my dog has moved that far away I will tell them. I'm not blaming their dog, or suggesting they should do anything about it, it's just how it is :shrug:

I can understand that, and I don't expect every dog to act perfectly. I do think there is a difference though, between saying "sorry, he reacted because of this reason" and doing your best to keep your dog under control. Instead of, "It's your fault my dog tried to bite yours, because he's entire. You should get him desexed." Especially when the entire dog in question is a puppy, on leash, behaving well.

Or letting a small dog charge a large dog, attempt to bite him on the face, then blame the owner "its your fault your dog is a GSD, and my dog doesn't like them".

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I once got a death glare from an old man pushing his wife through the park in a wheelchair with their off-leash tiny terrier which took a dislike to my on-leash, behaving herself and not doing anything dog. Somehow it was my fault that his little dog was snarling and snapping and charging my dog :( I have only seen them once, fortunately, as even if I was in the right it wouldn't be a good look to get involved in an actual altercation with an old man, an old lady in a wheelchair and a tiny dog and I couldn't see things going any other way if I bumped into them again but, say, coming around a blind corner. The little dog had perfectly serviceable teeth, and appeared to be ready to use them had we been any closer.

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